Store bought hollandaise???

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geldof, Dec 21, 5:31am
STIRRER!!!Happy cooking and Merry Christmas!

nauru, Dec 21, 7:52am
kulkkulbelle, which stick blender do you have?. I'm open to recommendations as my present one a Do It All is about to die and I need to replace it.Does yours have a goblet attachment and is it a SS stick rather than plastic.

And No IMO, you didn't overeact in your earlier post.

seniorbones, Dec 21, 8:29am
I used to make it but now only ever use Kato its so nice, and as someone else metioned it is made by has a long shelf life too and usually buy 3 or 4 at a time, I bet because i dont have any neither will the supermarket tomorrow!!

kulkkulbelle, Dec 21, 9:41am
My current one is a Braun turbo 600 watt. I know my last one was not powerful enough to make Mayo that way, but this one gets it right every time. I can highly recommend it. it's not a professional SS one, but it has just gone and gone for years....

kulkkulbelle, Dec 21, 9:42am
Everyone might have the same idea as us!

suzieq1969, Dec 21, 8:50pm
I love hollandaise and am no master chef but I make my own in the microwave.It takes about 2minutes and is yummy if you want to know how just ask.No clarified butter or anything.Easy peasy.

tinamac, Dec 21, 9:46pm
I am asking suzieq...please,I would love your recipe.

suzieq1969, Dec 21, 10:44pm
Hollandaise recipe.

50grams butter, 1 Tablespoon lemon juice, 2 Egg yolks, 60mls cream, big pinch mustard, pinch salt. Dice butter put in microwave for bout 20-30 seconds till melted.Add liquid ingredients whisk with fork back in microwave for 30 secs.Wisk again and back in microwave for 30, keep repeating till thick.Add seasoning at the end.Easy peasy.

redhead21, Dec 21, 11:38pm
no you dont need shooting, it is making your life easier.I use the packet ones, continental and maggi.They are yummy.Why make life hard for yourself when in moments the meal is eaten.... enjoy the meal and the extra time you gave yourself....

uli, Dec 21, 11:58pm
Quickest easiest (and most like the original)
HOLLANDAISE Sauce (from geldof)

For all the people who do NEED to do it on Xmas morning - but are too tired to do the real thing:

150gms butter
2 tbsp lemon juice
3 egg yolks
pinch castor sugar
1/2 tsp each salt and white pepper

In separate cups, melt the butter and heat the lemon juice,(hot not boiling) place egg yolks and seasonings into a bowl or food processor. TURN on the processer or stick blender and add hot lemon juice and then slowly add melted butter. Keep processor going for a minute after mixed.

I have a small bowl attachment on my processer which i use.

geldof (68 )5:16 pm, Tue 21 Dec #18

kulkkulbelle, Dec 22, 3:06am
Wow - and this is unrecognisable from the clarify, whisk and double boiler one??????

kulkkulbelle, Dec 22, 3:06am

meg9, Dec 22, 3:30am
I make this easy blender hollandaise (no cooking required )
1/2 cup cream,
juice and grated zest of 1 lemon,
1 tablespoon of white wine vinegar,
salt and freshly ground pepper,
200gms hot melted butter,
plus 100gms very soft butter ( I leave this out during the day to soften).
Place yolks in blender and mix, while the blender is runningslowly add lemon juice, zest , vinegar andS & P. blend until pale and creamy. Slowly drizzle in melted butter then the softened butter.
You can make this in advance and keep in fridge covered it will need heating in microwave to serve.

kulkkulbelle, Dec 22, 3:45am
thanks Meg, all the lazy Hollandaisy girls are coming out of the woodwork now. Yours and suzieq's look very painless...I will try them both

meg9, Dec 22, 6:07am
Please note there is no cream in this recipe , but 4 egg yolks which I omitted.

maandpa2b, Dec 22, 7:43am
Easy peasy one in the Edmonds cookbook.I use it all the time - no whisking, clarifying etc...let me know if you need the recipe and I'll type it out.

uli, Dec 22, 8:26am
Maybe re-post the recipe then - 4 egg yolks and no cream makes it a mayonnaise.

buzzy110, Dec 23, 12:13am
geldof I tried out this recipe last night and it is fantastic. So thank you so much for this really easy way to make hollandaise sauce.

geldof, Dec 23, 12:23am
You're welcome.

Merry Christmas

kulkkulbelle, Dec 21, 12:32am
I know, I know I need shooting. If I cannot be bothered clarifying butter and all that whisking and all the palaver I buy the Kato one for Eggs Bene - anyone know of another brand that is passable at all!

oli3, Dec 21, 12:42am
Oddly enough, I actually really like the continental dried packet one! Its not as rich as the Kato one, and although I know hollandaise is meant to be rich, I quite like the mildness of the packet one.

oz4uk, Dec 21, 12:45am
The Maggi dry packaged one is my fav. and also because it's not as rich

uli, Dec 21, 12:59am
*blergh* - especially @ "it's not as rich" . why bother then!

kulkkulbelle, Dec 21, 1:08am

I'll try the Maille and get in some of the dried ones for an experiment. The Katos one is quite variable I find.

buzzy110, Dec 21, 2:20am
Rflmao uli. Will you never learn! These people love to eat food from packets. The fact that it bears no resemblance to the name on the packet is irrelevant. And whilst you and I may not appreciate the lovely flavours of artificial additives, the indigestibility of modified starch and the dead and denatured food produced, we really are not allowed to say so.

We have to just ignore posts from modern day 'cooks' who know perfectly well how to open a packet and follow the simple instructions because they love these edible, unnatural substances that contain absolutely no nutritional value whatsoever.

So here is how it goes. We are allowed to be criticised for our love of real, nutritious and luscious food but we are not permitted to criticise others for their love of denatured and dead edible substances.