Woe is me ... Must feed us all for $200/wk!

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darlingmole, Jun 28, 12:39am
Have no choice in this matter, simpley must grin and bear it. Trouble is there's 9 of us and meal planning is my only strategy. Anyone else in my boat and got any useful tips? I've got a vege garden but nothings growing at the moment ...

tumbleweeds2011, Jun 28, 12:58am
just bumped $25 grocery shop thread for you There is also a living on a budget thread here somewhere, plus Making it from scratch

indy95, Jun 28, 12:59am
$200 per week for groceries... ... ... ... ... . . darlingmole, have you checked the $25 per week shopping thread started by fordchick. There are some brilliant suggestions in there and I'm sure we can all come up with more. I don't know about anyone else but I just love a challenge and this sounds like a good one to me.

darlingmole, Jun 28, 1:14am
hmmm - but this "challenge" of mine isn't a one off. It's for the next 6 months at least! Thanks for bumping the thread - I'll go and check it out.

lilyfield, Jun 28, 1:23am
9 adults? or kids as well? ages?

darlingmole, Jun 28, 1:26am
me and hubby 5 teenagers and 2 toddlers. I don't have to include milk or nappies - just everything else (fruit/vege/meat/cleaners/ ladies monthly products/regular tinned stuff etc)

kcak, Jun 28, 1:40am
Don't buy fresh produce at the supermarket You will find your money goes a lot further when you buy from a local greengrocer and butcher.

indy95, Jun 28, 1:41am
Just to clarify by a "challenge" I meant the opportunity to help out someone by sharing the ideas and tricks we have used to cope when faced with a situation such as this.

ruby19, Jun 28, 1:52am
I think keep an eye out for the specials Mad butcher has chicken at 4. 99 kg. Try having an inexpensive soup before main meal so you can have smaller portions. Have meat free days. Vegetable curries, home made pizza, vegetable pies. I have cos lettuce growing well in the garden at the moment, I seem to have better luck with this type than others. I have spinach which is growing but a bit slower than I would like.

darlingmole, Jun 28, 2:41am
cos lettuce eh? might have to try buying some and growing it. My spinach isn't growing either - spring onion is growing but slooooowly, brocolli/leeks/celery/silverbe-
et aren't doing anything sadly. Thanks for the advice everyone :-)

ange164, Jun 28, 3:22am
I love baking but find if I don't include a baking plan as well asa meal plan, I buy a lot of incidental items for baking that I might not end up actually using for a long time. I'm making good use of the freezer and baking once a week and free-flowing the baking.

gaspodetwd, Jun 28, 4:10am
I find a whole chicken is amazing. day one is roast chicken dinner with homemade gravy. Then pull all the rest of the meat off the carcass. Day 2 is cold chicken salad / chips or something like. Then day 3 is soup made with carcass and and dry-ish leftovers and beans/pulses and fresh bread. Day 4 use anything left with pureed pumpkin or can of tomatoes and make a curry! One chook goes a very long way!

becca184, Jun 28, 4:16am
7 day meal planner... http://www.healthyfood.co.nz/tools/downloads/meal-planning

bisloy, Jun 28, 4:38am
I find buying bulk on things like flour, sugar, baing powder, icing sugar, potatoes, toilet paper, garlic salt, soup mix, tomato sauce, etc. Storage containers, a funnel and old jars are a must! I'm in a bit of the same boat - making a little go a long way, we get paid monthly.

darlingmole, Jun 28, 4:52am
I do all my own baking of cakes, pies, quiche, biscuits, sauces - you name it. I buy everything as cheap as possible, only what we need (as in what we're going to eat etc) and keep everything as tasty and healthy as possible. I've actually posted in the $25/wk thread aswell and I ALWAYS make a weekly meal plan. This is just going to be challenging and at times stressful but I have no options. Re the roast chicken: I buy a size 9 chicken and add sauce and vege and feed us all on that. If it's a large one? roast, then sandwiches or pie and the carcass is always used to either stock or soup. I appreciate everyones input here. And I'm not going away either! Expect a new weekly thread to let you know how I'm going - everyone on here is great in my opinion and I truely value all/any suggestions

xmakara, Jun 28, 4:54am
Useful information to be found at www.simplesavings.co.nz

darlingmole, Jun 28, 4:56am
hey bisloy ~ I'm used to being frugal/cheap it's a way of life around here, but with nine people to feed on that amount of money it's pretty tough going - but I guess the good Lord only gives us what he knows we can handl eh? And "xmakara" I've looked at the simplesavings site but even at $21 bucks to join this month that's a luxury!

nfh1, Jun 28, 5:15am
darlingmole - a lot of the stuff on Simple Savings is 'viewable' without joining. There are some really interesting ideas on there. The $21 Challenge Information is all open to anyone.

darlingmole, Jun 28, 5:23am
nfh, like I said before - being frugal is my style anyway - I just wondered if anyone else was in my "boat" so to speak and if they had any clever tips etc or meals etc to feed so many for so little do$h. I've looked at simple savings but unless you've already got it in your pantry (which often I don't) it's not that helpful. My great grandmother lived with me when I was a child and she taught me to be clever with food, money etc - awesome lady - she was raised in the 1800's, lived through 2 wars, a depression etc. I'm very interested to hear from other people and hear how they cope and survive

rosiemoodle, Jun 28, 5:35am
i go to the supermarket early in the morning when dropping kids at school they have a trolley full of yesterdays breads for $1 each Sometimes I get reduced meat as well to be used that day or put in freezer. Also have a 2nds bakery nearby

annalies1, Jun 28, 5:42am
Darlingmole There is a really good thread on here called "Budgets how needs them... me! "Lots of brilliant ideas, tips and recipes.

toadfish, Jun 28, 6:05am
Just an idea DM (for short lol) I know you are a great "Meal Planner" but why don't you try putting "7 meals" on your shopping list... . that way you can cruise the meat aisle and choose the best value for that week. The reason I say that, is you may have snitzel on your meal plan but silverside might be a on a really good special that week. Then when you get home do your meal plan so you still know what you are having & when... . You mentioned you do an egg meal... my macaroni cheese would feed 9 (add more macaroni if it doesn't) and select do a packet of Pasta for about $1. 40... 2 of those plus a packet of bacon and cheese sauce and thats 1 meal under $10. But I also have known to call in to the supermarket first thing just to cruise the meat chiller to pick up those short dated bargains... takes 10 mins and is well worth it $$$ wise.

toadfish, Jun 28, 6:07am
Great big homemade pizzas are good also That just takes 3-4 cups of flour, a bit of bacon, onion, can or 2 of spaghetti, Cheese (go light on that)... Whatever needs using up... Not a "Traditional" pizza but the kids love it... . I serve this with a vege soup.

darlingmole, Jun 28, 6:16am
hi ya toady ~ *smiles* ~ thanks for the heads up. Yeah, I basically have a good idea of what my meals will be but try to be open to change because of weekly specials etc. Man, I really appreciate everyones ideas on here. I'm so gutted that week after week I'll not be able to relax a sodding thing about the food budget (or any other budget actually) but I will NOT fail! much less get into debt. Lovely to hear from you again by the way ;-)

timetable, Jun 28, 6:24am
hi darlingmole, heart is with ya! ! we are a family of 4 adults and 1 child, 2 cats and 2 fish. we spend on average 350 to 400 per fortnight although this fortnight we have only spent 300. we make the most of our vege garden, but she is a bit go slow at present as we have had some really cold days and frosts, along with a bit of snow! buy bulk baking stuff thru bin inn, made the most of the specials thru the week and the year so that come winter we can cut back a bit. blessed with farm meat - we still pay to buy the baby in in the first place and then killing, cartage and processing. this is still cheaper than supermarket or butcher meat on average. make nearly all meals from scratch, little or no takeaways, left overs put into soup or cassaroles, tolitries and cleaning products thru bin inn or specials at supermarket. just hand on in there kiddo and if poss bater with others for stuff you have that they need - maybe extra fruit, veg, baking, meat etc. can you raise your own hens, meat etc? it all helps in the end! blessings!