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cookessentials, Apr 9, 9:07am
Thats a poor excuse and is often trotted out.far too often. No wonder many people dont like to come into the recipe section when they are treated this way more often than not. As has been said, it's a choice.although perhaps for some, just a really bad habit.

samanya, Apr 9, 11:49am
It makes one feelaggrieved when someone chooses to come to a new country (albeit, many years ago) for, presumably, a better life .a life style that would not have been unachievable in the country of origin & then guess what .proceeds to knockthe cooking styles (& more ) of the chosen country.
When in Romedoesn't seem to apply!

buzzy110, Apr 9, 8:59pm
Giving helpful advice is a problem!!

One more thing. Only uli showed any interest at all in the outcome.

griffo4, Apr 9, 9:02pm
As l said earlier Strange Good on you for trying and even if they didn't turn out perfect the experience for those young ones had would have been priceless
At least you tried which means more than anything and those kids will have great memories

Could the classroom have been cooler than your place where you let your buns rise!
l use the dry yeast sachets and like them l gave up on Surebake years ago and l use the Tulip yeast 2 in 1 for making my bread in the crock pot and it is good

buzzy110, Apr 9, 9:03pm
Considering the last few times you have addressed me recently over the case of slow roasted beef you have not been either polite or courteous your agreement with elli says more about your double standards than anything else.

elliehen, Apr 9, 9:43pm
Most who post here are very interested in outcomes when they've offered advice or given a recipe, and will come back for a quick look.

They just don't clutter the threads with constantrequests for feedbackfrom the original poster, or suggest that the poster is not grateful if they don't return to thank everyone profusely!

samanya, Apr 9, 10:06pm
We are all entitled to our opinion & I have mine re superior attitudes.
I have not been rude to you although tempted, many a time.
I wished you an enjoyable Easter, didn't I, but that was ignored.
What does that say!

buzzy110, Apr 9, 10:09pm
Whatever. Obviously you feel your rudeness wasn't. Well that is fine. I don't take advice from you anyway and, for my part, I try not to give you unwanted advice.

buzzy110, Apr 9, 10:13pm
Whatever. I didn't think taking an interest in the outcome was cluttering threads and I am fully aware that uli did not seek thanks for her advice anymore than anyone else did. However, I was bought up to always thank people if they are kind enough to offer you excellent advice and I do so. I don't, then insult them. But of course that is OK here because the band of 'popular girls' are always ready to crawl out from under their bridges and defend the insult if it is directly toward someone who refuses to enter into the fold of mediocrity.

In future, I'm sure strange will be more than happy with cut and pasting from the net from someone who knows nothing about yeast if that is what she wants.

elliehen, Apr 9, 10:56pm
I'll offer you again the quotation from Luke 4:23: "Physician, heal thyself."

It's excellent advice for those who want to help others.

samanya, Apr 9, 10:58pm
That's nice .a closed mind, hmmm!
You gave me a hard time, the very first time I ever posted in recipes, for no apparent reason, other than to express your (supposed ) superior knowledge .but you have clearly chosen to forget that.
I haven't.
It's a beautiful, warm balmy day here, I'm off to enjoy it.
Have a good daybuzzyB.

vintagekitty, Apr 9, 11:05pm
Just ignore it, you know the adage about sad lives etc. Lots of people do not post anymore because of those two and it's sad, but just ignore and move on. It's not worth the energy!