Sauerkraut and other fermented veg

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uli, Oct 31, 3:44am
It just occurred to me that that fermentation thread's last posts were from February 2011 - so it hasn't dropped off, but someone must have voted it off!

vmax2, Oct 31, 3:49am
Thanks so much uli.There is always so much more to learn about fermentation.I have a growing list of people down here interested to learn more.

vmax2, Nov 1, 12:40am
Uli I'm having fun reading the Wild Fermentation thread.Thought I might try the ginger beer with the water kefir, sounds good.I make kombucha and add ginger to it, so hope it's like that.I've never really liked the taste of water kefir - usually add lemons, raisins and rapadura to it.
What is yoghurt villi! - you talk about it being quite yeasty, sounds a bit like my milk kefir if I ferment it too long.

uli, Nov 1, 4:20am
What you usually buy as yoghurt is made from a thermophilic yogurt starter and needs to be kept warm to set. Caspian Sea Yogurt and vilii and some others are mesophilic yogurt cultures, who will thicken the milk at room temperatures.The milk never gets really thick though, it is more like a pouring yoghurt, but without the tangy yoghurty taste, which seems to suit some and others (like me) don't like it at all.

moviebug, Nov 2, 6:25am
Absolutely thrilled. Thanks everyone. It worked! I have a large jar of the most beautiful red sauerkrautWhen it began to bubble I put it in the fridge, as was suggested. We had some for lunch today, ( in a salad)and it was delicious.My question is, how long does it keep once fermented. Thank you.

vmax2, Nov 2, 6:30am
It keeps for years apparently.

moviebug, Nov 2, 7:47am
Thank you vmax2. This batch will be eaten quickly, but it is good to know that it can be stored for a lengthy time. Much appreciated.

vmax2, Nov 2, 8:10am
I just made 3 jars of it this afternoon too.apparently Captain Cook took sauerkraut with him on his ship around the world.Lasted ages and stopped the crew from getting scurvy.

elliehen, Nov 2, 8:26am
"Captain Cook played a very interesting trick on his crew. When he realised that the men were refusing to eat the sauerkraut, he took it away from them. He said only the officers could eat it, and only put it out on the officers' tables. Telling the crew they couldn’t have it made them want it more, so they started eating it."

moviebug, Nov 2, 8:28am
vmax2 I am not surprised. Captain Cook certainly looked after his crew. Thank you

vmax2, Nov 21, 12:07am
Uli my book Wild Fermentation arrived in the post this morning.I'm so excited, it looks great.Met someone recently who can give me a vinegar mother. So next year I'll be able to make some apple cider vinegar from my apple tree.Interesting that the author has survived AIDS/HIV with doing all these ferments.Good food gives good health.Yah!

uli, Nov 21, 10:16pm
I am sure you will have fun vmax2.

buzzy110, Nov 22, 4:48am
I have two of those books (by accident). I used the recipes for fermenting grains. My daughter used to feed them to her son when she was weaning him. I also got hold of the amazake culture for fermenting rice. I still haven't been able to get it quite right but one day I will.

vmax2, Nov 22, 4:53am
It amazes and excites me that there is this whole other side of life that most people don't know about - fermented foods.If all the people on the health boards tried low-carb and fermented foods they wouldn't have any more health issues, lol.Recently took a course to a few very excited people on cheesemaking and fermented foods.It was very well received.Haven't been able to do your carrot sticks yet buzzy.Can't find any organic carrots around lately.The veges at the supermarket are rubbish, sprayed heavily.

elliehen, Nov 22, 5:32am
A GIGANTIC oversimplification, but I suspect that with your 'lol' at the end you know this ;)

vmax2, Nov 22, 5:47am
I think it would be a great place to start with healing everybodies ills.Often after that things may need tweaking, adding in a supplement etc.A generalisation yes, but that's the way I see things.People on these boards are so busy counting calories and figuring out which drugs to take, how much and what sort of exercise to take.If they just started living and focusing on life and eating what doesn't come in a packet.

elliehen, Nov 22, 5:54am
Remember only a minuscule proportion of the population is posting here.Thousands of others are leading healthy happy productive lives elsewhere, growing and eating fresh foods.

But I can understand the enthusiasm of someone who finds something new and exciting that works for them.You want to share it with anyone who'll pause for a moment to listen.I feel that way after reading a great new book.

vmax2, Nov 22, 6:01am
Actually the majority of people eat packet food, listen to their doctors are either couch potatoes or gym bunnies and have never heard of fermented food apart from sugared yoghurt at the supermarket.I feel the odd one out wherever I go but am very comfortable with that now.It feels wonderful to come on these boards and 'meet' others like me who think outside the square.There ain't many of us out there.But it is growing and I'm trying my best to grow it.

elliehen, Nov 22, 8:10am
The majority!Another all too easy generalisation.You appear to have a very narrow and somewhat skewed view - a kind of 'siege' mentality - very easy to acquire in a shallow place like a messageboard forum.

If you are the odd one out in your small (or sparse!) community, you might need to travel further afield from this insular life and discover a wider real world where there are many, many others living a wholesome life.

vmax2, Nov 22, 8:27am
For your information I have lived in a much larger place than this most of my life and I still felt the odd one out.

elliehen, Nov 22, 8:34am
I guess you just haven't met enough congenial people yet!

But, seriously, stereotypes are dangerous.Some people who have never been to the US talk about fat Americans.There are some fat Americans, but a lot of slim ones too.It depends where you go and where you look.

vmax2, Nov 22, 8:40am
All I need to do to know I'm different is look in other people's shopping trolleys every place I go shopping.It is quite an eye opener to me to know how much I have changed.But fortunately like attracts like and other people like me are starting to gather in my vicinity where we can share ideas and fermented cultures and good produce.

elliehen, Nov 22, 8:42am
Keep on truckin'.

buzzy110, Nov 23, 12:25am
You have basically hit the nail on the head. Most people do love their packet foods, sweet baking and similar.

And yes, it is wonderful to meet like minded people on these boards, people who don't spend their time being vindictive and trying their level best to promote discord and dislike among the disparate groups of posters.

davidt4, Nov 23, 1:41am
It's always interesting to peer at other people's trolleys at the supermarket. This morning I was given the till slip for the person who had been ahead of me in the queue (looked like a youngish mother with two toddlers).It made fascinating reading.Out of about 50 items only five were real food (butter, apples, lettuce, eggs, cheese) and all the rest were things like puffed breakfast cereals, low fat milk, sweetened yoghurts, bottled sparkling water, biscuits, sugar, tinned fruit.