Sauerkraut and other fermented veg

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elliehen, Nov 23, 1:58am
I find it very interesting too.But it's the passing judgment without knowing every last detail about the shopper's life and circumstances that I personally choose to refrain from.

Last night there was an interesting 'Inside New Zealand' documentary about child poverty in New Zealand.The thread in Parenting (or General) was approximately 90% for finding fault with the parents, and completely missed the point that you don't fix a problem by apportioning blame or holding up to ridicule - as is often done here on the Messageboards.

vmax2, Nov 23, 2:22am
Yes it is easy to sit in judgment without knowing the circumstances but you just need to look at the people as well as the trolleys and the behaviour of the children.Add that all up and you know that what they are buying is typical week for week.On occasion I have bought junk food to be used as an illustration when I have given talks to groups about processed foods.I feel bad about it and hope no one is watching, lol.I think the blame can go to food manufacturers who are chasing the big dollar.But then the people are all being sheep and doing as they're told rather than thinking for themselves.Schools today are teaching children to think for themselves but not when it comes to food.My kids come home and say that fat is bad and their supposed to eat lots of grains.I inform them otherwise of course.

elliehen, Nov 23, 2:31am
I hope you are also encouraging them to keep their minds wide open.

"A fertility-friendly diet is one that's high in fruit and grains and low in red meat, alcohol and coffee, Brazilian researchers report in the journal Fertility and Sterility."

However, back to the topic of fermented stuff before I draw down the wrath of someone who might object to a slightly off-topic friendly conversation.

buzzy110, Nov 23, 3:01am
I guess the brazillian researchers minds are quite closed then. My own daughter eats quite differently to the findings of the researchers, in her mid 30's she twice got preggers at first attempt. I wonder what criteria they were using to correlate their findings.

vmax2, Nov 23, 3:10am
Actually I just googled fertility diet and most of them said vegetarianism was a problem for getting pregnant!

elliehen, Nov 23, 3:27am
That's what Google's job is.Search Engines present everything everywhere that has ever been recorded, without judgment ;)

vmax2, Nov 23, 4:38am
Thanks elliehen for making me verify what I know to be true.Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon and Mary Enig on Feeding Babies:
The wisdom of primitive peoples is vastly superior to our own in regards to nutrition forconceiving.It was common practice among isolated groups to feed special foods to both men and women for a period of time before conception occurs.Eat liberally of liver and other organ meats, fish eggs and other seafood, eggs and butter, cream and fermented milk products.Meats, veg, grains and legumes should round out the diet.Eggs, raw milk,, bone broth and cod liver oil daily and liver once a week.Fermented foods feature with beet kvass and kombucha for morning sickness.

elliehen, Nov 23, 5:54am
Remember only a minuscule proportion of the population is posting here.Hundreds of thousands of others are leading healthy happy productive lives elsewhere, growing and eating fresh foods.

But I can understand the enthusiasm of someone who finds something new and exciting that works for them.You want to share it with anyone who'll pause for a moment to listen.I feel that way after reading a great new book.

elliehen, Nov 23, 7:56am
Enjoy ;)

elliehen, Nov 24, 3:27am
That's what Google's job is.Search Engines present everything everywhere that has ever been recorded, without judgment ;)

Edited to add:I just Googled too.240,000 results came up for your words 'fertility diet'.Did you really read all the links and form your conclusion about 'most'!I don't think so.that's another sweeping generalisation ;)

uli, Jan 16, 3:42am
bump for melly16

mjhdeal, Oct 24, 3:15am
P.S. Seeing as this is a sauerkraut and fermented food thread, I'll un-hijack it by posting a recipe for fermented salsa. It looks awesome.

uli, Oct 29, 12:27am all the recipes you needor buy the book:

The threads have fallen off TM, or maybe they were voted off. And votemenot has ceased to exist by the looks. So the easiest way to get a lot of info is the links above.

uli, Oct 29, 11:33pm
Well it is easy really: ring Hansens and tell them you'd like to make cultured butter. They will supply the culture and all you have to do is culture the cream until it is slightly sour, then whip it into butter. it takes much longer for soured cream to "butter up", but it is well worth the effort. In a pinch you can use a yoghurt culture for your cream and see if you like it :)

elliehen, Nov 23, 2:31am
I hope you are also encouraging them to keep their minds wide open.

"A fertility-friendly diet is one that's high in fruit and grains and low in red meat, alcohol and coffee, Brazilian researchers report in the journal Fertility and Sterility."

However, back to the topic of fermented stuff before I draw down the wrath of someone who might object to a slightly off-topic friendly conversation.