Briscoes! Iwant to buy a preserving pan as well, but I guess now adays any big saucepan/stockpot would do.Does it have tohave a heavy base or not! TIA
Apr 27, 5:47am
Southern Hospitality has them. There is one in Whangarei I believe. We have one in our Takeaways here in Rawene we bought it by mistake.
Apr 27, 5:51am
i'll have to look it up in the phone book as never heard of the place,thanks
Apr 27, 5:56am
They use to be called a Big Mouth.Great for filling jars jams or pickles and came in several sizes.
Apr 27, 5:56am
Its more a supplier to shops restaurants etc but I am sure they will sell to you. We didn't have to have any proof of who we were
Apr 27, 6:01am
Check out your local second hand stores and op shops for preserving pans at reasonable prices.
Apr 27, 6:20am
heavy base is better if you don't want to burn the jam I use a large commercial Alu pot- 40 years old
Apr 27, 6:32am
For a Jam funnel I just cut the spout off plastic funell from the $2 shop. works well.
Apr 27, 6:43am
Farmers have them, they are red.
Apr 27, 7:23am
Thanks Toadie, simple, cheap and effective.
Apr 27, 7:25am
Will do, have looked on here and there were quite a few, the older ones seemed to be made of alumnium and I'm not that keen on alunium pots. Have a few days off next week so will to a op-shop crawl.
Apr 27, 7:33am
Preserving pans help with the cooking for jam, pickles, chutney's, etc - the wider top helps with evaporation during the cooking processes. I use a stockpot as well as a preserving pan - both at the same time on my hob - the preserving pan contents are cooked and ready to bottle some time before the straight-sided stockpot.
Apr 27, 8:32am
My daughter bought a preserving pan at our church fair a few years ago. Op shops are worth looking at. Good luck in finding one.
Apr 27, 8:39am
I got the large size one, cut the spout off and then enlarged the hole another about 1.5cm all the way around. I got a proper one for xmas and to be honest, i find my homemade one better for some size jars
Apr 27, 8:50am
A preserving pan is called a maslin pan. They have an encapsulated base ( for even heat distribution) and they are flared at the top to help stop your jam boiling over. Preserving funnels come in either stainless steel (between $30-$35) plastic and silicone. If you do alot of preserving, the stainless steel or silicone would be the better choice. I have an ordinary stockpot ( with an encapsulated base) which works perfectly for me. Expect to pay anywhere from $150 - $250 for a good stainless steel maslin pan. If you want copper ( which is the best conductor of heat ) you will pay upwards of $600 or more.
Apr 27, 8:54am
I cut a 1 litre plastic milk bottle in half and used that before I bought a 'proper' one.I poured the chutney I was making in through where the base of the container had been and it entered the jar through the neck,if that makes sense.
Well i went down to the local $2 shop to buy myself a funnel. couldnt find any.Never mind, will try one of the $2 shops in town or might get lucky and find a proper jam funnel when I go op-shopping with my friend on wednesday. quite a few diff op shops to visit. Will keepan eye out for a preserving pan as well. Got a little while till the quinces are ready - thats going to be my next preserving session - quince jelly, yummy
Apr 28, 12:52am
I just scoop out the jam with a sharp-lipped plastic measuring jug and pour it into the jars.
Apr 28, 1:09am
dibble southern hospitality is on Commerce Street Whangarei it down a bit of an alley way and we have been in there it has all sorts of things and worth a look they sell to everyone lt has its name written on a wall l can't remember what it is beside but not far from Mico l think The other place to look at is Northern Hospitality on Lower Dent St opposite the public loos by Town Basin carpark area and have you tried Intec interiors in the mall they all have amazing things l love going to all 3 places, good luck
Apr 28, 6:09am
I got one from New World. Made of metal, I'm not sure it's stainless steel though. Cost about $10.
Apr 28, 6:19am
thanks will look there on my days off next week.countdown didnt have any funnels at all when i went there today. regular or jam.
Apr 28, 9:28pm
Got stainless steel funnelfrom Trade Me - cost $17 odd.Otherwise try Ballantynes, Briscoes, or google.,
Apr 29, 7:03am
Southern Hospitality has an online shop, and they tend to be very reasonably priced.I'd look for a metal funnel, the plastic can deform with very hot jam.
As for a preserving pan, eventually I bought a big 14 litre heavy based stainless Baccarat Classic stockpot from Farmers during one of their big sales 3 years ago and it's way better imo than a preserving pan.It cost around $70 in the sale, I think.I make about 20kg of jam in the summer and another 10-15kg of marmalade in the winter so it gets heavy use, and I'm still way pleased with it.It was much cheaper than any similarly specified stockpot I've seen in other shops (including Southern Hospitality), and I'd highly recommend it.
Apr 29, 7:14am
Put marbles in while boiling.won't stick.
Do it all the time.
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