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roshu, Apr 1, 4:46am
Yep, I reckon your yeast is DEAD.

dibble35, Apr 1, 5:29am
But she said she tried a new bottle of yeast and that didnt work either, are you using the right yeast!, eg regular yeast -the stuff NOT for using in breadmakers, thats the only thing i can think of. Hope you get it sorted in time.

buzzy110, Apr 1, 5:50am
Hi strange. Did you know you can edit your posts. I think you get about 15mins or similar from posting. Just return to the post and click on the edit button and edit away to your heart's content.

Sorry I cannot help you regarding the yeast as I only bake using wild yeasts that I, personally, have grown. However, I think uli's information is important. With Surebake you have to use more or wait longer for rising to take place because there is not the same amount of yeast, portion for portion, as plain yeast. I'd suggest you buy another jar of yeast and ensure it isn't Surebake.

One more thing - eggs, butter and sugar can interfere with the action of yeast, delaying rising for up to 10 hours so ensure your recipe doesn't have any of these things in them. It is OK to glaze the uncooked buns with those things thought.

deus701, Apr 1, 5:58am
I usually use the 'sponge' method where I mix the yeast with the water/milk into a stainless steel bowl. Put in some sugar and sprinkle some flour on top. I then put the bowl on a cooling rack over a pot of water that has been brought to boil and turned off. The heat from the boiled water will transfer 'gently' into the bowl. I do place a tea towel over the whole thing to give the yeast some privacy when it goes 'horny'.

All these are taken from the recipe itself. If I dont see any activity after 1 hour, I just changed different brands of yeast.

uli, Apr 1, 8:24am
Love it :)

wheelz, Apr 1, 8:34am
You can still buy fresh yeast ! I do from our countdown store bakery dept.

strange, Apr 1, 8:36am
Well I made the sticky bun recipe by annabel langbein where she's altered it into hot cross buns. Turned out fluffy and nice so will go with that. Thanks to all those who wanted to help :-)

And if all else fails. I'll blame anything that going wrong on the kids. :-D

strange, Apr 1, 8:37am
so is fresh yeast more superior!

uli, Apr 1, 8:38am
Not really, but the taste is a bit different.

cgvl, Apr 1, 10:08am
my bread and buns haven't been rising the same this last week and it could be that the weather is definitly cooler.
I use surebake/tasti breadmakers and have no problem but tend to do it all in the breadmaker on dough setting.
Have you got the water/milk at the right temp before adding the yeast also I add sugar and about a Tbsp of flour to get a spongey bubbley mix to add to rest of ingredients.
To test yeast I put 1tsp sugar, 1tsp yeast and some water at blood heat into a cup and leave for around 20mins. Good luck and dont give up, my last lot didn't rise very much but they sure tasted ok.

gardie, Apr 1, 6:31pm
If in doubt, buy the Edmonds sachets of instant yeast - they are no fail.I tsp of that is equal to 1 tbsp surebake (due to all the extras in surebake).the children are going to eat them straight away so not really any need for bread improvers.
And good on you for doing that.I wish I had a parent who would come and bake with my 5 year olds!

willyow, Apr 1, 6:42pm
You may have a dudbatch of yeast

wheelz, Apr 1, 9:04pm
IMO it is.why do all professional bakers use it!

lilyfield, Apr 1, 9:17pm
and have you stirred your yeast - you may get too much improver and not enough yeast granules on you spoon.

strange, Apr 1, 11:19pm
yep. its stirred. :-) Doing a batch of buns with dried yeast granules now and will see how that goes. The sure bake did froth in the end but after a long time and good point about the weather. That could be affecting the rising. It's definitely been cooler lately. I am putting my dough/buns in the oven to rise with a bowl of boiling water under it. Heard that wheatie bags are good too

ayglepaygle, Apr 2, 12:49am
This is the recipe I use with my class. I got it from a magazine years ago (advertising Surebake I think!)
Put into a bowl and stir together
2 cups white flour,
1 tsp salt,
2tbsp sugar
2 tbsp Surebake.
Add 1 cup cold water followed by 1 cup boiling water - stir to a paste and leave to stand 2-3 minutes.
Add and stir in
50gm butter (softened),
2 eggs,
2 tsp allspice,
1 tsp cinnamon (I use about double that amount of spices, I use cinnamon and mixed spice)
Stir in 3 cups flour and knead for 4-5 minutes adding more flour if the dough is too sticky.
Add 1 cup currants (I use sultanas and put closer to 2 cup to make fruity) Knead for a further 3-4 minutes.
The dough should be soft, smooth and easy to stretch.
Cover and leave to stand for 15 minutes.
Flatten dough, divide into pieces about the size of an egg.
Place on greased tray ( I use my roasting dish liined with baking paper) leaving 1/2 inch between each piece.
Cover and proof in a warm place until about double the size.
While the buns are proofing, prepare a thick piping mixture by mixing together
1/2 c flour,
20 gm butter,
1 tsp baking powder and enough water to give a thick batter.
When the buns are ready to go in the oven pipe crosses onto the buns
Bake at 210 C for 25 minutes ( i usually check after 20 min and turn oven down if tops are browning too much)
Brush glaze over as soon as the buns are taken out of the oven.
Glaze - 1/2 c milk, 2 tbsp sugar Heat until sugar dissolved

The recipe says it makes 18but they are huge!
I usually make 25 as they fit in my large oven dish in rows of 5x5

I wish you success with your Hot cross bun making in the classroom!

griffo4, Apr 2, 12:59am
Good on you strange for at least going and doing things like baking at school, they need more people like you and l hope it goes well and if not the children will still love the fact you made the effort to go and bake with them

l had trouble with my yeast recently then realised it was the cooler weather

strange, Apr 2, 2:09am
thankyou for that :-)The buns i just made with yeast granules turned out well. no doughyness. yay!. really appreciate the kind words people are giving. Or at least some of you are giving :-D

pheebs1, Apr 2, 2:39am
well done!
it can be sooo frustrating when your not sure whats going on but you know your doing all the right things
i only use the granules now, well done for perservering

post some pictures of you great efforts!

strange, Apr 2, 9:56am
Thanks! :-)

uli, Apr 5, 6:46am
So how did the class go!

samanya, Apr 5, 6:54am
Pleased to see that you understand 'NZ vernacular', when it suits.

uli, Apr 5, 8:31am
Seems that you have NO idea . :)

uli, Apr 5, 8:32am
The post was:

deus701 wrote: I do place a tea towel over the whole thing to give the yeast some privacy when it goes 'horny'.

Love it :)
uli (597 )8:24 pm, Sun 1 Apr #31

samanya, Apr 5, 10:25am
So, you don't understand our vernacular!
Sorry .as you were!