Who else is opting out

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hezwez, Dec 8, 7:47pm
She doesn't want you to be lonely.

pickles7, Dec 8, 8:59pm
A great thing to get involved with.davidt4.,maybe that is where the "goat", .elliehen. mentioned is destined for.

cookessentials, Dec 8, 10:29pm
Christmas is not about money.it is the simple pleasures and spending special times together with those who are special to you, whether that is family or friends.

uli, Dec 9, 12:32am
Oh - and here I was under the impression that "Jesus is the reason for the season". And that Christmas had something to do with Christ and Christianity. No! It is just about ".simple pleasures and spending special times together with those who are special to you."! Ah well I can do that of course.

hezwez, Dec 9, 12:33am
I wouldn't worry. Goats aren't fussy about latrines.

hezwez, Dec 9, 12:34am
Oops. and along comes bah humbug to spread some Christmas cheer.

craig04, Dec 9, 12:39am
These days Christmas means different things to different people I guess - gone are the days when it was all about the birth of Christ

buzzy110, Dec 9, 12:41am
Lol. Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I genuinely think most people will agree with me when I say that 'arousements' should be practised in private and behind closed doors. Definitely no arousements should be practised here and definitely not in front of the children please.

craig04, Dec 9, 12:42am

cookessentials, Dec 9, 12:43am
It has, of course religous/spiritual meaning to many.
"doing Christmas" seems so crass and you know what thought done!

pickles7, Dec 9, 12:47am
lol. I do all of those things every day. maybe every day is Christmas, for me.

davidt4, Dec 9, 1:11am
And not with goats or in latrines.

davidt4, Dec 9, 1:12am
What does this sentence mean please!

valentino, Dec 9, 1:17am
Yeah, got to watch out on use of words as you noted, LOL.

Quite a number of Incorporated Society Clubs have in their constitution the word "Intercourse" - this too can be construed to suit whatever.


earthangel4, Dec 9, 1:19am
Same here,we love Christmas,going to be with both my kids and Grandchildren this year,can hardly wait,lol

pickles7, Dec 9, 1:21am

earthangel4, Dec 9, 1:22am
Thinking of you at Christmas,many hugs to you.

buzzy110, Dec 9, 1:27am
Interesting. I have just learned that there is "ordinary" time when family and friends are not special and then there is"special" time, when family and friends take on a glamour or lustre that makes them special! Just be careful to watch out for public arousements during the special time though, it'll scare the horses.

buzzy110, Dec 9, 1:29am
Have you got your Santa Xmas order in yet!

pickles7, Dec 9, 1:37am
My gosh, it is true, every day is Christmas. I just hate it when they allcome at once.

pickles7, Dec 9, 1:42am
lol . They send in plain paper. saves being asked how old you are at the counter.

cookessentials, Dec 9, 2:10am
It is sad that you feel there is ordinary time when your family and friends are not important.I remember reading about it on here somewhere once, something about the awful things that "friends" buy you or serve you. To me, the people close to me are always special.Christmas time makes it THAT much more so. I was not aware that you were into horses, and especially the "arousement" with them.well, I guess "what ever floats your boat.

valentino, Dec 9, 3:13am
And it is a family occassion!

Extended Families, Friends, everyone ! always welcomed, yep fully opened for real glad tidings.

Roll on Christmas with all it's cheer and Happiness being expressed then witnessed by own eyes.

Ho Ho Ho. Love it.


Editing to add, should be more times to have these great times.

buzzy110, Dec 9, 3:19am
Lol. Intercourse is a fairly inflammatory word in the hands of the wrong people. It is just lucky that your new word inventiveness hadn't caught up with them. Who knows what hilarity would have occurred.

buzzy110, Dec 9, 3:30am
Fancy trying to make your sentiments into mine. It was you who first floated the idea that Christmas was a special time to spend with special friends and family. That more or less inferred that other times were just ordinary.

In our household we think every moment spent together is special and everyone we spend it with is special. We also think all our meals are pretty special as well. No need to wait till Xmas.

When it comes to humour your pedestrian mind is so dreary, eh! Why have levity when you can drag everything down to ground zero.

valentino's inventiveness is not to be sneezed, nor indeed, laughed at, if there is even the slightest risk that it may scare the horses. However, maybe at this time of year we should be more worried about scaring the reindeer. Can't have old Santa's sleigh careering uncontrollably across the roof tops because his reindeer encountered some arousements and got all skittish.