What to do with capsicums....

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buzzy110, Nov 26, 7:52am
Awaiting recipe with bated breath. I will treat your recipe with all the reverence it obviously deserves and when I make some I'll be sure to let you know how it comes out.

jag5, Nov 26, 8:06pm
Here it is.

Either cut into strips and serve as an hors d’oeuvre, add to salads or sandwiches add to filled rolls or use as a garnish.Possibly the best use is by themselves as a garnish.

1 cup white vinegar
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 dessertspoon salt
1 teaspoon pickling spice (minus cloves and only 1 chilli – I leave more)
Boil the above for at least 5 minutes.In the meantime prepare 14 very ripe red, yellow, orange (green go grey) sweet peppers.Wash, core, remove seeds and slice into four lengthwise.Add peppers to the syrup and simmer for ½ minute (want them still crunchy).Pack into sterilised jars.Add a piece of cinnamon stick to each jar and cover to overflowing with syrup (pack in tightly as they do shrink).Seal.They are ready to use in about 3 weeks.(If you can wait that long)

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do

jag5, Nov 26, 9:18pm
bumping for buzzy110.

jag5, Nov 27, 12:36am
and again.

fisher, Nov 27, 4:00am
Capsicum Sauce
5 "red" capsicums, halved, membrane and seeds removed. 1 red chilli, seeded and finely chopped.1 cup white wine vinegar.2 tbsp lemon juice.3 cups sugar. 50g jam setting mix
Roast halved caps in a hot (200 deg) oven, cut side down on a foil lined oven tray for approx 40 mins. If the edges start to blacken, cover loosely with foil. Place into plastic bag to sweat for 10 mins, so you can remove skins. Trim off any burnt edges. Place skinned caps in a food processor and blend until smooth.
Add chilli, vinegar, lemon, 1 tsp salt, and blend again for 30 secs. Put in a large pan with sugar and stir over a low heat until all the sugar has dissolved.
Bring to the boil and add the jam setting mix. Continue to boil, stirring often. 5 mins, but up to half an hour so it gets nice and rich.
The natural sugars in the caps must caramelise.Pour into clean sterilized jars and refrigerate.

rainrain1, Nov 27, 6:02am
That's good to know.and that beautiful fabulous colour

kiwibubbles, Nov 27, 9:13am
ANnabel Langbein had a really nice recipe for a sauce using capsium - it looked divine - but can't think of the name. Nigella also has a very delicious looking jam made from capsicum and chillis

bigcoly, Nov 27, 10:25pm
Here's one that's very popular with all that try.
Pepper Relish

6 peppers (any colour - I like red)3 large onions
1 C white vinegar3/4 C sugar
2 tsp plain salt2 tsp mustard seed
1 tsp celery seed1 tsp turmeric
1 Tbsp cornflour6 C boiling water

Mince seeded peppers & onions finely into a med bowl. Pour over boiling water & leave to stand for 5 mins.
Then tip into a large sieve & leave to drain leave. Bring remaining ingredients except cornflour to the boil, then add the peppers & onions & cook for 15mins. Mix the cornflour into a little water & thicken the mi. Bottle & seal.
Leave for a few days before trying. Lovely on crackers with cheese.

bigcoly, Nov 27, 10:28pm
This ones a nice sauce that great to add to any cooking.

1 kg red peppers
6 C white sugar
6 C white vinegar

boil vinegar & sugar. Seed pepper in food proccessor. Cook 25 mins on rolling boil. Bottle.

buzzy110, Nov 27, 11:26pm
6 C white sugar! Are you sure about that!

buzzy110, Nov 27, 11:28pm
Oh I agree. I never ever use green capsicum and always pick it out when I am served it if I can. Eating green capsicum, especially raw, is akin to eating a green apple - definitely not good for the digestive system. However, 99% of the population likes green capsicum so what can you do!

uli, Nov 28, 5:48am
I made this last year and it was a hit with everybody. Can't wait until we get some more cheap capsicums - or even better my own ones set some fruit now.

bev00, Nov 28, 11:35am
coming into the season .

fisher, Nov 28, 11:57am
Acquired taste sometimes buzzy. Sure my favourite is red . salads and roasted etc but the green ones are great in some dishes because of their "bitterness". I used to eat them like apples straight off the vines from a grower who sold them for 10 cents each. ate more than i bought hehehehe . oh the days.:}