Who else is opting out

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rubyjane11, Dec 8, 2:19am
I have relatives who are christadelphians and they certainly celebrate christmas.all the trimmings!

cookessentials, Dec 8, 3:05am
Opting out! never.
Christmas is a necessity.There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we're here for something else besides ourselves.

It does not have to be about "stuff" remember.

valentino, Dec 8, 3:13am
And it is a family occassion!

Extended Families, Friends, everyone ! always welcomed, yep fully opened for real glad tidings.

Roll on Christmas with all it's cheer and Happiness being expressed then witnessed by own eyes.

Ho Ho Ho. Love it.


elliehen, Dec 8, 3:15am
My mother-in-law gives me a goat ;)

valentino, Dec 8, 3:27am
And further to my post and in response to the first and others similar;

If you eat and live happily each day then you are still missing out on sometghing HUGE !

Open up, invite someone or a family, go into town and vis it a couple of places like bus terminals, motorawy intersections, call out to invite one or two for Christmas then that will be astart to understand the true Christmas Tidings by then experiencing through your own eyes - GREAT JOY !

Try it if you thinking that opting out is becoming your ways.

Heaps of other things that one can do also on Christmas Day, you will be AMAZED !.

There, Bunt or Rant over.

Cheers everyone.

elliehen, Dec 8, 3:45am
valentino, you are so right.I have friends who regularly help out at the Mayor's Christmas Dinner.There are always people to reach out to who are in a less fortunate position, but you won't find them unless you look.

evorotorua, Dec 8, 4:12am
sarahb5.thank your son for being on lifeguard patrol. It's a very important and often thankless job. Also thank YOU for 'growing" him so well to give up a day (or many) to do it.

rainrain1, Dec 8, 4:49am
Been giving to surf life saving for years, they do a wonderful job.

buzzy110, Dec 8, 4:53am
Good for you. Is that what you do on Xmas Day, instead of spending it with family and friends!

uli, Dec 8, 4:56am
I have never "done" Christmas - except the first year living in my own flat. That was the wake-up time. I looked at the tree and asked myself ". and why am I doing this!" I am not even believing in the religion behind it . so since then I am a "Christmas free household" - Great!

uli, Dec 8, 4:57am
And good on you valentino - if you cook your usual good food and then invite homeless people to share it - wonderful . or was that just an idea WE should be doing!

buzzy110, Dec 8, 5:02am
Having friends who help out at the Mayor's Christmas Dinner is not quite the same as reaching out yourself is it! I take it you practise what you preach as well but are too modest to say so, and abandon your tent city to fend for themselves and go and reach out! I think that is very commendable of you to do that and I will have a little drink to you while I am sharing with my family and several strays that one of my offspring regularly brings home so that they will not be alone on Christmas Day.

valentino, Dec 8, 5:17am
To the above posters, my word is my word, always have an "open door" policy and always have the extra couple or so that are not family. If this is questioned then Why! I'm a DOER - !

And Uli, I never tell anyone in a direct manner to do it, always to state it with the proviso of " Give it a TRY" and these words "you will BE AMAZED" is simply a statement of facts.



pickles7, Dec 8, 5:24am
A little hostility showing up, more from those who do celebrate Xmas. .
I am definitely on the right track. We will have a nice meal to celebrate the health of family and friends as we do most every day. We don't wait for Xmas to do that.

sarahb5, Dec 8, 5:25am
Aww thanks guys - this is his first year as a patrol captain as well - I am so proud that his club think he's responsible enough for the position when he's only 17.Him and his dad patrolled last Christmas Day as well and really enjoyed it - they all took food, a few members of the public called in as well so it was a pretty good day all round but it is nice to be appreciated.

valentino, Dec 8, 5:54am
Where's the Hostility, You note this to improve your case.

To me, the above posters were giving personal opinions and thoughts and also that I detect - "An Arousement".


sarahb5, Dec 8, 5:56am
You are on the right track for you and your family, don't assume that we all think you're wrong just because we choose to do something differently

otterhound, Dec 8, 6:31am
We have no "real" family here but just love every Christmas spent with another family who we love.They have an open house and heaps of hunting friends, and others, pop in throughout the day for a drink or 3, lunch is hot ham and fresh bread rolls and salads - make your own.Dinner is new spuds, salads, maybe some vegies, and steak on the barbie.Best of all, we always have a bed there for the night!We don't buy presents, so all financial stresses are gone too.I love Christmas day cos it's so casual, friendly and low-key. Nobody's stuck in the kitchen, and everyone gets to totally chill out for the day - including nana-naps in the arvy if needed!=)

valentino, Dec 8, 6:43am
Sounds like the old days, great stuff.

valentino, Dec 8, 6:44am
Another great story.


pickles7, Dec 8, 8:20am
It would be difficult for you to pick them out.valentino.

nfh1, Dec 8, 8:34am
I find Christmas difficult, my elderly parents are in the UK and we have no children.Our friends include us or we have friends here but I have to admit to being a tiny bit jealous of those with family around them.I would not bother about Christmas if not for my husband - he loves the whole tree, crackers, presents and the cake etc so that is what we do - but it is difficult sometimes.

maximus44, Dec 8, 8:45am
I would love to have a family Christmas but in 24 years this has never happened. My mother doesn't like Christmas; my brother and his wife and their family do their own thing. This year my mother in law is coming and I have a friend coming from Australia. Christmas is hard when there is no extra money so I am trying to keep things simple this year.

lythande1, Dec 8, 6:18pm
Can't say we have ever opted in.

valentino, Dec 8, 7:42pm
You've lost Me !