Woe is me ... Must feed us all for $200/wk!

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darlingmole, Jul 19, 5:17am
tonight it's leftovers from the freezer left over chicken'n'leek casserole with homemade wedges (don't even know why I type "homemade" . everything's homemade!)I appreciate all the ideas posted on here :-)

rreid, Jul 19, 9:08am
cheap meal A cheap meal I found on another forum. You may need to double this depending on the number of people you are feeding.
Jamaican Rice and Beans
3 tbls oil
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 lge red capsicum, thinly sliced
2 lge onions, finely chopped
1 x 410gr tomatoes, with their juice
1 cup chiken/veg stock
1 cup raw long-grain rice
1 teas salt
2 teas ground coriander
1 teas ground cumin
dash of cayenne pepper [or chilli powder ]
1 x 375gr red kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1. Heat oil in large deep saucepan and saute garlic, capsicum and onions until soft, stirring often. Add tomatoes and juice, stock, rice, salt spices and pepper.
2. Bring mixture to the boil, then turn the heat as low as possible and cover the pan. Cook until the rice is tender, about 20 minutes. Remove pan from heat and spoon drained kidney beans over top of rice mixture. Cover and allow to stand for 5 minutes.
3. Gently fork beans through the rice and adjust seasoning.

annalies1, Jul 20, 2:09am
Lemons and Oranges We have a lemon tree and and orange tree in the backyard and I'd love to give some away.We live in St Johns, Auckland.The orange tree is quite tall so will need someone with a ladder to get to the top.If anyone is in the area and would like some please let me know.There is probably at the moment about 10 shopping bags of lemons and 8 of oranges that are ripe or nearly ripe.

darlingmole, Jul 20, 5:41am
wow~!Where abouts is St Johns! I'm in Paremoremo (by maxi jail ha ha!) so live near Albany on the North Shore . no idea where you are but what a lovely kind gesture by you!Even knowing that there are generous people still out there makes me feel happy (yep - the warm fuzzies)

annalies1, Jul 20, 5:50am
DM. Happy to get some to you 'all the way in Albany'! Just feel guilty that we have in our backyard and don't use, things that might help someone else.Get the feeling that most if not all of the people in this and similar threads on TM have the same sentiments.We are all just trying to get by and if we can help each other do it, then it all counts.

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 20, 6:01am
Annalies, What a neat gesture you and the 'bread lady' have made. Good on you, this is what life should be all about, it used to be didn't it, when people still cared about waste and need :) I live in Marlborough, we came here in the early 90's with a pile of teenagers. My husband had been made redundant 3 times in fast succession so we came here to work, with not a cent and nowhere to live. I couldn't believe the amount of fruit lying around all the orchards, rotting on the ground. Did we do some raiding! We practically lived on stewed apples and similar - I don't usually go around pinching stuff but I never saw an ad for people to help themselves either - and I'm talking endless tons of it. Now the orchards have been taken over by wine grapes.

annalies1, Jul 20, 6:05am
Tumbleweeds Agree.It has been said before and will continue to be said, that during the late 80's and 90's NZ lost so much of what us special.Maybe not at a personal leve, or a community level, but at a nationwide level.I for one, have became disillusioned with the welfare system that didn't always work, hard working people that are laid off and the true gap that exists between people that are struggling and really trying not to, and people with 'money to burn'.

annalies1, Jul 20, 6:07am
cont I have noticed a change though.People make offers of food or help to relative strangers.NZ and NZ'rs are 'getting back to their roots', learning their neightbours names, helping each other.That's the way it should be.Sermon over!Back to the helpful hints.

doug57, Jul 20, 6:17am
darlingmole Have you checked out schenleys bakery in Porana Rd!.I'll try and pop in there tomorrow if you haven't.but last time I went there [about 3 years ago!lol] they had bags of paninis for about $5 and mini savories [pot luck flavour] frozen in bags quite cheap.but as I say, that was a few years ago.but happy to pop in if you like.and the kiwi icecream shop is somewhere nearby too [can't remember exactly where] they have pot luck flavoured iceream tubs cheap too!

darlingmole, Jul 20, 6:46am
Hi Annalies ~ expect a phone call tomorrow.And thank you SO very very much for this awesome kind gesture.Truely appreciated :-)

darlingmole, Jul 20, 6:48am
Hey Doug ~ yes I've heard that that bakery is quite cheap - must go down an investigate.But when I tried their pies about 3 years ago I wasn't that impressed, preferring to make my own.But although I'm sick of cooking and dreaming up new and inventive ways of feeding the family (largely due to the AWESOME people/posters on here) the thought of 'instant' meals if deeply appealing!I must also go back to Dads Pies @ Silverdale and see if they're got 2nd pies

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 20, 7:05am
Annalies, you are so right People are changing big time, becoming more grounded in what is important - more human, and humane. Its great, 'progress' took us backward in alot of ways and the next few years I think will bring about great change necessary for us to grow!

lynneandella, Jul 20, 8:22am
*waves at doug57* Doug57 you were my seed for making sure to give onto others with what you did for me so I am paying it forward ! =)

tich50, Jul 20, 10:18am
Imakehugelentilpattieswithatin oflentils(spiceitup)andwehaveitonourhamburgerbunswithsomesalad.Ialsomakepumpkinfritterswithleftoversteamedpumpkinandthensprinklecinnamonsugaronit.Thekidsloveeatingtheirpumkinthisway- sweet!
Alsomakea chickpeacurry(1tinwhenonspecial) [twoonionstomakeitthicker]andwouldthrowinleftovercauliflower,brocolli,etc.Rotiwith mincecurryisalsoveryfillingandmyfamilylovesit.Thanksallforalltheinspirationonhere.

tumbleweeds2011, Jul 20, 10:26pm
Tich, can you share your recipe for pumpkin fritters, they sound yum! Thanks.

pickles7, Jul 20, 11:19pm
Here you are for the cost of 3kg of brown sugar, a gallon of vinegar, 3.8 liters,you will have, ready for next summer. dressings, pickles, plum sauce, etc. Probably cost wise , 5 X 75 mil bottles for the price of 1 bottle of vinegar.
go look for the cow and "making vinegar". It is all in there.

buzzy110, Jul 21, 12:13am
darlingmole. You are awesome. It is good to read that there are people out there who know how to cook fabulous food from scratch. It is always so much more tasty and healthier. I have one suggestion that could save you money in the long run. I almost hate to say it. The initial outlay is quite high. Many years ago a bought a 'mooncup' or reusable tampon. Was quite expensive at $70 but then I only ever had to purchase about 3 pkts of pads for the seven years I used it. Absolutely saved me so much money once I got used to using it. Just a suggestion.

seniorbones, Jul 21, 12:19am
Which supermarket does that! Pak & Save up here turns it all into crumbs and sells it in bags quite cheap but usually too much and it goes a bit stale before I can use it all so the chooks get it.

kob, Jul 21, 4:58am
pumpkin fritters------moon cup what next LOL funny as

tich50, Jul 21, 5:12am
Heregoes: pumpkinfritters. 1/2 pumpkin (smallish)cubed, cookedandpeeled.Coolandmashpumpkin.Ijustdomypumpkininthemicrowave.
Add1 - 2 eggs (oneshouldbeenough - Ijust like 2two.
+ - 2TBSP(Heaped)ofself raisingflour
1 tspbakingpowder.Mix.Youmayaddflour asyouneedabatterconsistency.Frylikeyouwouldanyfritterinlittlehotoil.Sprinklecinnamonsugaronand enjoy!
Averypopularwintertreatinmyhousehold.especiallywhenthekidshavetheirfriendsoverduringtheschoolbreak -wewouldplaychess,andboardgamesandIwouldintroducetheirfriendstothesefritters,etc.Somewouldactuallyaskifi'llbemakingthepumpkinfritters.Wheninvited

buzzy110, Jul 21, 5:37am
Yep. I knew someone would find my suggestion funny and make it the butt of a joke. However, if you are serious about cutting down on your spending the reusable tampon saved me heaps of dollars over the years and also, I never found myself without protection.

tich50, Jul 21, 6:21am
Onanmoreseriousnotebuzzy110 Ihaveneverheardaboutthereusabletampon before!IsitcommoninNewZealand!I'monlyhereacoupleofyears.

elleyh, Jul 21, 7:14am
i have regular emails from mysavings.com its a website that sends you links to free samples. alot is rubbish but there are always heaps for tampons every couple of months or so - slightly less maybe i dont have to buy tammys (have quite a stock at the mo as 6 months preggy) you often get the packets of 8 - 10. the best sample i have got from there is a neutrogena spot clearing gel (yes sometimes i still get spots) any way it wasnt a sample size as such it was the size of the product when you buy it from the store - for at least 10bucks or more!

toadfish, Jul 21, 6:50pm
I went to schenleys Yesterday The idea is to go after 3 o'clock as all the bread products are half price (i don't buy there pies) . unfortunatly I didn't get their till 3.35pm and there was only 1 pack of paninis left (thats what I go for) but they did have packs of huge long rolls. so I got those instead.For $10.45 I got 4 packs of the huge rolls (6) and the last pack of paninis (6).I used a pack of long rolls for "paninis" last night. and they were great,more filling than a regular panini, great for teenages and hungry husbands. phew.as I felt they may be too dry to have fresh. Last nights paninis were chicken, spicy plum sauce, grated cheese & red onion. served with pumpking soup from the freezer.

toadfish, Jul 21, 6:55pm
Now "Queen of mean". Yesterday I knew I was shopping on the shore and would be home late. I had already got a chicken out the night before as the shopping expedition was a last minute thought. so very cunningly (I thought) I cooked the chicken in the morning before we left. as it was a size 22 and knew if we waited till be got home we wouldn't eat till too late.I used the breast meat last night in paninis and have the rest of it for tonight. So I have chicken. and some sage & onion stuffing. How would you suggest I turn that into a meal.I thought of frying up an onion and making a white sauce and stirring it through. but what else can I add. and how can I serve it.Pie! don't have pastry.Any thoughts appreciated.