Made some lemon honey last night. 1st lot took 1/2hrto thicken. 2nd lot 10mins. same recipe, same lemons.same pot.wonder why. Also when you make your lemonhoney, do you put in the lemon rind. Jar from last year doesnt seem to have any rind in. would you still get the same taste if left out.
Aug 26, 10:41pm
My daughter's lemon honey was the same - the two jars she made for me are quite runny, the one large jar she made for herself was much thicker.She left the rind in hers - it is yummy.
Aug 27, 12:54am
I always put the zest in mine, and it always sets up nice &thick - but it is butterless, makes only one jar, and takes about 3 minutes in the microwave.
Aug 27, 1:24am
Hi Kaddiew--- I would love the recipe NO Butter that sounds a little more healthy ah!
Aug 27, 2:00am
I have bumped a thread with a microwave lemon honey recipe in it - is this the same one you use kaddiew!
Aug 27, 2:15am
No not my recipe, but similar :).Mine's a bit smaller, using only 2 eggs + 1 yolk, andonly 1/3 of the sugar of the other recipe. Makes a lovely tangy spread.
Microwave Lemon Honey
2 eggs + 1 yolk, 1/2 cup sugar, juice & zest of 2 large lemons. (I often use a little more lemon and it still sets the same.)
Lightly whisk eggs, add the rest.Microwave on High in 30 second bursts, whisking between, for a total of 2-3 mins.Keep in fridge for up to 14 days, or freeze and scoop straight from freezer.
I've doubled the recipe successfully.
Aug 27, 2:19am
Even better - will give it a try - nearly finished the batch my daughter made last time she was home and have heaps more lemons again
Aug 27, 2:21am
I'm obsessed with lemons atm, and just made lemon shortbread, throwing the zest, juice and some of the flesh (minus pith) of a large lemon into the processor bowl before creaming the butter & icing sugar. Yum
Aug 27, 2:25am
I used the grated rind of a lemon in my apple pudding yesterday (Apple Charlotte) and stuffed my chicken with the quartered fruit before roasting it last night
Aug 27, 4:32am
Put slices of salted lemon between the skin and flesh as well. They 'caramelise' (sort of semi burn) during roasting and are just delicious to eat and add a really nice flavour to the flesh and stock.
Aug 27, 6:04am
I have done that before but the lemon flavour of the chicken was then too strong when I wanted to use it in a pie the next day and tonight when I want to add the chicken to BBQ sauce for wraps
Aug 27, 7:27am
Sorry to hijack the thread but I don't fancy the flavour of lemon honey - i thought it was the butter in it so omitted it and used coconut oil instead but it still tasted the same. I think it must be the egg in it. Can you make this spread and kinda like a "lemon jam"! Or is that what marmalade is lol!
Thank you will give it a go. Although I will swap the margarine for butter. (as I'm not vegan but i do hate margarine). Sounds delish otherwise!
Aug 27, 10:51am
Have you tried the butterless recipe! If you have and still don't like the taste maybe it's the eggs. Lemon honey can taste "eggy" if the lemon flavour isn't strong enough. I always err on the side of more lemon .
Sep 7, 6:16am
I have just made a jar of this and it is delicious - thick, tangy and yummy.Also not so bad for the waistline as the ones with a load more sugar and/or butter in them.
Sep 7, 10:57pm
That's what I keep telling myself as I sneakily scoop it out straight from the freezer!Can't recall where I originally found the recipe, but it's a little gem, I reckon!
Sep 8, 8:21am
Miss 21 has just raided my tree to take some back to uni tomorrow so she can make some while she's there - it's lovely in yoghurt but also good on my homemade sultana bread toasted this morning.It has set really well too - thank you!
Nov 21, 5:59am
I made the recipe tonight and what a winner it is.Thanks for posting it.
Nov 21, 9:05am
The most recent batch I made I used 2 limes and 2 smaller lemons - although the colour is a little "different" the flavour is delicious
Nov 21, 11:51am
there's a "healthy" version (still pretty darn sugary!) with zucchini to thicken it. Less butter, no eggs. When you have too many zucz in your garden its ideal.Sounds yuck, but tastes exactly the same. Its on the newstalk zb website but short enough to post Slice up 500g golden zucchini. No need to peel. (If using green zucchini, do peel them or you'll end up with green flecks in your zucchini curd.) Pop sliced zucchini in a bowl and steam in the microwave until tender. Then bung in your blender, whizz into a puree (it will look a bit like custard). Then place in a pot with 500g sugar, 60-100g butter and the juice and zest of 2 lemons. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Then simmer for 30-45 minutes until thick. Pour into hot jars and seal.
Nov 21, 4:50pm
lemon butter was never meant to be healthy.I love it with butter, the more the better.I always add at least 50 grms more butter as when it is in the fridge it will thicken even more as the butter sets.I can just sit there and eat it our of the jar.naughty I know but sooooooooooo yummy
Nov 21, 8:06pm
I have one that doesn't use eggs. Will see if I can find it again and post if you would like. Its a family one which I was given by my MIL
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