hi the italian lady down the road gave me some fruit since i couldnt really understand her i dont know what it is,i thought it might have been a pommegranate, it has 4 roundish leaves in a circle at the top and the fruit they vary from green to apricot coloured and have yellow flesh no pips and the ripest one smells alot like a tomato i asked her if it was a tomato she said no its fruit?? help what is is and what do i do with it the green one tasted horrible and powdery and the ripe one tasted alittle like a plum
Not a pomegranate. They are a mottled red and when cut into have lots of red, juicy seeds. You eat the seeds and you would never be tempted to 'bite' into one.
As lilly said - It sounds like you were given one ripe persimmon and 1 not-ripe persimmon.
FYI there are 2 types of persimmon. One is edible. The other is ornamental. No matter how ripe the ornamental one gets it always tastes blerk and chalky. The ripe edible ones are wonderful but when unripe they taste like the ornamental ones. Mine are not yet ripe but they will be in a few weeks time.
Mar 3, 4:26pm
wrong season to be a Persimmon. Pepino, is my guess. Same family as the tomato.
Mar 3, 4:41pm
yip it is a persimmon! thanks i thought it was a pommegranate until i cut it open and found no seeds,pickles 7 we live in 0zzie now:) so plenty of sun for them!so how do we eat it?
Mar 3, 4:54pm
Peel and eat. Spit out the seeds, if there are any. Usually seeds develop as the fruit ripens.
Mar 3, 4:59pm
Persimmon are a winter fruit. They have a very short shelf life. They do not freeze well. I just love them, maybe a big move going to happen, so I can have them all year round .
Mar 3, 5:00pm
ok thanks! i thought maybe it was a stewing fruit> its an odd taste, but good to try new things! what a lovely lady!!
Mar 3, 5:02pm
Must be a different breed than we grow here, they like the cold and ripen in frosty weather here.
Mar 3, 5:02pm
oh ok lol odd there growing at the moment then since its been over 30s lately!! she has a net over her tree so the bats dont steal them so she must love them too haha
Mar 3, 5:03pm
Persimmons need to be really squishy and ripe before you eat them as they can be bitter otherwise.
Mar 3, 5:03pm
hmm we dont have frost im in gold coastim not sure id never have tried them if it wasnt for her! sure wish i could understand what shes trying to say when she stops me to chat tho!!
Mar 3, 5:04pm
yes cookessentials we found that out when i bit a green one hahaha
Mar 3, 6:10pm
I eat ours just before they get squishy but still ripe. Once they get squishy we don't really like them. But if they do get squishy they make a really nice 'sauce' for plain yoghurt or over icecream. Just scoop the flesh out and you have your 'sauce'. No further processing required.
With regards to what pickles said, I think there may be different varieties. Ours grows above the frost line and it rarely gets much below 12C up here, even in the depths of winter and it sets fruit and ripens anyway.
Mar 3, 7:02pm
Only the older varieties of persimmon are astringent and need to be fully ripe before their sugar develops. The commercial varieties being produced today colour up much earlier and are sweeter from an earlier stage of ripeness. Your neighbour may have a tree of the older type.
Mar 3, 8:58pm
It sounds like the older type to me too.. the newer variety - Fuyu - are delicious eaten when still crisp or through from there to being softer.. however you prefer.. we love them and have a tree growing.
Favourite ways to have them include eaten as is, chilled is good too, added to fruit salads, chopped to add to a salsa.. or used as the central goody in a salsa - add red onion, tomato, cucumber, etc.. and your favourite dressing.. Some people like eating the skins too.
Chutney's and relishes can include them too..
Mar 3, 10:19pm
I like the crisp fruits, ripen early winter. Don't like the near rotten ones, at all. You are so lucky to be able to get them at this time of the year. I used them a lot as a salad ingredient, slices of persimmon, ch walnuts, spring onion and celery. Dressed it with lemon, oil, salt and pepper. Nice coloured salad, for winter.
Mar 4, 4:03pm
hi the italian lady down the road gave me some fruit since i couldnt really understand her i dont know what it is,i thought it might have been a pommegranate, it has 4 roundish leaves in a circle at the top and the fruit they vary from green to apricot coloured and have yellow flesh no pips and the ripest one smells alot like a tomato i asked her if it was a tomato she said no its fruit! help what is is and what do i do with it the green one tasted horrible and powdery and the ripe one tasted alittle like a plum
Not a pomegranate. They are a mottled red and when cut into have lots of red, juicy seeds. You eat the seeds and you would never be tempted to 'bite' into one.
As lilly said - It sounds like you were given one ripe persimmon and 1 not-ripe persimmon.
FYI there are 2 types of persimmon. One is edible. The other is ornamental. No matter how ripe the ornamental one gets it always tastes blerk and chalky. The ripe edible ones are wonderful but when unripe they taste like the ornamental ones. Mine are not yet ripe but they will be in a few weeks time.
Mar 4, 4:41pm
yip it is a persimmon! thanks i thought it was a pommegranate until i cut it open and found no seeds,pickles 7 we live in 0zzie now:) so plenty of sun for them!so how do we eat it!
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