Who else is opting out

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elliehen, Dec 9, 3:30am
Here's a delicious recipe for Strawberry Icecream:


For 3–4 servings
2 cups frozen (diced) free-flow strawberries
½ cup icing sugar
about ½ cup chilled cream, milk or yoghurt

Chop berries into 5mm–1cm cubes. Fruit must be frozen hard, free-flow and in small pieces when used. Tip into food processor bowl. Work quickly to keep fruit very cold. Process with metal chopping blade until fruit is finely chopped (10–20 seconds). This is a noisy operation. Without delay, add the icing sugar and process briefly until mixed.

With machine running, add the chilled liquid of your choice through the feed-tube in a fine stream, until a smooth, frozen cream has formed. The amount needed varies from batch to batch. Stop as soon as the mixture is evenly textured and creamy.

Serve ice cream made with chilled milk or yoghurt immediately. If made with cream, it may be frozen for later use if desired. Options: Experiment with other berries, berry mixtures and cubed raw fruit. Berries with many seeds are not successful and bland fruit does not make memorable ice cream.

buzzy110, Dec 9, 3:36am
Uh ha. Does this mean that there is an upper age limit on arousements beyond which the law will not allow anyone to purchase potent arousement substances for the purpose ofintercourse in Incorporated Societies! I take it you have reached that upper limit so have resorted to clandestine means of procurement.

elliehen, Dec 9, 3:38am
There is still time to order export quality cherries to be couriered straight from the Central Otago grower to a New Zealand address.You can get two kilos with free shipping for around $40.00.


pickles7, Dec 9, 3:41am
well done.buzzy110.as I saw it.be careful with "skittish" now.

elliehen, Dec 9, 3:45am
A Christmassy almond cake for the almond aficionados.

elliehen, Dec 9, 4:02am

buzzy110, Dec 9, 4:25am
Or skittish and unnecessary even.

Our family of herons will probably be having their normal fare on Xmas day - crab and fish, freshly harvested and caught from the joyously abundant and fecund Manukau Harbour. Mum and dad heron will pre-digest the youngster's fare and regurgitate it into the mouth of their much loved, and very special, offspring.

Each day they take their youngster on flyabout lessons just outside our picture windows that over look the pohutukawa so it will be ready to escort Santa as he passes through our neck of the woods, laden with presents for wide eyed youngsters everywhere and a special brown paper package for you!

valentino, Dec 9, 5:17am
To the above posters, my word is my word, always have an "open door" policy and always have the extra couple or so that are not family. If this is questioned then Why! I'm a DOER - !

And Uli, I never tell anyone in a direct manner to do it, always to state it with the proviso of " Give it a TRY"or "try it" and these words "you will BE AMAZED" is simply a statement of facts, especially re "Opting Out" as poster 1 noted.

And I can tell you a few great stories.

Cheers and all the best.

nfh1, Dec 9, 5:24am
thank you earthangel - you are very kind.I hope you have a lovely Christmas.

uli, Dec 9, 5:35am
Ummm - wasn't the title of this thread "Who else is opting out"!

So why do cooks and ellie turn it into a Xmassy thread!
Aren't there enough of those around already!

Maybe we can stick to the topic (as you two always tell us others we should!)!

So who else is opting out!

elliehen, Dec 9, 5:50am
Definitely not opting out here.

Opting in with a Dutch dessert.just time to make it before Christmas Day.

valentino, Dec 9, 5:54am
Where's the Hostility, You note this to improve your case.

To me, the above posters were giving personal opinions and thoughts and also that I detect - "An Arousement", unlike your post above in quote.


iman007, Dec 9, 6:09am
some grumpy bums on here.me, i love xmas, I rent a house out and all my family come stay with us and i cook lunch, im a pretty good cook though and love cooking.We are having turkey lamb and pickled pork with all the trimmings.Its good quality family time together, costs a bit, but you cant put a price on a youngins face getting presents.Plus i have the added benefit of my grand daughter, she has just picked up from preschool, the phrase " for *ucks sake" A 2 year old, its soooo funny, she knows shes not allowed to say it but does anyway, and grin her cheeky smile. I cant wait to head away, we go to akaroa every year

elliehen, Dec 9, 6:20am
Take the *uck word and help her discover all the other words in the -uck family.It's a great pre-reading skill to learn about rhyme and word families :)

iman007, Dec 9, 6:30am
yeah she is a wee sponge at the moment, soaks up everything, i do spend quality time with her, as i did with my kids when they were young also. She is a wee tease, she knows its bad, but when she says it in front of you she gives a cheeky grin, she knows i wouldnt tell her off in a bad way. I just ignore it and let her mum and dad sort it out,lmfao

Im sooooo looking forward to getting away, this year has been crap, we all need a break!

elliehen, Dec 9, 6:42am
Akaroa should be a peaceful place to get away to.I hope you have a happy holiday with your family after the hardships of the past year and enjoy your Christmas.

iman007, Dec 9, 6:48am
thank you ellie, and i mean that sincerely, everyone around me are knackered and need a break, a mate of mine sent his customers a letter and told them hes away for a month, dont bother ringing.I dont know your circumstances but i do know we are all effected differently.I lost my biggest customer in the feb quake, and lost 150k to 200k of business per year.But, like most cantabs, we just keep going! All the best to you and your family as well, hope santa treats you well. Merry xmas

pickles7, Dec 9, 7:34am
What you have been through, would be stressful for any one, This is not a good time of the year to be so stressed, chill.

iman007, Dec 9, 7:39am
i will be. on the 24th. I got off light compared to most, and i appreciatte that, but still feel for those on the east side.I spent a lot of time in bexley as a kid. Im still jumpy with noises, but self medicate to cope til the 24th.Hope you get to have a break as well!

pickles7, Dec 9, 7:46am
Lucky you .buzzy110.to be able to watch a family of Herons raise there chicks.A parcel will arrive, but not of the ,slip slop slap kind.sobbing into my brandy.

elliehen, Dec 9, 7:58am
Thank you :)

I have family and friends in Christchurch and a special connection with the east side through past work there.

elliehen, Dec 9, 8:25am
valentino, you'll be pleased to know there are other like-minded people :)

esther-anne, Dec 9, 8:45am
We used to love Christmas wholeheartedly.It was our older daughter's birthday on Boxing Day so it was always a two day celebration.She died 15 months ago - this is our second Christmas without her - and such a joyous time is a thing of the past.

This year we are all gathering at our younger daughter's place for a very light informal meal - we will be together our two sons and our younger girl and our grandchildren and great-grandsons.That's the thing that is meaningful no matter how you celebrate make sure it's about the people you love because you never know when it might all change.

Didn't mean to bring a sombre note but I read a lot of these posts with great pleasure about what a lot of you are doing-just give a little thought that for so very many people, Christmas has changed xxx

elliehen, Dec 9, 8:58am
For esther-anne:

"The deeper sorrow carves into your being the more joy you can contain."

~ Kahlil Gibran, Lebanese artist & poet (1883 - 1931)

nfh1, Dec 9, 9:07am
esther-anne - did not read your post and have no words for you, but I will be thinking of you.