245sam and other ChCh posters

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245sam, Feb 22, 3:57am
Hi everyone, DH and I are ok as are all our immediate neighbours, but as for checking on friends across the city.....it's pretty much impossible with land lines overloaded and it appears that some cellphone services are affected as well.No more damage of significance to our already EQC demolition-recommended house.
Currently we, here in Halswell, have both water and power but according to Orion, 80% Christchurch does not have power which means that those here on TM that we'd sooo like to hear from will not be able to let us know if they are affected by the power outage.
Take care everyone and thanks to all our friends nationwide who we know are/will be concerned about so many of us.:-))

winnie231, Feb 23, 2:13am
Hi everyone,
thankyou for your love and concern. We are in a horrendous situation here.
I have lost my home and everything in it ... but I have my life and am so thankful for that. I only left my home a couple of mins before the quake struck & was 100m away on the street, engulfed in a cloud of dust as buildings colapsed around me.
Just terrifying.
I am at Mum's house now and just taking life hour by hour at the moment.

juliewn, Feb 23, 5:04am
Thank goodness you're safe Rae.. thinking of you..x

eastie3, Feb 23, 5:58am
So much for all of you brave people to contend with.We have only managed to make contact with two cousins via Facebook and through them hear that many of our family and friends survived the EQ,albeit with major damage and in one case total loss of the house.There are injuries,but thankfully not serious.I suspect the emotional damage will be long lasting and not easy to cope with.I don't know what has happened to any of myfriends and the rest of our families,but we are proceeding on the assumption that bad news would have somehow reached us by now.I feel for you all,you are constantly in my thoughts,please do check in and update us as you are able to.

juliewn, Feb 23, 11:51am
Hi Eastie.. have you looked here, or registered here..

I do hope your loved ones are safe..

I've heard from Dot - Smiley-Cherub - she's safe.. went through a lot, and thankfully safe..

My thoughts are with everyone there in Canterbury.. huge what you're all dealing with there.. keep safe..

katalin2, Feb 23, 9:56pm
just to say we are ok- house mess, once agin chutneys jamsetc all gone- plus lovely choc cake sitting on pantry shelf made night before for daughters birthday on 22nd- but palls into insignificance when you see what has happened and the fatalities. stayed out of town last nigth as we have no power sewage water and hard to sleep with aftershocks. off back to town to continue clean up. one cat still missing

245sam, Feb 23, 10:13pm
Hi katalin2, 'tis good to know that you're ok.Sorry to read about your house, etc. but as you say "palls into insignificance when you see what has happened and the fatalities".
The latest from the CTV site is so very very sad and whilst it would be great to think that throughout the whole disaster area there are survivors still waiting to be rescued, realistically I'm sure that most of the news from here on won't be good news.
Take care and keep safe.:-))

eastie3, Sep 5, 12:01am
Hope that you are okay down there.what an awful experience for you.I was a kid in Christchurch during the Inangahua earthquake and that was scary!

All the best.

katalin2, Sep 5, 12:21am
Extremely frightening- 2 chimney's down; kitchen and pantry a mess as lost dinner sets, wine glasses and lots of preserves and chutneys- v messy to clean up- but my work building nearby has lost a whole brick wall including windows. whole house is a tip as books have come out of bookshelves etc. daughter is here helping clean up. typing this while on hold to insurance company. At least no one has died- which is a wonder! thanks for your concern eastie3. phone has been ringing all morning from family and friends all over nz which has been reassuring.

katalin2, Sep 5, 12:27am
I remember tha Inangahua earthquake as well eastie- my bed went back and forth- this was somehow different, the bed didn't move but the whole house rattled and shook and you could hear the china downstairs breaking on the tiles- and it seemed to go on for ever, not just 40 seconds!

valentino, Sep 5, 12:53am
Yes hopefully Shirley and quite a few others, esp some that had noted in the thread "Circle of Friends" are all ok.

Noted on the NZ cat forum that a number of people were hit badly and that also animals especially breeders are very concerned with their pregnant animals.

So great thoughts of best wishes to everyone and everything.


snapit, Sep 5, 1:38am
My thoughts with all in the earthquake affected area. It is hard for me to imagine what it is like as I have never experienced even a minor shake.
TV one is bringing it to us in various reports and photos.
We have seen it in other country's but this is our own country and people and places we are acquainted with. Nice to hear from those who have checked in.
My thoughts with you all.

juliewn, Sep 5, 2:02am
Thank goodness you're all ok. am thinking of everyone in the area. went through the '87 Edgecumbe quake here. a scary time.

Hi Cathy. I'm glad you're safe there.preserves all over the floor makes for a big cleanup - I had open kitchen shelves in the farmhouse we lived in then. the floor a mess. took photos for insurance purposes, dug a huge hole and the lot went in - will be a find for an archaeologist one day!

Thoughts to Shirley too - hope all is well for you there.

Take care everyone. and give your loved ones a big hug today. they're what matters the most.

juliewn, Sep 5, 2:04am
ps. those phone calls and messages and emails from family and friends at a time like this. absolutely priceless.

pam.delilah, Sep 5, 4:06am
I am in Woolston and there is little damage, only toppled chimneys on some houses. We have had no power loss and the water is still flowing in the taps. But very scary when on is on their own.

Watching the news, listening to the radio and reading the threads on TMB, it is hard to believethat we had the same earthquake.

My poor cat doesn't want to come inside and explains why he has been acting strangely the last few days, not eating like he does and acting more wimpy than usual

sumstyle, Sep 5, 4:46am
Not too much damage for me in Spreydon.I can hear the aftershocks coming - sounds like a big lorry driving on a bumpy road.

Went round to check Dad in the rest home.Power was still out but he was ok.Said he couldn't get out of bed to get under a doorway, just had to lie there in the dark.

sumstyle, Sep 5, 6:03am
Definitely more scary cos of the dark and coming out of a deep sleep, trying to get to the door frame with everything heaving so violently.Dad had no chance, he's totally unsteady on his feet on a regular day.

martine5, Sep 5, 6:51am
I had woken up but i don't think i have ever been that scared in my life. My flat is the bottom flat and I wondered if the top one was going to come crashing down as glass was shattering and walls were moving as the floor was rocking.I'm just so pleased my partner was there with me as I screamed to him to get under the doorway. My heart goes out to people who were by themselves when the earthquake struck.

martine5, Sep 5, 7:00am
My fur babies were terrified, one came out from under the bed about 2 hours ago very startled I'm not sure where the other one is hopefully he will show himself shortly I can live with broken stuff but not loosing my furkids!

sumstyle, Sep 5, 7:13am
I did wonder about winnie - good news that she's ok

sumstyle, Sep 5, 7:14am
shoot there's some very big shocks happening, moving my stool to be Under the door frame!

winnie231, Sep 5, 8:34am
Quuick msg - I'm at Mr D's house as no power or water at home.
I'm fine though and counting my blessings!

jessie981, Sep 5, 9:05am
Thanx all for your thoughts & support. Could have been heaps worse. At least we're all alive.

calista, Sep 5, 9:52am
Sorry it's taken me a while to report in. The earthquake made one chimney unsafe, so a friend (a chippie) and I demolished it.My front wall has also lost some bricks.I was so lucky, only lost power for a short time, and while books and stuff are on the floor, nothing broke.

Earthquake proof notice - don't put a bookcase so close to your front door that when the books fall out you won;t be able to open the door.

juliewn, Sep 5, 11:53am
Ohh. good to read that you're all safe. my thoughts to you all. hope you're all managing to get some sleep tonight.

Thanks Calista. I hadn't thought of a bookcase near a door stopping access. will need to firmly fasten the bookcase to a wall for earthquakes.

My thoughts to you too 245sam/Shirley. hope you're ok there. take care.