Sauerkraut and other fermented veg

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vmax2, Sep 23, 10:24pm
Bump for those wanting to improve their diet and health with fermented foods.

uli, Oct 24, 4:36am
bump for mllawn

rainrain1, Oct 24, 6:14am
Good God you must be bored

davidt4, Oct 24, 9:06am
No, never.But how about you reading a post from last November.Desperate!

mjhdeal, Oct 24, 4:38pm
Actually, the thread got bumped by someone else. But really - you should choose food to make you feel better, not to feel better than everyone else. Such close and superior scrutiny of a stranger's till receipt is creepy.

I am interested in learning about healthy nutrition, and thus have been an avid reader of the Paleo thread; there are some aspects of it I like, some I think a bit sketchy and would be interested in asking questions, but the 'holier than thou' (as exemplified above) and extremist attitudesfrom some posters is most off-putting.

vmax2, Oct 24, 9:21pm
It might seem 'holier than thou' but for most of us we have done a lot of research as to what the foods listed on the till slip can do to our bodies.We also have first hand experience as to how they make our bodies feel.We now also have a contrast experience with 'real foods' and how they make our bodies feel.Keep reading and trying things out mjhdeal.We're always keen on answering questions and supporting others throught his journey to a healthier way of living.

mjhdeal, Oct 24, 10:15pm
Thanks vmax, I will :).
My fermented sauerkraut turned out great (so easy!); I have a recipe for fermented salsa I am going to make this weekend.

davidt4, Oct 24, 10:18pm
Please don't hesitate to ask questions.As vmax has said, some of us who are paleo enthusiasts have done a great deal of reading and also have first hand experience of the effects of food on our personal health and that of our family.

If you find some aspects sketchily expressed, that could well be because some aspects of paleo eating (e.g. avoidance of grains) are such a given in the paleo community that there is little need for detailed discussion.

kay141, Oct 24, 10:43pm
A reasonable statement. The problem seems to that some low-carbers do not allow for other posters who may have done as much or more reading but reached a different conclusion. Not everyone is the same and I doubt the same food would suit everyone.

kay141, Oct 24, 10:43pm
A reasonable statement. The problem seems to that some low-carbers do not allow for other posters who may have done as much or more reading but reached a different conclusion. Some give the impression of over-zealous cult leaders and that can be very off-putting. Not everyone is the same and I doubt the same food would suit everyone.

davidt4, Oct 24, 11:21pm
Please don't confuse low-carb with paleo.They are different.Although it is quite common for someone's eating habits to be informed by both schools of thought, there are many who take notice of only one or the other.

elliehen, Oct 24, 11:41pm
I've read a lot that you and others have written about the change your chosen way of eating has made in your bodies, but I'm still waiting for the corresponding improvements in attitudes to the way others choose to eat through their research and their different conclusions.A writer such as Deepak Chopra would expect a greater harmony between body and mind in people who say they have found food nirvana.

As mjhdeal says: " .you should choose food to make you feel better, not to feel better than everyone else. Such close and superior scrutiny of a stranger's till receipt is creepy."

kay141, Oct 24, 11:54pm
A good point but I think some of the zealots are confused as well.

mjhdeal, Oct 25, 3:11am
Details (or lack of) are fine - I can look those up - I am afraid I used 'sketchy' in the colloquial sense, i.e. a bit dodgy. For example:

<start rant>
1. Using Herald articles as a source ('Junk food lowers kids' IQ - study). I don't need research to tell me junk food is bad; nonetheless, out of interest at such a bold claim, I downloaded and read the original journal research reports, and found that the studies had methodological limitations (that's okay, it's unavoidable, and is always addressed in the reports, but seldom by the newspapers). However, 'statistical significance' is not the same thing as 'significant;' it can mean 'negligible variance in real-life.' In the case of one of the studies I read, the (stat. significant) difference in IQ between junk participants and 'good' food (which wasn’t really defined) was 1% - a completely meaningless amount.
= The newspapers are not a valid source for substantiating claims.

2. Vegetarianism correlated with fertility issues. I'm not even looking that one up.It would take me two seconds to look up articles that say the same about meat-eaters. IF there is a connection between diet and fertility it is far more likely that it would be due to poor/inadequate diets – something that is not exclusive to either vegetarian or omnivore diets.
I imagine if optimal vegetarian diets, and optimal omnivore diets were compared (using various health indices) there would be no (significant or otherwise) difference.

3. From my reading of the vegetarian-Paleo divide (most pertinent here) both sides have more in common than they do differences. Neither vegetarian nor Paleo are monolithic entities; there are many sub-tribes within each camp. Both sides share the drive for an optimal diet. Problem being, with genes, one size does not fit all (get the pun – wasn’t that awesome!). For example, vegans and dairy-free Paleo say dairy is bad – if their LCT gene has turned off their ability to encode lactase, then yeah, it is bad for you (but not for those of us who still can encode lactase).
Similar gene influences can effect a person’s cholesterol, response to exercise,alcohol, effects of fat on waist circumference and BMI… &c., &…. Same diet, different people = different responses. My way of eating is not for everyone, and I’m cool with that.

4. I think I had better stop now.

Paleo is similar in many ways to what I am doing already, and is working really well for me, which is why I am really interested in it, and want to learn more about it. But the sniping at those who are on a different dietary path is a bit boring and pointlessand makes me want to go out and scarf down a family-sized tub of KFC.

Can’t everyone just share their recipes, and successes and failures! (And seekrit-psychology hint here – if want to recruit to your side, you’ll catch more flies with sugar (I mean raw honey. Or agave) than you do vitriol and vinegar…)
</end rant>

mjhdeal, Oct 25, 3:15am
P.S. Seeing as this is a sauerkraut and fermented food thread, I'll un-hijack it by posting a recipe for fermented salsa. It looks awesome.

elliehen, Oct 25, 3:21am
Not a rant at all.A brilliant piece of intelligent neutrality.

vmax2, Oct 28, 11:48pm
I'm looking for recipes for sauerkraut and any variations.Buzzy you mentioned carrot sticks.I'm teaching a group how to make cheese, yoghurt, sauerkraut etc in a few weeks and wanted a few more ideas - different veg, different herbs etc.Thanks.

uli, Oct 29, 12:27am all the recipes you needor buy the book:

The threads have fallen off TM, or maybe they were voted off. And votemenot has ceased to exist by the looks. So the easiest way to get a lot of info is the links above.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 29, 12:37am
What about that other site - stack of recipes or similar - that was copying recipes from here! Ellie will hunt it down for you Vmax. She's good at researching.

vmax2, Oct 29, 12:42am
Thanks uli and bedazzled.Just ordered that book, was thinking about it in the shower actually LOL and then you mentioned it.Usually just use recipes from Nourishing Traditons.

buzzy110, Oct 29, 2:55am
Hi vmax2. I have two great recipes here that I gleaned from my Organic NZ magazine. Do you have an e-mail addy - preferably one at that hot place, so I can just e-mail direct to you!

vmax2, Oct 29, 3:03am
Do you mean at the dark place! can I get emails there!Haven't quite figured it all out yet.I'm the newest member there.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 29, 3:04am
I can act as a go-between. Buzz - email to me and I'll forward to Vmax.

buzzy110, Oct 29, 3:06am
Thanks. You're a real bobby dazzler. Will do it now.

bedazzledjewels, Oct 29, 3:17am
Vmax - you have email!