Ok...me and my boys are going to make their Mum vege soup for tonights dinner. We have some dried soup mix, stock cubes and loads of fresh veges.What do we do with the dried soup mix..should we be soaking this beforehand?I've tried looking on google but can't quite find the info I need. We want to surprise Mum/wife...but not in a horrible way! Many thanks in advance.
Apr 26, 11:29pm
a kings mixture? if so I just boil it for a couple of hours, then add vegies
Apr 26, 11:35pm
Not sure of the brand..wife puts everything in glass jars.It just says dried soup mix on the jar. I'll get the dry stuff going just after lunch.Do I boil in water or use some the stock i found? I have pumpkin, garlic,onion, carrots, parsnips, leek.Was going to stickin some of each and then just go by what it tastes like.My lads will sure fast tell me if it's yuck. Thanks for the help.
Apr 26, 11:37pm
use some stock, maybe a bacon/prok hock also
Apr 26, 11:41pm
Alrighty...meat in our soup.Now the boys are looking keen.Bacon hock it is! Your a star!
Apr 26, 11:45pm
boil the hock for a few hours, cool and take off the fat & skin, keep the water, and use that as stock, throw the lentils in the water (stock), cook for a couple of hrs, then add everything. Taste as you go
Apr 26, 11:55pm
Got the hock in the microwave defrosting right now.Will follow your instructions.. does the meat (and even the skin?) go into the soup? Wife just phoned to see what were doing for lunch and my youngest spilt the beans and told her we're cooking dinner for her..she sounded more than a little scared!
Apr 26, 11:56pm
yes, pull the meat off the bone, and leave the skin out of the soup
Apr 27, 12:05am
Ok excellent! Thanks again.
Apr 27, 4:24am
How's the soup?
Apr 27, 4:36am
Awesome... according to the kids.We've used just about every spoon in the house with them 'tasting' it. We went all out and dragged out the bread making machine so that's humming away making a loaf. Mums going to be home 5ish & the boys have set the table with a table cloth ,which is pretty flash around here. I think the boys have really enjoyed it and so have I! I like to cookregulary...which translates to annually so it's nice when it goes well.
Apr 27, 4:53am
Hope you all enjoy your fabby meal!
Apr 27, 5:22am
That is awesome and I tells you what, there is very little that is sexier in this world, than a man creature who makes you a meal.
Apr 27, 7:54am
ain't that the truth
Apr 27, 8:08am
Absolutely, only to be topped by ..............
clearing up afterwards!
Apr 27, 8:26am
Amen to that!!!!
Apr 27, 8:45am
Right on!
Apr 27, 8:50pm
pleased your soup went well. what are you cooking for tonight?
Aug 23, 1:40pm
Well I'll have you all know I was told last night that I'm THE best husband EVER...I'm thinking of getting a T-shirt or badge to state this to the whole world! In a moment of wine induced maddness I declared I'd cook for the rest of the week! Which is really only tonight and tomorrow. So I've sorted all I need to make a Spag Bol.I reckon I can handle this,I've made it before,it got messy but was tasty.Tomorrow I'll fire up the pizza oven,I'm in my element then! And yes me and the boys cleaned up after dinner last night...I would do that to her.She's working this week and I'm home with the kids. So a big thankyou to pericles for your great help yesterday.The soup was real good..glad we used the hock.I'd most certainly do it again...next year! Just kidding!
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