I have a young one coming to stay this weekend, and her Gran (my friend) has asked me if I will do some baking with her..the 12 year old that is haha my friend has never been a cook of any sorts :) was always left to Aunty to teach.But it's been a lot of years now..the lass's mum isn't a cook/baker either sadly...so she does food tech or what ever they call it now...so what does a 12yr old learn at that is there any real cooking or baking included?I'll do the scones and picklets, I do easy pessie ones there what else can I do..not sure what concerntration (sp) level they have now at 12...but she seems keen accordly to Gran..ideas please thanks Anne
May 31, 7:13am
My 12 year old can make muffins, carrot cake (which is better than mine), brownies and non bake slices. Cookies like afghans and choc chip go down well too. For christmas I got her a baking book from Hansells which she loves as it mentions techniques as well as recipes.http://www.hansells.co- .nz/
May 31, 7:16am
Thanks will get her Gran to find the book...yes thought I could do the muffin thing with her..hadn't thought of unbaked slices..hmmm thanks
May 31, 8:27am
Anzacs are fun to make with kids and always come out yummy. Can freeze the biscuits and she can take them home.
May 31, 8:31am
Use the edmonds cookbook peanut brownie recipe and adapt it for chocolate chippies, fruit and nut cookies - whatever takes your fancy.I just replace peanuts with fruit/chocolate/fruitnut mix and remove or leave in cocoa - whatever appeals.I think it great to have something basic that can be adapted to different flavours.
May 31, 10:12am
my daughter hasn't really spent any time in the kitchen, and she has just started taking at interest (at nearly 10)... I abandoned "healthy eating" - first recipes: ricebubble slice pancakes cupcakes and I can't believe this! sushi!!!!
But she loves it!
May 31, 11:12pm
I use the edmonds vanilla biscuit recipe ..... use less sugar as it uses far too much. then make cho chip and fruit and nut biscuits, saves opening a tin of condensed milk. At 12 I used to do the baking for the household ..... 3-4 different biscuits, a cake the one egg choc one is good and 1-2 slices eg ginger crunch or a rice bubble one with fruit and nuts in is good too. My biggest moan was always trying to keep younger brothers out of the kitchen as I've seen biscuits diappear faster then I could get them out of the oven lol. She should have the basics of baking .... maybe ask what she would like to make within reason.
Jun 1, 12:47am
Also tet her to read and follow recipes, go through a few with her, so she has to ensure the ingrediants are there. I am an advocate of cooking meals as well.
Jun 1, 12:52am
You ladies are great, having young cooks at home. My daughter is 13 and is only become interested. Makes yummy pinwheel scones, mini pizzas and this weekend she did pikelets. Its just the mess I cant handle. But brought that on myself as the rules for tea are, I cook the others do the dishes,she has learnt that rule very well!!!!!.
Jun 1, 1:01am
Unfortunately, I had no choice, I ad to put on dinner when I got home from school, otherwise I was in big trouble.Due to mum and dad were working late out on the farm. Mum would have the meat in the oven, and I would have to turn it on but I had to peel potatoes etc, Started about the age of 9.
Jun 1, 1:08am
Children also have to learn, that while baking is fun, they also have to clean up their mess as part of it. That way, they learn to keep things clean and tidy as they go. Good on all you people teaching children to cook from any early age You never know, they may be the next masterchefor Jo seager.On Monday night night is Junior masterchef on t.v 4. ome of those kids are amazing, the youngest is 9 years of age., oldest is 12 or 13.
Jun 1, 3:42am
What about the 3 ingredient peanut better cookies - I think they are from Jo Seger, but I have also seen them on the home energy heating add (funnily enough) but they don't say what they are.I will try and find and post for you. T
Jun 1, 3:45am
found this on the web, but not from Jo Seagar
I have one that I used to make a lot, got from a friend:
Sara's Gluten-free Peanut Choc Cookies 1 cup peanut butter (either crunchy or smooth depending what you prefer) 3/4 cup sugar 1 egg 3/4 cup choc chips Oven to 180c
1. Beat peanut butter and sugar, then add beaten egg. 2. Work in choc chips (mixture will be hardish). 3. Spoon spoonfuls onto a tray, flatten slightly with fork. 4. Bake at 180c for 12-15 minutes.
This is also gluten-free so handy to have on hand if you are or know gluten-free friends/family.
Jun 1, 5:55am
You people are just wonderful...her Gran is a clean 'freak' so I know she will behind us cleaning up :) And she knows (Gran that is) knows Aunty Annie isn't haha That's not totally right not that I am not a clean person just my kitchen is for enjoying and teaching and cooking are fun to me, even at my age :)I love cooking and having been alone now for to many years, and not currently working I have no young ones at work to feed, my last job at break times the young ones use to come and say "Anne what's in your locker"?I use to feed so many gives me pleasure :)I use to keep a biscuit tin there with baking :)Just love it..
Jun 1, 9:49am
teach her how to make canara pasta , so simpple . She may n know how to cook pasta. or make soup .( easy ; get vegies , peel , chop , butter in pot , boiling water , stock cube ( not necessary) , hot water put to cook, blend( not compulsary ) done ! or how to make spaghetti bolognaise .
Jun 1, 11:20am
mmm first meal was a casserole or stew as we called it. I too love cooking but with just 2 of us the weight piles on if I indulge. Have crab apple jam on the go at present, need to strain and add sugar ... tomorrows chore. This year have cooked down quite a lot of fruit for jams and jelly's. Often make chutney's and pickles as well. Have 3 lots of soup in freezer for when it gets colder. This weekend am hoping to get a large bag of pears and apples to cook and freeze for desserts etc, Even made some chicken stock from scratch ..... now that was a first for me, so never too old to learn something new. have fun anne I'm sure the young lass will enjoy.
Jun 2, 3:25am
teach her macaroni cheese. Learning the base for a roux sauce is a good thing to have.
Jun 2, 3:35am
I do that too - such an economical recipe and they keep really well.
Jun 2, 7:17am
My 12 year old boy child has been doing food tech at school too.We have had chocolate chip shortbread, calzone, pizza (blimmen better than mine!), smoothies and savoury scones today.
Jun 2, 8:49am
butterfly cakes are an oldie but goodie. Recipe is in Edmonds cookbook.
Jun 2, 11:13am
That is such a brilliant suggestion. Another thing I'd teach her is how to cream butter and sugar and, if the recipe calls for it, how to add in eggs, one at a time, so that they are fully incorporated.
I read a lot of posts in here from people who, from the description of what has gone wrong, obviously have no idea how to cream butter and sugar properly and then incorporate eggs. Roux and creaming will set her baking career up for life I reckon.
Also, if you are up to it, why not teach her how to make choux pastry. It is really simple, especially with a kenwood or similar, and yet hardly anyone knows how to make a decent pastry case.
Oct 11, 1:05am
My daughter is 10yrs old and does the best scramble eggs, better than mine and much better than her grans. She loves to cook,gets a book out and goes for it. I have come home to all sorts of goodies. Piklets, pizza ,sushi, and she makes a mean chicken & bacon cabonara and all from scratch no pre prepared packets ready to eat meals. So lucky ... I wish my mother would let me cook but she thought I would burn myself.. I wasnt lucky enough to learn to cook until I left home. I think that all kids should learn to cook. Good on you she is so lucky to have someone who wants to teach her to cook.
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