Fish soup.

jag5, Jan 16, 10:25pm
Have just made some fish stock. would like a tried and true fish soup recipe please. not necessarily with chunks of fish in. just a creamy soup. tia

motorbo, Jan 17, 12:27am
i don't have a creamy recipe, but growing up my mum made soup from the frames and heads, it is fish stock with white rice and parsley and season it with salt and pepper, simple as but very tasty

buzzy110, Jan 17, 12:50am
Creamy fish soup is easy. Decide what vegetables you want in it (I usually use onion, celery, capsicum and mushrooms as a base) and add in other vegetables depending on the time of the year. I stay away from leafy greens except cabbage. I use the whiter leaves.

Prepare, slice (whatever size you want - I usually do smallish chunks), sautee in butter or oil. Be careful not to brown anything. Add your stock and depending on how much stock you have, and how much soup you want to end up with, make up the balance with water. Don't overdo the water and best not to use it at all if you have enough stock. Season to taste and cook until the vegetables are at the consistency you like.

In another pot make a roux type sauce using butter, flour and the cooking liquid. It should be thickish but not really stiff. Return to the vegetables and reheat, stirring all the time and also any fresh fish you might want to add.

Lots of recipes call for milk but for me personally, I don't like milk in fish soup.

When I'm at the beach I make the basic recipe without thickening and add in tomatoes and herbs. Usually I have green beans as well along with anything else that takes my fancy. Just before serving I add in fresh seafood - chunks of fish, scallops, mussles, tua tua, crayfish, etc. It's quite popular.

jag5, Jan 17, 11:56pm
Thank you guys