Who else is opting out

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elliehen, Nov 24, 1:35am
I'm bumping this for all "opters-in" and wish them all a happy time :)

For me, it's about a lingering tradition, good friends, returning family, and meals with fresh summer garden produce.

There's also the feeling that we need this special day of the year to lift us away from the daily grind and remind us that there are others less fortunate whom we just might be able to help in some small way throughout the whole year, not just at Christmas.

beaker59, Nov 24, 2:59am
I had a bit of a think about this one because I hate Christmas hype and being a Christian like to celebrate but not with big expensive gifts or smaltzy decorations and coke inspired Santas we don't really do Christmas cake or turkeys etc. But we do have our own family traditions like a Christmas dinner where everyone contributes because we have a very large family some people have specialities like I always do a massive pork roast a son does a nice potato salad etc etc we don't do presents for adults and any extravagant presents are frowned apon. Basically its about getting together as a family on one day a year we don't always get everyone though as some are doing OE's etc. We also invite extended family and that can get big last Christmas dinner we had 50+ close relatives eating together that was so fun. I think our one ingulgence in Smaltz is a Christmas tree which is decorated with a ball for everyone with your name on it and many like to be able to hang up thier own ball.

By the way Christmas dinner is rarely on Christmas day for us usually its a day or two before or after so we can get as many as possible there and so that our childrens in laws get a chance as well.

So I guess we are a bit of both we opt in without opting in to the hype.

uli, Nov 24, 5:35am
Santa wasn't inspired by coke - he was a shaman :)
I still have an old book about it .

pickles7, Nov 24, 7:01am
No wonder I am ova it all, lies, it was all lies

elliehen, Nov 24, 8:25am
Poor pickles.Did they lie to you about the Tooth Fairy too!

karlymouse, Nov 24, 9:40am
This is much nicer made with your own short crust pastry than the horrible flaky pastry . I make it each New Year. it has cherries in the almond paste and on the top with a little lemon icing as well. delicous.

usualsuspect, Nov 24, 12:05pm
hate is such a sad word.dont really understand how 1 day can be hated afterall not everyone spends a forture to celebrate the season.**SHRUGS**

beaker59, Nov 24, 9:09pm
Much of what people think of as santa is from a Coke add in the fifties, red suit, appearanceetc etc but yes he has existed as many other varients in the past, personally I don't get worked up over the thought that other people worship an add for Coca Cola or even that its not totally that.

I will however brazenly suck up any opportunity to spend time with my family :)

elliehen, Nov 24, 9:27pm
.and you can sense the collective relief of people knocking off work for a day all over the entire country on this one day of the year.

Even the roads are quiet.And I booked a flight unexpectedly on Christmas Eve once for a morning flight on Christmas Day and the airplane was just one quarter full.

purplegoanna, Nov 25, 3:37am
mrpg and myself like to make it an 'about us' day.we have food that we like to eat (not neccessarily xmas food) we drink we eat we play with the dogs and watch tv and listen to music and snooze in the arvo.its all very relaxing.but thats after we get back from the blimin inlaws hyped up super duper xmas pooper party!.each year we do our best to get out of it and each year we get guilted into going.

elliehen, Nov 25, 3:57am
Be brave!Say no this year.Guilt is a useless emotion.After you've said no thanks, you'll have five minutes of feeling bad and then hours and hours and hours of pure happiness.

uli, Nov 25, 4:20am
Here is a link which might be enlightening, you might "hate it" (not supposed to say that on here I have just read), or you might love it - or it might simply give you another point of view - and family time I guess is the most valuable pursuit of any "holiday" we get handed by the government!

http://www.shamanswell.org/shaman/siberian-shamanism-origins-santa-claus-reindeer-pine-trees-and-mushrooms http://www.amazon.com/When-Santa-Was-Shaman-Christmas/dp/156718765X

elliehen, Nov 25, 4:27am
Or you could ring him up and ask Santa where he thinks he came from ;)


uli, Nov 25, 8:20am
Or you could watch him come to NZ every year - as I love to do LOL :)

pickles7, Nov 25, 10:56am
great,thanks .uli. I will send the link to my grandchildren.

purplegoanna, Nov 25, 9:07pm
sadly its not me who gives in! and its not my family so i cant be to harsh.

pickles7, Dec 7, 10:20pm
We are.
We have been saying this for many years now. No Christmas hype to come through our door this year. We feel blessed, eat well, every day. I made a cake a while back, my son said "mum, we are not doing it this year, remember".but, buy me a.lol.I will slice the cake, and serve it as , fruit loaf.That's us, done.

vmax2, Dec 7, 10:31pm
There is too much hype at Christmas and too many expectations.I will do Christmas, but not like my mother did it.Nice and simple, just with our family, fun and games, relaxed.Oh and food, simple but beautiful fresh produce.I'm a last minute person so I'm not in the shops buying.The kids write me a list of what they want which makes things easier, but surprises are always nice.Recently found out that Jehovahs Witness and Christadelphians don't celebrate Christmas.Feel sad for them in one way but it makes you think about the commercialism of Christmas and how unnecessary it is.

elliehen, Dec 7, 10:33pm
It's hard to opt out when you are having a house full of holiday revellers and a tent city on the grass outside ;)But all pull their own weight here.

lilyfield, Dec 7, 10:34pm
I have opted out since the kids have left home. Their turn

rarogal, Dec 7, 10:37pm
We have only our 4 children, their spouses and their children, but all up that makes 19, so we have a lovely time together. I haven't had anywhere else to go for Xmas since both our parents died many years ago, and all but 1 of my siblings live overseas. We do buy and keep that to a minimum, and we have a wonderful feast, but the most important thing is that we are together - I love Christmas!

rainrain1, Dec 7, 10:47pm
Me too,new spuds for the first time and a glass or two of bubbly

davidt4, Dec 7, 11:21pm
We opted out many years ago.Like pickles, weeat very well every day and feel no need for anything "festive" other than the beautiful berries that will be in season.For family presents we make donations to Oxfam and World Vision and our younger relatives are always thrilled with their long-distance water pumps,small business loans, chickens and latrines.

muddler, Dec 8, 12:26am
we have had a quiet christmas for years now, just a dozen people or so with the usual meal. This year hubby is working.

sarahb5, Dec 8, 12:38am
Not opting out here - we love Christmas - but we do it our way which is quiet and just the 5 of us.We eat what we want, do what we want and don't have to leave the house to do it although I am looking forward to this being the first year for a while where Miss 20 won't be working but hubby and older son will be on lifeguard patrol so we eat in the evening but other than that the whole day is for us, just us, we don't go to anyone and no-one comes to us either - just how we like it