Your favourite kitchenware store in Auckland!

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cookessentials, Dec 17, 5:29am
She is no lady.

uli, Dec 17, 5:35am
*waves to toady* - I am still cooking your favourite brown rice salad for my visitors :)
And yes - you are right - if it gets rainy and I cannot get into my beloved garden then I get bored - and see if I can "improve" my fellow citizens :) And look how much fun I have brought to you all :) Cannot see why you all get so upset about it.

tehenga288, Dec 17, 6:52am
fgs people get over yourselves- just enjoy the info you get from here. The more you reply to uli & elliehen & the like the more they relish it . There are some great threads if you ignore all the backbiting and negativity.

willyow, Dec 17, 6:54am
It's like a cat fight here - furr flying! Better than television imho

elliehen, Dec 17, 6:55am
But, I'm on the side of the angels ;)

elliehen, Dec 17, 7:08am
Speaking of television, Jamie Oliver is doing his Christmas feast on TV1.

craig04, Dec 17, 9:58am
Excellent, glad to have provided the platform for WW3 - Wow!

Off to Milly's tomorrow I think, thanks for the suggestions folks

elliehen, Dec 17, 10:09am
More of a little boarding school diningroom food fight, kate :)

BTW here are three of the recipes Jamie Oliver made tonight in his Christmas programme - for anyone interested.this is the thread people seem to watching ;)

charlieb2, Dec 17, 10:25am
lol. I did wonder if you would come back and wonder 'what the heck!'. Good luck with your shopping

craig04, Dec 17, 10:32am
If you say so elliehen - but if I'm ever in a room with some of you lot and someone starts handing out kitchen knives, I'm running for cover

rainrain1, Dec 17, 6:08pm
lol and I'll be right behind you

katalin2, Dec 17, 9:18pm
You are such a smart a**e that I bet you could sit on a tub of ice-cream and tell us what flavour it is.

Edited by cookessentials at 6:27 pm, Sat 17 Dec


cookessentials (1186 )6:26 pm, Sat 17 Dec #52


escapes to Gardening until sanity returns to Recipes. Merry Christmas everyone- and a big dose of Christmas spirit to go around to all who so obviously need it.

davidt4, Dec 17, 10:51pm
My favourite is The Homestore in the Rialto Arcade in Newmarket.The staff are well-informed, pleasant and helpful (unlike Millie's) and they have a good range of high quality products.!st=1

bedazzledjewels, Dec 17, 10:52pm
+1 for Homestore.

elliehen, Dec 17, 10:55pm
Whew!That's a relief, rainrain ;)

Happy Christmas to Down South!

elliehen, Dec 17, 11:02pm
Try Books, katalin.Bookies can usually agree to disagree in the friendliest manner after reading the very same book ;)

Happy Christmas to all and please give books for Christmas!

uli, Dec 17, 11:44pm
Ummm - have I been there before!

rainrain1, Dec 18, 12:12am

uli, Dec 18, 12:34am
Aye - I missed that little gem last night :)
Lovely post cooks - do you do that little party trick at home!

elliehen, Dec 18, 1:23am
Books messageboard!Just checked for you.Put in date posted 'Last year' and the answer is NO.

craig04, Dec 18, 2:22am
Thanks davidt4 - I hate snooty shop assistants, so it may be the better option

uli, Dec 18, 2:58am
Than what!

kay141, Dec 18, 3:06am
I, for one, am glad cooks occasionally mentions the shop on here or I would not have known about it. I made a special trip over there for a purchase.

cookessentials, Dec 18, 3:44am
Lots do Kay.a large number from Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Palmerston North who all say there is just nothing like it. Have had a few people from the UK liken it to the next best thing to Lakeland in the UK. Jo Seagar apparently thinks we have the best website bar none ( as told to one of our reps) which is a lovely thing for her to say.

uli, Dec 18, 4:30am
So she HAS no shop! And she never really "advertises it either.
Which is amazing really as we all know her lovely recipe:

Lemon Yoghurt Cake
This recipe has been in the family for over 25 years it was given to my Mother a friend in Seattle hence the use of a "bundt" tin. Bundt tins are available for sale in our catalogue. The cake keeps extremely well and freezes beautifully. Just remember to grease tin well with butter and dust with flour,shaking off the excess before filling with mixture.
1 & 3/4 cups caster sugar
rind 2-3 lemons
2 eggs
1 cup sunflower oil
1/2 tsp salt
1 cup plain unsweetened yoghurt (not low fat)
2-3 tsp lemon juice
2 cups self raising flour
Beat eggs,oil,sugar and peel together in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order above. Butter and flour a 24cm bundt tin . Bake at 180C for 40-45 minutes. Test with a cake tester. Let cake rest only 5 minutes before turning out onto a cooling rack. Dust cold cake with sifted icing sugar.


cookessentials (1183 )8:44 pm, Fri 19 Aug #6