What is 'tomato passata' and where would I be able
Apr 25, 10:17pm
to buy it?. Countdown, New World?
Apr 25, 10:22pm
I thought passata was the same as our canned or bottled tomato puree.
Apr 25, 10:23pm
Tomato passata is a coarse pureé of tomatoes which is sold in bottles all over Italy. You can find it in NZ in specialty shops, but as a substitute use the same quantity of Italian tinned chopped tomatoes. You could also use fresh tomatoes but unless they are of exceptional quality they are likely to be too watery.
Apr 25, 10:25pm
You will usually see it in the same place as pasta sauces in supermarkets. At least, it is in mine. It is most often packaged in a jar/bottle. It is not as condensed as tomato puree, more like thick deseeded and skinned stewed tomatoes.
Apr 25, 10:29pm
Thanks folks. much appreciated. I thought tinned chopped tomatoes would be ok.
Apr 25, 11:03pm
Countdown have it bottled by Delmaine,have bought it quite frequently.
Apr 25, 11:10pm
If a recipe calls for passata, I just throw a tin of tomatoes through the food processor. Done.
Apr 25, 11:32pm
I've learned something Thought I once heard a chef say just substitute tomato puree (NOT paste) if you haven't got passata. He got it wrong too.
Apr 26, 2:52pm
Tomato purée is a thick liquid made by cooking and straining tomatoes. The difference between tomato paste and tomato purée is consistency.
To prepare tomato purée, ripe tomatoes are washed and the leaves and stem are removed. Some processors remove the skin of the tomato as well. The fruit flesh is then mashed or mechanically chopped to the desired consistency.
Passata main point of difference being the fact that it is not cooked. In this form, it is generally sold in bottles or aseptic packaging, and is most common in Europe.
Really. make- your own, it's so easy, I do his every year and the freeze it for use through winter.
Apr 26, 3:25pm
the passata I buy isn't coarse, but is an event texture. my understanding is that it is the sieved tomoatoes. no lumps. but thin - so not tomato paste or puree
Apr 26, 6:53pm
I make my own, too. I found an Italian passata machine in an op shop which separates seeds and skins from the flesh of the tomato. brilliant piece of kit! I don't think I'd try to bottle the passata without cooking it, though. There's no way that it would be safe! Freezing is another story. In the end, passata is just an unseasoned puree of tomatoes, which is useful for all sorts of dishes. If you can't find it, just push a can of chopped tomatoes through a sieve to remove any lumpy bits and seeds.
Apr 26, 10:33pm
Thank you - as this tomato passata will be for a dish for 1 person, I think your suggestion of using a sieve is more in line for my needs. I will freeze what I don't use. thank you.
Apr 26, 11:25pm
Interesting, saw this in a shop in Napier this morning. didnt really know what it was, now I do.
Apr 26, 11:52pm
I have a Passata machine I don't use any more,I could list it if anyone is interested.
Apr 27, 12:47am
Katalin, I use mine to remove seeds and skins from all sorts of things, not just tomatoes, e.g., chop apples roughly and nuke them in the microwave til they're soft, then "passata" them to remove the skins and seeds. I have a friend who borrowed it last year to take the seeds out of a bumper passionfruit crop she wanted to freeze.
Apr 27, 1:33am
Pak n Save has it here, in big bottles for $1.89.
Apr 27, 3:25pm
Thanks for the ideas punkinthefirst, but we are packing up to move out for earthquake repairs and I have far too many kitchen gadgets I no longer use. I always thought that when we semi retired I would have more time to do bottling and preserving again, but looking after grandchildren on our days off has made that pretty well impossible. Not that I am complaining, as I love the little ones to bits, but still very time poor. Also I have a macerating slow juicer now, which also takes out pips and skin. This year our tomatoes got some kind of a disease for the first time ever, so had hardly any excess to process.
Apr 28, 4:11am
I get mine at pak n save or fresh choice. Italian brands are better IMO. Usually around $2 - $. 2.99 a bottle.
Sep 4, 1:20pm
. and a tin of italian tomatoes can often be bought for under $1.
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