Hi, does anyone have a simple & tried afghan recipe? Would like to bake some tonight, much appreciated.
Jul 30, 12:29am
Do you have an Edmonds cookbook? Minimal ingreadients and excellent results - I make this recipe all the time.
Jul 30, 12:48am
How sad is that? I don't have an edmonds cook book :) - will search for one of those now, cheers
Jul 30, 12:54am
Here's the recipe if that helps.
200 grams butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 1/4 cups flour 1/4 cup cocoa 2 cups cornflakes
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Sift flour and cocoa.Stir into creamed mixture.Fold in cornflakes.Spoon mounds of mixture onto a greased oven tray, gently pressing together.Bake at 180C for 15 minutes or until set.When cold ice with chocolate icing and decorate with a walnut if desired. Makes 30.
Jul 30, 12:54am
Afghans (Edmonds Book)
200gm butter (softened) 1/2 cup of sugar 1 1/4 cup[s standard plain flour 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 1/2 cups cornflakes
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Sift flour and cocoa.Stir into creamed mixture.Fold in cornflakes.Spoon mounds of mxture onto a greased oven tray, gently pressing the mixture ogether.Bake at 180 degrees for 15 minutes or until set.When cold, ice with chocolate icing and decorate with a walnut if wished.(makes 20).
Jul 30, 12:56am
haha - snap!Trying to type fast as got to get my hair dye off before I go some strange colour!Hope they turn out good.
Jul 30, 12:57am
Someone on a previous thread said they called their Afghans 'Talibans' ;)
Jul 30, 1:01am
175gm butter half cup sugar 2 tablespoons cocoa 1 and quarter cups flour 2 cups cornflakes
Put butter sugar and cocoa in saucepan (or microwave proof bowl) heat until butter melts. Remove from heat. Mix in flour and cornflakes Spoon mounds onto greased oven try, pressing together with fingertips if necessary. Bake at 180 for 15 mins Ice when cold
Also great as Afghan slice, press mixture into slice in.Bake 180 for 25 minutes, ice when cold
Jul 30, 1:48am
Thank you very much shellz213, marree & jascas - very much appreciated.
Jul 30, 1:49am
Haven't heard that one before lol
Jul 31, 12:07am
Hi, does anyone have a simple & tried afghan recipe! Would like to bake some tonight, much appreciated.
Jul 31, 12:29am
Do you have an Edmonds cookbook! Minimal ingreadients and excellent results - I make this recipe all the time.
Jul 31, 12:48am
How sad is that! I don't have an edmonds cook book :) - will search for one of those now, cheers
Jul 31, 12:54am
Here's the recipe if that helps.
200 grams butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 1/4 cups flour 1/4 cup cocoa 2 cups cornflakes
Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.Sift flour and cocoa.Stir into creamed mixture.Fold in cornflakes.Spoon mounds of mixture onto a greased oven tray, gently pressing together.Bake at 180C for 15 minutes or until set.When cold ice with chocolate icing and decorate with a walnut if desired. Makes 30.
Jul 31, 12:57am
Someone on a previous thread said they called their Afghans 'Talibans' ;)
Dec 7, 5:12pm
Haven't heard that one before lol
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