Egg Rings

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katienz11, Nov 4, 1:53pm
My sister in law puts vinegar into the water when she poaches eggs, and they hold their shape!

sofija, Nov 5, 5:30pm

survivorr, Nov 5, 5:44pm
Are we talking fried or poached eggs!I have tried EVERY WHICH WAY and absolutely NO success whatsoever to have a nice rounded poached egg.I've tried adding vinegar.I've tried adding salt.I've tried the silicone rings.I've tried the metal rings.This morning I used the one that hangs on the side of a saucepan.Nothing has worked.The only thing that DID work for me was some time back when I got hold of a very fresh egg, put it on a saucer and slid it into the water and that worked well.But not possible to get fresh fresh eggs from a supermarket.So I've resorted to just simply having boiled eggs.

babytears, Nov 5, 8:58pm
Have you tried the method of creating a whirlpool in the pot of very hot water, droppingthe egg in the middle! It is supposed to set the white in a nice round shape

sofija, Nov 5, 10:27pm
We are talking about fried eggs - and using the rings so that the egg holds a nice round shape on the pan, instead of spreading out on the pan and having those pesky dry overcooked edges.

Like you survivorr, I havn't had the best of luck getting nicely rounded poached eggs either using the slipping them into boiling water method, but yes babytears I think I saw something on tv the other day/week/masterchef! about having the water swirling-creating a whirlpool to achieve the rounded shape.

Shame you are not closer survivorr as I have chooks & ducks and could give you some fresh eggs.

survivorr, Nov 5, 11:48pm
Yep . forgot to say I've tried that one as well!

survivorr, Nov 5, 11:51pm could sell up and move up this way!:))Although I might be difficult to 'get rid of' because I'm an animal lover.

survivorr, Nov 5, 11:56pm
Am going to have a look on YouTube . quite a number of suggestions there.

katienz11, Nov 6, 1:58am
Another idea I heard of for poaching eggs, is to line a cup with gladwrap, break the egg into that, bring the edges of the gladwrap together, and then put it all into a pot of boiling water.Ive never tried it though, always wondered if the gladwrap wouldnt melt.

sofija, Nov 6, 2:46am
I have 3 & a bit dogs, 1 cat, 25 chooks and 13 ducks - still wanna have me up there!
* the 'bit' is a chihuahua

sofija, Nov 6, 2:56am
I don't know about gladwrap katienz, but you can get those clear plastic bags that you can boil things in eg great for making omelettes, and I also saw them using them on Masterchef recently.
So you probably can get gladwrap that you can boil with.

Meanwhile I was talking to a friend today on the phone about egg rings and she suggested using a slice of bread - cut out a circle in the middle by pressing a glass down on it, fry the bread on one side, turn over, place egg in centre and cook(hmm wonder if the bread might cook/brown faster than the egg will cook).
Another edible suggestion she thought of was using an onion ring.

survivorr, Nov 7, 12:06am
Haha!Yep!No problemo!

I've no doubt this comment will shock some . but I prefer animals to humans!:))

sofija, Nov 7, 4:29pm
No shock at all survivorr, as you can see I live in a menagerie.
What pets do you have!

kay141, Nov 7, 5:01pm
I saw some today in Lower Hutt Pak n Save. About $4.95 for 2 metal ones.

jaybee6, Nov 7, 11:03pm
I have metal ones and never use them as the egg white runs out underneath. Do the silicon ones do this or not.Thanks in advance.

uli, Nov 8, 12:50am
See my earlier post - why use them at all!
Just fry all the eggs in a pan then divide up.
Who needs exactly round eggs!