For Uli

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nfh1, Aug 13, 9:40pm
As I said previously I am not voting, but that does not mean I am a 'friend'. I have no friends on the Boards, I know no-one here and have no contact with anyone other than on here.

I may not like what some posters write but who am I to judge that they are not allowed to say it? The original poster felt they had a valid point and surely realised they were going to have a confrontational thread.

greerg, Aug 13, 9:53pm
First time in here - voted too! Thought we were over this guys.

uli, Aug 14, 2:09am
oooh - you are voting MY thread off :(

darlingmole, Aug 14, 5:36am
Today I tried to help someone having trouble with her pastry but even that was not without snarky comments from another poster because I suggested the poster try another recipe to see if she gets the same results.

Quotebuzzy110This is true ~ buzzy offered her help in my pastry thread (which I'm still trying to conqueur the problem darn it! )

oooh - you are voting MY thread off :(
Quoteuli ... now now, it's nice to be popular in a strange kinda way Uli but enough is enough from posters who are becoming, erm, bitchy shall I dare to say? ?

Cookessentials has been a kind poster offering not only recipes but helpful advice on more than a few occassions.

Crikey ~ wonder if TM moderators have thought of a "sparring ring" for posters who don't get along? ? ! haha!

toadfish, Aug 14, 5:44am
You'll notice though. . Uli made that comment at 2. 09pm when this threadwas low on the list and not touched since 9. 53am... . rather than let it die... it was bumped to encourage & provide entertainment on a rainy afternoon... thats just my observation anyway, I was out in the rain watching my daughter win her netball game an exciting 25-20.

And for that very reason its the last time I will post in it and hope it dies a natural death... ...

vintagekitty, Aug 14, 8:58am
No, dont vote it off, I totally own it. Maybe its ok in uli and buzzy's insular world to be so rude, but its not ok in mine.

noonesgirl, Aug 14, 10:23am
With you v. k. What I can't understand is why peeps who reply to posters think theirs is the right recipe, method, advise, opinion etc. This is a message board not a 'what is right or wrong'? !

beaker59, Aug 14, 11:51am
And starting targeted HATE threads is so much better EH!

vintagekitty, Aug 14, 11:54am
lol, dont be so dramatic, I dont hate anyone. I dislike rudeness.

lyl_guy, Aug 14, 12:00pm
Doesn't look like a "hate" thread... . I think VK is just saying what many just think, and don't have the courage to say out 'loud'. Both Uli and Buzzy do get rude, condescending, and intolerant... if you've never been on the receiving end, then you're lucky.

beaker59, Aug 14, 12:18pm
Unbelievable! ! ! ! ! ! and you probably think you are justified! quite sad really.

lyl_guy, Aug 14, 12:24pm
What's unbelievable? ? That some of us don't like rudeness, and will say so? I think it's OK to speak up if someone is treating you/ speaking to you in a really rude manner. . to let them know how you feel about it. Otherwise, you're just being a doormat. If you haven't experienced the rudeness, then fine, just say so. But please don't deny that it has happened to others, because it clearly has.

donald6, Aug 14, 12:36pm

uli, Aug 14, 11:54pm
Congrats to your daughter - however more to the point - have you thought that I actually have a life off the puter as well?

So if I come in here once or twice a day then I actually read all the threads that are up the top until I come to the point where I have been reading last.

However if there is a thread with my name on (rarely - so it is very exciting) - then I actually read all that has been written about me - disappointingly it was more about other posters rather than myself LOL - and then I answer.

Sorry that this didn't happen in your prescribed time frame :)

And just for your entertainment: I was actually outside too doing stuff in my glasshouse - no rain there and lovely temps too - 21 degrees :)

P. S. : Threads on here do not "die" - people like pickles and others will continuously bump old threads up for their entertainment. So not much chance there of anything dieing - except you get the amount of people together (I have been told texting works for that) to vote it off for good... Good luck!

elliehen, Aug 15, 8:16am
Not if you are enjoying all the negative attention. Strangely, some people seem to relish your dominatrix style.

uli, Aug 15, 9:29am
Ohhh dominatrix - is that the one with the whip and the black lace stockings ? ? ? ... .