Lemon Honey, how long will it keep?

patsprat, Jul 23, 5:48am
I've made 2 batches of lemon honeyusing the microwave recipe I found
here in Recipes;it's delicious but how long will it keep!In the fridge or not!i.e., will I have to eat it all in a rush (sigh!)or give it away!
Any advice appreciated.

sarahb5, Jul 23, 5:58am
It doesn't last long in our house but that's mainly because I keep eating it!I'm keeping ours in the fridge and I fully expect it to last at least a month.It should probably last longer than that but I only made a small batch in case it didn't.

ange164, Jul 23, 7:11am
In the fridge and it's best before 4 weeks, but I have kept it 8 weeks previously and it was fine. Three months is too long.

wildflower, Jul 23, 7:21am
I've got some in the pantry I made late last year, good as good. Started with about 10 jars, 3 to go. I just put it in the fridge once opened.

patsprat, Jul 23, 10:04am
Thanks for your comments, I'm pretty sure that my 5 remaining jars won't last much more than 8 weeks (due to popular demand!) but I think I'll keep it all in the fridge just to be safe.It's a good year for lemons it seems.Might even make some more.!

deus701, Jul 23, 2:00pm
I think might last a few years. Honey doesnt really spoil.also with lemon providing acidic conditions for mould/bacteria to grow

aglarana, Jul 23, 2:17pm
Awww! Now I want some lemon honey.

sarahb5, Jul 23, 9:25pm
But there are eggs in lemon honey

kaddiew, Jul 23, 9:28pm
I agree. My microwave recipe (eggs, no butter) only keeps 10-14 days in the fridge, and only makes 1 jar at a time.

sarahb5, Jul 23, 9:42pm
I assume in commercially prepared lemon honey the process is different so that it has a longer shelf life but fresh homemade lemon honey I wouldn't expect to keep for longer than about a month at most

casswill, Jul 24, 1:39am
Try freezing it in little ice cube trays.I freeze things like hummus and it's great to just get out a few blobs to use when you feel like some.Saves wasting it if you forget it's in the fridge too long.

deus701, Jul 24, 3:17pm
oh! its a curd thing.lol i thought it was a lemon infused honey. Well with eggs I would say a week to be safe, but I had used lemon curd 3 weeks old (did the sniff n taste test)

indy95, Jul 24, 9:35pm
Most recipes state that lemon honey (or curd, call it what you will) keeps for 4 to 6 weeks. I usually put a limit of 4 weeks on it but have yet to make a batch that has lasted anywhere near that time.

greerg, Jul 25, 12:18am
I just freeze jars of it when I'm given lemons. It can go mouldy in the fridge and I' m not sure that keeping something with eggs in it in the fridge for a long time is a good idea. You can use it straight from the freezer as it doesn't freeze.very hard.

sarahb5, Jul 25, 1:13am
I might freeze the second jar that Miss 21 made for us then - do I need to transfer it from the glass jar or will it be OK in that!There's a far amount of room at the top for expansion but I don't want it to shatter.

indy95, Jul 25, 4:18am
It will be fine in a glass jar although there is a chance of it being tipped over or knocked in the freezer.

wildflower, Jul 26, 3:52am
Again, mine has eggs and butter, still good in pantry months later.Fridge after opening.