*sigh* jam HELP pls :)

goldgurl, Apr 9, 3:49am
just made feijoa jam, I'm no expert.Problem is, one jar's lid has sealed properly, the other two jars lids are still 'popping' iykwim!What can I do to make these two's lids seal properly please!

And does Jam have to have a properly sealed lid anyway!

Thank you

jag5, Apr 9, 5:00am
I wouldn't worry about it.but if in doubt, just store them unopened in the fridge.

As a rule, yes, it needs to be sealed properly.otherwise does go mouldy.but if kept refrigerated will be fine.if in doubt, reboil and rebottle.

olwen, Apr 9, 5:11am
I've always covered jam with cellophane jam covers as my mother and grandmother did.

olwen, Apr 9, 5:24am

cgvl, Apr 9, 5:36am
they will keep popping until the jam has got cold. A lid popping means its sealing. Don't worry about it for now.
If you put the hot jam into hot jars and put the lids on straight away then they should seal overnight.

goldgurl, Apr 9, 2:25pm

all three bottles sealed overnight :)Yay :)

olwen.that's what i remember too from watching my nana.many many moons ago ;)

Today I'm gonna have a go mat making Feijoa jelly and some chutney.

oh_hunnihunni, Apr 9, 2:40pm
And if you do get mold, just lift it off and eat the jam - the sugars are the preservative, the molds just wild yeast opportunists and rarely cause any problems.

goldgurl, Apr 9, 3:41pm
lol.and don't tell the kids! hehehe

elliehen, Apr 9, 4:51pm
goldgurl, I don't do this with jelly or chutney, but to save time (and jars!) I do what many people do and put jam into icecream containers in the freezer.

It doesn't freeze because of the high sugar content and stays gloopy enough for you to ladle out enough for one jar at a time.

olwen, Apr 9, 4:57pm
In some ways investing in an upright freezer was the worst thing I could have done.I don't have room for this sort of thing.

goldgurl, Apr 9, 5:03pm
I've got a chest freezer.but, I'm such an unorganised hoarder that if I put anymore 'things' in there, I'm never going to find it *sigh*Another thing to put on the 'to do list'Get a white board set up near the freezer and stock take!