The twins were being little monsters and I overcooked my plum jam.I have almost 2 cups of toffee smelling jam - what to do with it, waste not want not and all of that.I think I'll put it in the middle of muffins, but any other ideas!
Feb 13, 3:25am
Simply eat it on toast and pretend that is exactly how your mother always made it - a family recipe really!
Feb 13, 3:45am
If you have any other jam in the pantry could you mix some of it into the burnt jam to dilute any burnt taste, so that you can use it on toast etc!If only two cups you could use it within a couple of weeks, kept in the fridge.
Feb 13, 4:18am
maybe the ants will help you dispose of it, they need feeding, or the bees over winter.
Feb 13, 4:23am
I did exactly the same last year- caramelised my plum jam. I turned it into a rather tasty fruit sauce- added vinegar, some ancient blackcurrants that have been in the freezer for too many years, garlic, finely chopped onion and ginger,allspice, mixed spice, and heaps of fresh chillies. I labelled it Christmas Fruit Sauce and as it had made a huge amount, I took it to all the Christmas Barbacues- and kept leaving the jars behind as people really enjoyed it. I guess you could add whatever you wanted to it that you had a lot of. It tasted great after maturing for 10 months! It made a thick fruit sauce with no taste of the caramelised plums.
Feb 13, 5:43am
Wonderful thanks for all of those great ideas (except the ants perhaps!)I'll see what I can come up with.Katalin2 that does sound yummy!
Feb 13, 11:33pm
Use instead of fruit in a fruit sponge pudding. Make jam tarts, " thumb" biscuits. Use in any of the slices that have jam in the middle. Reboil with vinegar, apple puree, sultanas, spices, onions, chillies and garlic to make a delicious chutney. Add some cooked apple, cinnamon and other spices, lemon rind and juice and sultanas and raisins and use as a filling for a pie. Spread on scone dough and roll up. Cut into slices and bake to make jam rollups (you can add other "stuff" as for the pie filling, if you wish). In any case, your kids probably won't notice the toffee flavour - just call it their special jam (no adults allowed) and it will probably disappear!
Feb 14, 12:09am
I just have to say what a fantastic idea - so resourceful :)
Feb 14, 4:15am
Thanks sclaredy cat- I didn't want to waste it as it was quite a lot of caramelised plum jam! I just kept adding things to it till I was happy with the taste- but I have to say it tasted so much better by Xmas time. They were right at the back of my shelves and I had totally forgotten about them. Several of our friends asked for the recipe and had a really good laugh when I explained how it "evolved".
Feb 14, 7:39am
Mixed mine into casseroles et during winter or watered it down and used it as a marinade/cooking sce for chicken.
Feb 19, 9:06pm
Great ideas thanks!
Feb 19, 9:06pm
Oh marinade - hadn't thought of that - thanks!
Feb 19, 9:43pm
Use in boiled fruitcake instead of sugar
Apr 2, 11:03am
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