Can you use jam setting sugar in a cake?

melly16, May 31, 9:47pm
i have run out of ordinary sugar is it ok to use jam setting sugar in a cake!

winnie231, May 31, 9:59pm
I'm sure it'll be fine. I would.

geldof, May 31, 10:05pm
I don't know, but I have seen Gluten free baking recipes with pectin in, so it must do something to the mix.

kinna54, May 31, 10:05pm
Prob notas it will contain a setting agent.

Do you have any castor sugar, brown sugar!Have you already started the mix!
Castor sugar can be added in the same quantity, for brown sugar use a bit less, and you will have to beat/cream,the mix really well

Often if low on sugar I change my recipe and bake something else, such as shortbread,(made with icing sugar) honey snaps, afghans or hokey pokey biccies.

melly16, May 31, 10:09pm
woops lol i already tried it i was in the middle of a cake thoughhad sugar and it was no where to be found so i guess ill hafta wait and see how the jam setting sugar goes, the mixture felt nice and fluffy when i put it in the oven but i think your right the setting agent will probly affect it somehow.

kinna54, May 31, 10:14pm
Fingers crossed! Might make the cake heavier: if all else fails you will have a nice dessert with custard. Good luck!

harrislucinda, May 31, 10:15pm
goodtoknowhowyour caketurnedout!too sweetorstiff

melly16, May 31, 10:30pm
wow! it turned out amazing! very soft not to sweet perfect :) didnt expect that

winnie231, May 31, 10:43pm
There is only 0.7% setting agent in Chelsea Jam Sugar which is why I thought it would be fine.
I'm pleased your cake turned out great melly16.

melly16, May 31, 10:51pm
oh is there i didnt know that, thats good :D thanks