KitchenAid Mixers

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cookessentials, Jan 3, 4:55am
what do you pay for a Breville thelaw014!

thelaw014, Jan 3, 4:57am
At the moment online at Betta Electrical I can geta coloured one for $520.00. I would love a Kitchenaid but unfortunately it is not an option for us. I appreciate you answering my query.

bill241, Jan 4, 9:36pm
I just unpacked mine!

thelaw014, Jan 4, 9:49pm
Lucky you bill241. What colour did you get! I can't make a decision - must be because I'm a Libra lol

cookessentials, Jan 4, 10:03pm
Well, I have heard reasonable reviews for them and at the end of the day it is what you feel comfortable buying and what you are comfortable paying. In saying that, if you are not in a hurry to purchase, why not lay-by a KitchenAid! Most retail stores would be happy to do that. Last sale we had, I had a lady get it at the promotional price and she put it on lay-by and had it paid off within three months.

bill241, Jan 5, 5:50am

lyl_guy, Jan 5, 6:23am
That is a GORGEOUS colour!I love that colour with red. I'm green with envy, lol!Hope you enjoy it!

bill241, Jan 5, 6:38am
I haven't had a chance to use it yet but going to make some macarons with it after tea

cookessentials, Jan 6, 7:18am
How do you go with the macarons bill 241!

I have just ordered mine today. I have gone for the "Ice" which will go nicely with the chrome blender I have. be here in a day or so.

pickles7, Jan 6, 7:22am
I see another N.Z. link.

pickles7, Jan 6, 7:27am
This was the original link.

bill241, Jan 6, 9:29am
I was too tired after working a full day in the kitchen, and same today, so its still untouched. I'll get there eventually though. We're in the throes of moving kitchens so ours can get an overhaul and its been a bit stressful so I'm kind of anti-cooking at the moment, haha

shop-a-holic, Jan 6, 9:43am
Gawd Cooks - that's an amazing colour. My eyes dilate.
It's so you :-)

cookessentials, Jan 6, 9:45pm
You will get there bill241. Thanks shop-a-holic, it is pretty cool. originally I wanted pistachio, then pearl metallic. As i have the chrome blender, i thought that maybe i should get chrome, but decided against that as A: it was alot dearer and B: it will show finger marks and also, if you are going to have one, why not have a colour!

weezil, Jan 7, 12:14am
lord I so want a red one!.if they ever go on special again someone please put a thread up.still got my kenwood on the go and it has served me well but oh I really want one of these lovely machines.

cookessentials, Jan 7, 5:56am
Ha ha, somehow I dont think that will happen.I would be up for self promotion!

tinkagirl, Jan 7, 6:00am
Smith and Co in Queen Street AKL CBD have 25% off every November and I got my Red one at $750.and I love it

cookessentials, Jan 7, 6:43am
I got mine cheaper than that!