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strange, Apr 1, 12:52am
I'm teaching a class how to make hotcross buns and all my doughs are not working! Including alison holst one from the bread book. just proofed my surebake and it is not foaming but staying milky. any expert hotcross bun makers out there! Need it sorted! :-)

strange, Apr 1, 12:53am
(i have made sucessful buns before)

bunny51, Apr 1, 12:57am
Use the Alison Holst but use active dried yeast and use half the amount of the required surebake.(Or maybe it is your yeast!)

strange, Apr 1, 12:59am
and do you measure you flour by grams! As the only thing. i'd prefer to measure not just go by cups as less accurate. what recipe do you use and what yeast do you prefer!

strange, Apr 1, 1:00am
Boy i need to read my sentences before sending :-)

bunny51, Apr 1, 1:04am
I use the aabove recipe, use active dried yeast amd measure with cups. Or sometimes I have used the recipe in an older Edmonds book.

strange, Apr 1, 1:06am
If you proof surebake will it foam up or stay milky!

strange, Apr 1, 1:06am
cos i just tested my other bottle of surebake that was un opened and it did the same thing! so what is normal! Both expiry dates were fine

strange, Apr 1, 1:09am
the rising on my latest buns has not been overly great and the end result is a doughy bun. sometimes really doughy. other times just slightly. so dont know if the ratio to flour and liquid is wrong or the yeast or what. i have made these buns before and they have been great.

pickles7, Apr 1, 1:19am
should you be "teaching" how to make hotcross buns !

strange, Apr 1, 1:20am
:-P well its to five year olds. so its not like I'm attempting to take a adult cooking class. I can make buns. They are just not turning out now when i've been making them. Now can you help with the surebake question please!

strange, Apr 1, 1:21am
and if it's a yeast problem its hardly due to lack of baking skills :-)

uli, Apr 1, 1:21am
Surebake is a mix of baking powder, bread "improvers" and other chemicals plus a bit of yeast.
Why don't you just use yeast!
And what flour are you using!
Maybe someone else needs to teach that class!

kinna54, Apr 1, 1:24am
Are you making the dough by hand I presume. then you should be working with dried yeast to get that reaction you wish.
If you have access to abreadmaker try making your dough in that. I can help with recipes for that
Another suggestion is to double check your measures. A lot of sweet dough measures are in overseas measurements.
I recommend the good old Edmonds mix by hand, using dried yeast.

uli, Apr 1, 1:26am
What is an overseas measurement!
Have they got different grams to NZ!

strange, Apr 1, 1:30am
I often to help my son's class make easter buns which i can make. I started to make some to find the most suitable recipe and for some reason its not working. Did read that I can make them but obviously something could be going wrong and it's not me! Unfortunately this happened after I offered. So I thought I'd for help. Its a bunch of five year olds. Not Gordon Ramsay's kitchen for goodness sakes!

strange, Apr 1, 1:30am

strange, Apr 1, 1:31am
*Did you read that I can make them.

*so thought I'd ask for help

kinna54, Apr 1, 1:35am
Yes. e.g an Australian cup is less than a NZ cup. I found this out to my detriment when making bread. I now have converted my own recipes to suit.

kinna54, Apr 1, 1:41am
strangeignore the other comments. seems the not niceysarecoming out in some posters today.
I just had a look at some of my recipes and wonder if the yeast quantity is a bit low.seems a bit light to the flour measure.
I currently have apple tea buns in my oven and the yeast quantity on that is nearly 4 tsps yeast to 4 1/2 cups flour. That is a breadmaker recipe, using surebake. (need to go and check them now) lol
In a few mins I will try to post another old NZ WW recipe that I used to use with my kea class. It is an oldie but a goodie

strange, Apr 1, 1:45am
thanks for that :-)It's great that there are people wanting to help :-)

olwen, Apr 1, 2:17am
I would expect any yeast to foam.I think you need fresh yeast.

bunny51, Apr 1, 2:19am
Strange, from memory Surebake yeast doesn't go as foamy as active dried yeast does but there is some reaction. If it is sticky, maybe add a bit more flour. Here is a recipe i found in an older Alison Holst book designed to be made by hand.
1 1/2 -2 teaspoons dried yeast granuels
1/2 cup water,
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup sugar
1 egg
1 cup milk
5-6 cups flour
1 teaspoon each of cinnamon and mixed spice
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1 cup sultanasor currents
2 tablespoons mixed peel

Mix dried yeast, water and first emasure of sugar and leave to proove
In large bowl melt butter and add sugar, milk and egg. beat to blend then add yeast mixture. Stir in 3 cups flour and spices and fruit Beat vigorously for 1-2 minutes then cover bowl and leave in warm place till it doubles in size

stir risen dough with wooden spoon and add enough of th eremaining flour to forma dough stiff enough to knead.

TUrn out onto floured board and knead till dough looks smooth and satiny and springs back when poked with finger.
Shape as per instructions in an y hot cross bun recipe. Leave to double in sizebake 200o c 12-15 minutes

bunny51, Apr 1, 2:21am
Have you tried your usual recipe! OR doing something different today! Good luck, I hope you find a recipe that works and I bet the class will enjoy making them.

uli, Apr 1, 3:12am
Been said before by myself and other posters: Get real yeast, yours is obviously not working. most likely too old.

If you have made the recipe before and it worked and now the "yeast" is not working - why ask - just get fresh yeast from the supermarket and you will be fine.