Any ideas to get it cleaned ready for another lot please ? Thank-you
Jan 9, 6:20am
add baking soda and simmer for a while
Jan 9, 6:21am
jiff etc is also good
Jan 9, 6:22am
Tip it upside down outdoors in fierce summer heat and the burnt bits will bake on and then peel off :)
Jan 9, 6:24am
I need it clean asap .
Jan 9, 6:25am
do you have any rhubarb??? cook some in the pot. also depending on what sort of pot it may not be any good for jam again as it will always catch on the bottom.
Jan 9, 6:34am
Hi Iv'e used this stainless steel pot many times and haven't had any problems but i had the element on low and it caught brass me off .It's all my own fault
Jan 9, 7:26am
Dish washing liquid and some water. Simmer for about 10-15 mins, then scrape off.
Jan 9, 8:03am
Dishwash powder, simmer for 15 minutes, scrape off.Repeat if necessary.I find this better than abrasives, baking soda, burying etc.
Jan 9, 8:49am
my pot is clean i'm not sure what worked as i used washing soda laundry powder red wine and simmered it on the stove topthen it came off with a bit of elbow grease. Thanks every one for the tips hope i don't do it again.
Jan 9, 9:04am
Didn't anyone tell you not to mix chemicals without a degree in chemistry?
Jan 9, 6:27pm
You soak it in soapy water overnight. No need for harsh cleaners or anything.
Jan 10, 3:18am
Why did you use red wine catiez ? Just curious as I have never heard of its pot - cleaning properties.
Jan 10, 3:48am
When making jam or sauce or anything that might stick and burn, add 3-4 marbles to the pan.I can hear you the hell does that help?
I can't answer how it works, it just does.Try it, you will be pleasantly surprised.
Jan 10, 4:50am
As long as no one is tempted to drink washing soda and red wine :)
Old Radio Music Hall song: "Mrs O'Malley, down in the valley Suffered from ulcers, I understand, She swallowed a cake of Grandma's lye soap Now she's the cleanest ulcers in the land!"
Jan 13, 6:52am
I agree with the baking soda & water idea. After many accidents over the years it seems to work the best! Also put the lid on the pot & leave for 10-15 minsbooiling away.
Jan 13, 8:57am
I just asumed if there is any acid content in red wine it might help it was a rubbish red we picked up cheap at a winery in pakawhai rd .
Jan 13, 9:00am
It will be the acid in the red wine. Vinegar works too and is probably cheaper.
Jan 13, 9:20am
Dont worry about the soda, vinegar etc etc. This works everytime. Fill the saucepan with garden soil. then bury the saucepan in the garden. Leave for about a week & hey presto you have a clean saucepan. At New Year wifey burnt the broad beans to the bottom of the saucepan & now have a sparkling pot .
Jan 28, 5:02pm
I burned a recipe of fejoa jam last season... I recovered the jam by turning it into chutney - added onions, vinegar, and some smoked paprika - got enhance the smoky flavour...
People loved the chutney
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