Poor student-to-be

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duckmoon, Dec 17, 12:28am
I don't keep it warm for 12 hours.but I do things like, head out of the house at 5pm, to pick up the kids from their after school activity. Ad return home at 5.30 pm, knowing that the rice has cooked itself and is still warm.

sarahb5, Dec 17, 2:22am
Even competitive amateurs eat a fairly high carb diet and need to refuel often - my son actually drinks Red Bull between races because he needs instant energy not slow burn to recover between races

knowsley, Dec 17, 2:49am
Exactly. even Buzzys beloved Mark Sisson when he was "second fastest man in America" was at the time pre-low carb.

elliehen, Dec 17, 2:51am
Second fastest at what!Making a quick buck!

knowsley, Dec 17, 3:32am
Exactly! Have you seen the outrageous prices for some of his supplements! I wonder how early men could ever afford those.

uli, Dec 17, 5:15am
See - I never said to "cut out carbs altogether" . it is a problem that I always get on here that I am quoted out of context.

If you would do what I did for a few months and write down what you eat (every bite!) and then go onto the puter in the evening and look up something like "carbcounter" or whatever and calculate then you would find that what I recommend will garner you about 50 to 100g of carbs a day. Which is not "no carbs" but enough to not even needing neoglucogenesis - which means the body making glucose out of protein.

And yes I would recommend a low carb diet also to high end "performers" - athletes and such . and interestingly enough a lot of trainers are already seeing the benefits of that and doing the same LOL :)

Here is one article that might interest you - I am sure google will find you hundreds more:

As per usual the "general public" will be lagging behind by about 50 years . The doctors most likely by about 100 years .

knowsley, Dec 17, 5:36am
There are plenty of studies done on high fat/low carb diets and performance under high intensity suffers.

seche-cheveux, Dec 17, 7:33am
I don't understand your meaning of 'body types'.

I am referring to individual's 'body needs'.

Eg, difference between man and woman, children, teenagers, elderlys, age, body weight, size, disability, health disorder, situation, etc

There are simply too many factors that could contribute to one' health and it can't be measured scientifically. Alot of the so called 'problem' that developed over the years, could be attributed to thethe person's physical health, mental health, and/or lifestyle. Eg. Diabetes is associated with obesity. Obesity could be caused by lack of exercise/excessive eating. Lack of exercise could be caused by a person's age and physical disability.

Healthy diet required healthy living (exercise, healthy thoughts). Nothing wrong with eating carbohydrates/sugar as long as it is in moderation. It's common sense that anything taken in excess is unhealthy/bad.

uli, Dec 17, 7:45am
Yes - everything IS wrong with eating sugar or refined carbs. Moderation is not going to do anything for you.

Go hard out on the exercises you can do. And eat only the carbs that come with the veges and try to avoid too much fruit (as otherwise you have to deal with fructose in addition to the carbs).

Personally I can only go "hard out" in the water - and man - do it do it :)

And why would you do anything "in moderation"!

knowsley, Dec 17, 8:38am
Can you provide any prove to your assertions! What is wrong with eating sugar or refined carbs in moderation! What is the problem with fructose in moderation!

knowsley, Dec 17, 8:47am
As to "why do anything in moderation" - it's because we can live a more rounded and happier life. With moderation, I can eat whatever I like, and not have to worry whether a caveman would have eaten it, or how many carbs it contains. I don't have to worry that it might not be 100% natural, or may be made ofgrains. It won't concern me that it may contain soy, or fructose, or sugar. I can do it because it tastes great, and I derive pleasure from eating it. And I can do it guilt free. If you want to live in the extreme, good for you. I prefer my life to have some enjoyment.