Help please what to do with egg whites

jubli, Aug 4, 7:07am
I have 12 egg whites left over from my baking and can't think what to do with them - apart from tipping down the sink!
we don't like pavlova or meringues - prefer savoury food so any ideas would be appreciated.
Many thanks

antoniab, Aug 4, 7:09am
Not 100% but I think beating them to stiff whites and adding to a normal cake mix makes the cake lighter and fluffier! Or make a healthy eat white omelete with all the trimmings (ie make it unhealthy by adding loads of cheese etc) for breakfast

pickles7, Aug 4, 7:29am
Tip them down the sink, be done.

mismuffet, Aug 4, 7:35am
freeze them, either in ice cube trays or just little bags with say 2 egg whites per bag.They can be frozen for ages and then use them when you need them.Always write on the bag how many egg whites tho!

pogram0, Aug 4, 8:44am
Most friand recipes only use egg whites.

jubli, Aug 4, 9:05pm
thanks for your help - I have made 3 batches of friands and frozen them

meegs35, Aug 4, 9:07pm
You can freeze egg whites too. I always freeze mine and the pavs they make are fantastic. You can also make meringues, angel food cake, certain other cakes (some of the MArtha Stewart cupcakes have 6 egg whites in them).

crayonstory, Aug 5, 4:32am
How long do they keep frozen! Wish I knew you could freeze as I just threw 3 out :-/

meegs35, Aug 5, 4:52am
I have used them when they are 6 months old and they are fine. You can't really freeze egg yolks though.

gardie, Aug 5, 7:49pm
You can freeze whole eggs though - just beat them slightly first.Great for scrambled eggs and baking when the chooks have stopped laying.

visionspring, Aug 5, 9:45pm
not food related, but beat them and apply to your face as a mask - really tightens up those pores!

jbsouthland, Aug 5, 10:28pm
.thats called being left with egg on your face.

goodbooks, Dec 14, 5:44pm
Saw these on here recently -

'These are so easy & very moreish!

Coconut Macaroons

2 cups desiccated coconut
½ cup caster sugar
2 egg whites

Preheat oven to 180°C. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Place coconut, sugar and egg whites in a bowl, mix to combine. Roll 2 teaspoonsful of mixture into balls and place on baking tray.
Bake for 10 minutes until golden. Cool on a tray or wire rack.


winnie231 (105 )5:15 pm, Sun 31 Jul #7'