Hi im newish to baking.my biscuit /slice base i make using malt biscuits and melted butter. but no matter what the base always crumbles
I tried adding more butter.i tried adding 2 tsp of water.i tried making my crumbs finer ( i dont have a kitchen whizz) Can anyone tell me what im doing wrong!
Sep 27, 4:05am
Maybe you need to press the mixture down a bitharder!
Sep 27, 4:16am
thankyou village green.i got my dad to use his muscle to press it down.but it didnt work
Sep 27, 4:24am
I have this problem as well. Sometimes it turns out well and sometimes it doesnt. Have you tried using different biscuits! Maybe its the brand!
Sep 27, 5:05am
What recipe are you using!
Sep 27, 5:18am
condensed milk!
Sep 27, 5:27am
i use 2 packs of malt biscuits plus 250grms melted butter plus 2 tsp hot water i got the recipe from a newspaper
Sep 27, 5:41am
Does the recipe have condensed milk or any other binding agent apart from the butter.that could be the problem. Adding more butter will only make it greasier. And also different biccie brands do make a difference, although I often use budget wine biccies with success,I find there is a lot of variation in Malt biccie brands. What flavour fudge slice are you trying to make and I will post my basic recipe in the flavour you require.
Sep 27, 5:52am
thankyou for your help no butter is all i add.no condensed milk.but that sounds lovely
i just want a malt bisciut base i can use to put marshmellow and cheescake topping on :)
how much condensed milk should i add tot he base mix!
Sep 27, 6:01am
None of my recipes have water added, there's enough water in most butter we buy these days already lol. I sounds like it should work. off the top of my head my buscuit fudge is 1pkt biscuits and 125 gm butter (plus sugar and an egg). I haven't noticed any difference with brands. but maybe try a 'good brand' of biscuits and miss the water! I sometimes add condensed milk to my fudge if I add more buscuits, choc chips, and want a more fudgy consistency.How much. for one packet of buscuits, try 1/4 a tin or a bit more! I add about half tin for two packets of buscuits. but that's not for a base, it's the actual fudge
Sep 27, 8:37pm
Hi again.it looks like the recipe you have is for a cheesecake style base, which will indeed be crumbly.that is how a cheesecake base should be, I make a lemon cheesecake slice that is like that. It is simply 200gms shortbread biscuits and 80gms of melted butter, but shortbread biscuits are a lot softer, and therefore less crumbly. For a firmer more set and less crumbly base using malt biscuits, I would add approx 3 TBSPS of condensed milk. and approx 125 gms butter per 250gm pkt of biscuits.that is what is in my basic uncooked fudge mix is. Add the liquids melted together and add them gradually, depending upon the fineness of the biscuit crumb sometimes it doesn't always need the full amount. Good luck.
Sep 27, 8:47pm
I have had much better success using a tbsp of coconut in with the biscuits
Sep 27, 9:07pm
More butter, and actual butter, margarine stays soft when cold, butter sets like concrete.
Sep 28, 12:02am
I make the following base or Ialso use this as a lolly roll
115 gms butter 1/2 tin highlander milkand 1 packet of crushed Malt bisc No Water I am also fussy about my butter. I only buy "Tararua" it is a made with Cream and salt (read the ingredients on the side of packet) all otherbrands have added water or milk and if you melt it in a pan you will find it spits everywhere because of the water content. . I wait tillTararua is on special, then stock up.I have used cheap brand Malt biscuits too and they are no problem. But I still prefer Griffins, they have more flavour. I found Home brand are good.But I have just used theabove for my base and it does not crumble at all.Make a lovely no fuss base.
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