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racheee, Sep 11, 12:53am
So it is ok to open it and stuff it down Uli?I wasn't sure if it was ok to open the jar or not.

racheee, Sep 11, 12:53am
Sounds interesting Seb. You should try making some!

uli, Sep 11, 2:24am
I open mine all the time, cause I do not want to keep them for 6 or 8 months anyway :) and so its no problem if the CO2 goes off into the atmosphere - however soon you'd probably be taxed if you do too much fermented foods ...

uli, Sep 11, 2:27am
we had a beef roast with sauerkraut mashed potatoes and gravy - and yes - one needs to make a "lake" with mashed potatoes and gravy. There is no other way to eat it properly :) And the sauerkraut has small fried bacon bits in it and lots of caraway seeds and juniper berries and a bay leaf or two.
And if it is hunting season and there is a pheasant around he gets slowly roasted and put onto the sauerkraut which then has bits of pineapple mixed through it and some champagne :)

buzzy110, Sep 11, 5:48am
Yes. Still interested in sauerkraut but been away for a bit. I'm very sad at present as I have used the last of my sauerkraut and don't want to make anymore till my cabbages are ready. I guess now that 'summer' is just around the corner, I will probably have lots of other salad greens to eat. Also my cool place will not be cool enough in the summer.

uli, Sep 11, 9:06am
you can stuff it into jars buzzy and then put in the fridge. it doesn't take up much room.

seb28, Sep 11, 11:29am
#106 I have dutch parents it's just the way we've always had it! Oh I also forgot we'd also have a piece of rookwurst with heaps of mustard.

buzzy110, Sep 11, 11:37pm
Yes uli, I have been thinking about that. I better get a move on though. I am nearly through all my fermented vegetables and fermented pickled cabbage as well and I will be without my 'staples' in a few weeks if I don't do something. I have to go to the shops today so will have a look about for a nice organic cabbage to use along with the last of the organic carrots in my garden. Not very exciting but better than nothing.

buzzy110, Sep 11, 11:41pm
rachee. I'm surprised they didn't cover the problem of overflow in your course. The net has much more detailed info. Anyway. I fill all my jars and then, as uli advised earlier, fold out a round from the discarded cabbage leaves and put on the top of the vegetables. I screw the lid down really tight and then put into the bathtub on a towel. The vegetables will overflow for up to a week. When they stop, they are ready for refrigeration and edible about 2 weeks after that.

buzzy110, Sep 11, 11:44pm
So saying that I have gone slightly high tech. I bought some one way brewing bottle valves with a rubber o-ring (grommet) to act as a seal. Next time I am going to use plastic lids specially drilled out by my beloved with one of the valves inserted into it. Just top the valve up with water, and when the bubbles stop, replace the lids with the usual Agee rings and seals and refrigerate. I think there will still be overflow but just not as bad.

uli, Sep 12, 2:03am
would be terrible if you cannot have a bath anymore cause all is full with overflowing jars in there LOL :)

buzzy110, Sep 12, 3:20am
That's OK uli. I never use that particular bath anyway so it is good that it is being used for my fermentation experiments. Makes cleaning up easier as well.

buzzy110, Sep 14, 5:53am
Well I weakened. I just couldn't face months without some handy sauerkraut. Funny how something I have only just learned to make has become an absolute neccessity. Anyway, I pulled out my crock and half filled it with organic cabbage and carrots. I realised that it was easier to use the crock than to fiddle around with a whole lot of jars. If there is still some left (which I doubt) at the end of summer I'll put it in the fridge in jars and make a full crock to get me through winter and spring. I'm happy now.

uli, Sep 19, 9:51pm
I tought you would buzzy :) I have to make some more stuff today too - I am getting low. Have you made the orange/carrot mix yet? That sounded so good.

buzzy110, Sep 20, 7:13am
No uli. I haven't made the orange/carrot mix. I seemed to have missed that recipe. Where do I find it? Or was it some idea I was toying with? There are so many ideas going around in my head that I just can't seem to remember and now I have a Compact juicer, dehydrator and a book on sprouts and they all have fantastic recipes using sprouts and stuff. I am busy sprouting all sorts of grains and seeds as well as planting my veg and tiny flower garden.

uli, Sep 26, 7:36am
It was in Nourishing Traditions I think they also do a "jam" with fermented oranges - now that didn't sound too appealing to me ...

uli, Sep 26, 7:36am
Sauerkraut bump for cornwall3 :)

buzzy110, Sep 26, 11:07pm
I looked in the NT book but didn't see it there. I will have to look harder. There is just so much in that book and getting my head around where it all is is a mission in itself as I am reading two other books at the same time and doing none justice.

uli, Sep 27, 1:10am
Maybe I am mistaken Will have a look myself.

uli, Sep 30, 5:28am
I cannot find it either ... hmmm maybe it was on the net?

bev00, Oct 7, 4:42am
bump back up

spot20, Oct 7, 8:00pm
Health benefits of fermented foods please?? A lot os so called experts say cabbage is hard on the gut but I guess fermenting changes the composition??

buzzy110, Oct 8, 12:30am
I have already answered this question in depth on page two. Sadly TM has seen fit to take out the numbering system so I cannot even point you to the exact posts so I will post the first one and you can find that and read the rest below

spot20, Oct 8, 2:19am
Thanks guys - sounds like the ticket!! Will defintiely give it a go as I was only yesterday in hospital with a camera down my throat!! Talk about digestion!

buzzy110, Oct 8, 3:03am
Ooooh. Poor you. What is your problem with digestion? I can offer some good advice but perhaps it would be better if you started another thread.