Whats your favourite budget cookbook?

angel361, Oct 4, 6:33pm
Sophie Gray seems pretty popular around message board

kobec9, Oct 4, 7:07pm
the $21 challenge book has got some great dinner recipies in.

lilyfield, Oct 4, 7:12pm
TM threads

figjamto, Oct 4, 8:04pm
Was tempted to buy "The Dish - Baking"today $15 .some lovely recipies

angel361, Oct 4, 8:09pm
Thanks kobec9 just looked on the website, tonnes of recipies there, thank you

village.green, Oct 5, 5:15am
Anything by Sophie Gray (The Destitute Gourmet) line of books.
Very good recipes and ideas for those on a budget if that is what you mean as opposed to the books being budget!

angel361, Oct 5, 3:28pm
Yep thats wot i mean - I mean titles thanks

duckmoon, Oct 5, 3:47pm
I like dollars and sense - Alison holst

Sophie gray is good too

very_hotpants, Oct 5, 5:12pm
My own one - I get books out of the library and copy the recipies. then try them out and make my notes. I put them in word and print them out and have them in a plastic folder.

grandma, Oct 5, 7:52pm
Dollars and Sense (Alison Holst) gets my vote too.

crested, Oct 6, 3:44am
Alison Holst cookbooks are the best. got some of her old ones plus The Edmonds Cookbook.but also got Delia smith, Donna Hay etc, but still come back to Alison Holst, specially her latest book with her son Simon.

quickenden1, Oct 6, 10:03pm
I just got Sophie Grays new book from Fishpond (pre-ordered and it arrived within a day of release) great book and her recipes are full of flavor as budget does not mean I have had my taste buds removed!

taureanbabe, Nov 3, 2:04am
WINZ have got a good budget cook book. Budget Advice supplied some, and I saw the one my friend had. When i went to get one they had run out. But you can get it from their website. Has lots of handy hints.

bluecalico, Nov 3, 2:50am
Dollars and Sense by Alison Holst gets my vote too.in fact all of hers do!

medicina, Nov 3, 4:37am