245sam and other ChCh posters

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juliewn, Sep 5, 12:11pm
Hi Shirley.. thank goodness you're ok there.. though lots to be done and to do - immense forces to do the kinds of damage that have been done over such a large area.. keep safe..

eastie3, Sep 5, 12:46pm
I have not long got home from work so it's goodto hear that you are ok and the mess is starting to be sorted out,I feel so sorry for the anxiety and stress people are coping with.Writing about it is probably therapeutic in so far as you are making progress in dealing with the cleanupand probably the feedback of others experiences is also comforting as there are so many of you affected.I hope I've phrased that properly.All the best to you Shirley,and your family.

winnie231, Sep 5, 10:23pm
Hi Shirley,
so pleased to hear that you are ok.
Was getting very concerned when we hadn't heard from you - but having lived through it myself, I can understand what you wrote about priorities.
Luckily, a large part of my kitchen is still in boxes because I'm waiting for the kitchen to be completely renovated.
So very little breakage here.
The devastation around me here near central city, makes me count my blessings.
My warmest thoughts are with you & all Cantabs over the coming weeks as we strive to restore calm & order.

red2, Sep 5, 10:28pm
my thoughts and hugs to you all also - hope you are back in your kitchens soon !!

2halls, Sep 5, 10:54pm
I'm too scared to start cooking anything in case of another big shake.I know that sounds silly.I turned the oven and stove on this morning to check they were still working.Fortunately my well stocked freezer and pantry is feeding us,although I've lived on toast since Saturday as I have just completely lost my appetite (and we have been very fortunate compared to many).Many of my friends feel the same way.I think now the adrenalin of Saturday has worn off,everybody is a bit shell shocked as we uncover the messes that our friends/colleagues and loved ones are in.

lizab, Sep 5, 11:28pm
Feeling very useless living in the North Island - would love to be there helping out everyone if I could :(

indy95, Sep 6, 1:02am
Good to hear that you are safe and unhurt, 245sam, although you are obviously living through a total nightmare at the moment. I can't even begin to imagine what the cleanup will be like and coping with the aftershocks is obviously making life even more difficult for you.
Like many others I wish there was something useful we could all do to help.

alewis, Sep 6, 1:28am
My thoughts are with you as well, having just returned from overseas on sunday night it was surreal to hear that christchurch had had an earthquake - knowing the cleanup is going to be huge and emotional but to have the families safe and not buried under bubble is a huge positive, how very humble we are in the force of nature.

winnie231, Sep 6, 1:35am
Aftershocks are a nightmare!
Had another one an hour ago ... 4.5 ... nerves are completely shot!

sumstyle, Sep 6, 1:58am
lizab, it's nice that in Recipes no one is being snarky about us Chc folk needing to share/vent just to take the pressure off.In General there's some nasty responses, and a wee lack of empathy from a random few.Hiding out in Recipes is very soothing! so thanks for your support and caring.

alewis, Sep 6, 2:42am
I think us lot in the north have no idea what you are dealing with and its a very big thing, hugs to everyone stay safe and close to loved ones.

lizab, Sep 6, 2:44am
sumstyle that's awful!! Some people are just strange ... especially in General lol!! Well, half an hour after my post at 11:30 saying how useless I felt, my 19 yo son rang me to say that he and his boss might be going to ChCh!! My son works for a glazier and they are talking about maybe going south to help down there!! So I was so pleased! I hope they can sort something out :) I'm amazed at how many aftershocks you guys are experiencing - must be absolutely horrific for you all !!!

fifie, Sep 6, 2:48am
Pleased to hear that everyone is okay in Canterbury, those aftershocks are not nice, and i feel for everyone going through it just wish there was more we could do to help you all,one day at a time stay near your loved ones and look after each other..

harrislucinda, Sep 6, 3:23am
sumstyleyou feelyouknowmeYeshave3catsback
alotofbrickshavemovedin thehousethenoisewasjustsoloudwhilethehouserockedthendarknessthentofindyourwayoutoverevery thingon thefloorthennowpower48hrsbutpeopleworseoffthen us

martine5, Sep 6, 6:59am
Yes and I spoke too soon one of them hasn't come back .....

martine5, Sep 6, 7:01am
Yeah my mum lives in heathcote and said that the locals are gutted about the pub - it was such a little cutie

juliewn, Sep 7, 8:07am
Thinking of you all.. and sending hugs..

catsmeat1, Sep 8, 9:29am
Thinking of you all down there in Chch.I was at Edgecumbe, it does get better.The aftershocks do make you rather tense.So lucky no fatalities.I like to think that what we went through was our one major natural disaster for our lifetime.

pam.delilah, Sep 8, 10:07am
I am lucky, as my house has not suffered anydamage it is an old wooden one.
Butthe big aftershock this morning, sent things offselves, in the pantry and cupboards. I was so shaky and upset, with this one than the big one Saturday morning, that I had to go to my daughter's for the day.
Am better now but like so many here are on 'tender-hooks'. but so grateful for what I have

And keep reading this from the Secret Daily Teachings, that I only received a few days ago.

Begin your day by feeling grateful.
Be grateful for the bed you just slept in, the roof over your head, the carpet or floor under your feet, the running water, the soap, your shower, your toothbrush, your clothes, your shoes, the refrigerator that keeps your food cold, the car that you drive, your job, your friends.
Be grateful for the stores that make it so easy to buy the things you need, the restaurants, the utilities, services, and electrical appliances that make your life effortless.
Be grateful for the magazines and the books that you read.
Be grateful for the chair that you sit on, and the pavement that you walk on.
Be grateful for the weather, the sun, the sky, the birds, the trees, the grass, the rain, and the flowers.


eastie3, Oct 6, 5:33am
How is everyone getting on a month after the shake ?

winnie231, Oct 6, 5:39am
eastie3 - you will find regular updates on us in the 'circle of friends' thread ...

charlieb2, Oct 6, 7:11am
that was kind of you to think of us all eastie!

juliewn, Oct 6, 8:20am
I've been thinking of everyone there too Eastie.. lets hope the shaky times stop very soon for you all there..

toadfish, Feb 22, 1:23am
Bumping to get updates from all our friends down south.I have texted Charlieb and am waiting to here from her.... please check in when you can guys.

We are thinking of you all

lx4000, Feb 22, 2:48am
hope you and all yours and pets are oks down there!!