Can I use jam setting mix to set a cheesecake?!

aadunn77, Sep 13, 3:19am
I'm using cream cheese and condensed milk in the recipe

kinna54, Sep 13, 4:14am
I wouldn't. Do you not have any gelatine! If no gelatine, maybe replace the gelatine with around 3 tspsflavoured jelly dissolved in approx 1/4 cup water.

punkinthefirst, Sep 13, 10:17pm
No - jam setting mix is pectin.

aadunn77, Sep 14, 1:37am
Cheers! Actually, I used a quarter cup of lemon juice and it's set sweet as! It's actually the pectin that makes it set, great to know!

bill241, Sep 14, 3:54am
So you didn't bake it or anything and it set properly with just the addition of lemon juice! I'm impressed. I didn't think there was that much pectin in lemon juice at all compared to the peel.

emmapear, Sep 15, 12:15am yes its is totally possible, this recipe uses only lemon juice too and I use it all the time.