Your favourite kitchenware store in Auckland!

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gram, Dec 17, 2:41am
Emile Henry Flame series tarte tatin dish is the only way to go. It comes with the recipe. You basically place the dish onto your heat source on low and add caster sugar. Let it melt, then remove from heat, add butter and stir well. Place peeled and cut apples cut side up into the dish,then sprinkle with caster sugar and dot with butter. Pastry on top and then ito the oven. Once cooked, remove from oven and let it rest for ten minutes. Place the serving dish ( which comes with the set) over the top and turn upsode down and you're done. You can watch how it works here!v=tTCVLNAtWqc There are two sizes. I have the larger one and they are around $170

Quotecookessentials (1186 )7:35 pm, Wed 14 Dec #2

gram, Dec 17, 2:43am
Yes, as I sell them. Most retailers have the onw size, but I can assure, you there are two. As for the frypan, the method of doing tarte tatin using that is too long and involved. I much prefer doing it the way above as shown. The smaller tarte tatin is around $140

Quotecookessentials (1186 )9:19 pm, Wed 14 Dec #7

elliehen, Dec 17, 2:44am
And the post after that says this :)

It's not as though peope are not being given a choice or that arms are being twisted.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:15am
Try looking at the whole post in context thanks gram.I was told on more than oe occasion that there was one size, after saying there were two, I was asked "are you sure!" to which I added the above. As for the tarte tatin recipe, where does it say there that i sell them! I have one myself and they ARE fabulous. The link to youtube shows how to use one. So! every time I mention ANY piece of call that advertising! that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have heard. Cricky, better not mention in ANY recipe what you mix it in, what you mix it with, just in case I might sell one! How laughable.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:27am
Here are some examples for you, I take it you are going to tell me that this is advertising!

I need to make one man-sized pie but I have no suitable pie dish. One of the pudding bowls from our el-cheapo dinner set would be the perfect size.
Is it safe to use such a bowl in a hot oven, or will the bowl probably break!


datoofairy (883 )10:17 am, Tue 19 Apr #1

More than likely. You would be better to purchase a pie dish.


cookessentials (1186 )10:29 am, Tue 19 Apr #2
Am I advertising a pie dishe here!

Last month I made a post about fry pans and forum members directed me towards a 'Lodge" frypan. Love it, best pan I have ever owned.

Now I need an A grade quality kitchen knife. I'm off to the King of Knives after I get feedback from you guys. What brand have you had most success with!


voltage (246 )11:07 am, Tue 12 Apr #1



davidt4 (178 )11:39 am, Tue 12 Apr #2

Some of the best knives are Victorinox, Global, Wusthoff and Zwilling ( Henckels)


cookessentials (1186 )11:39 am, Tue 12 Apr #3
Tell me if I am advertising knives I sell here too!

gram, Dec 17, 3:31am
I said that your marketing is very clever. You asked for an example.You often mention brands you sell. Laughable.! Ridiculous.!

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:32am
The original question in the post that was copy and pasted above

I thought I might give this a go this year. Does anyone have a recipe that is tried and true for an apple or apricot or pear tarte tatin! What about the baking dish. The ones I have aren't suitable, are they reasonable to buy! Thks


thedollshouse (234 )3:42 pm, Wed 14 Dec #1

Emile Henry Flame series tarte tatin dish is the only way to go. It comes with the recipe. You basically place the dish onto your heat source on low and add caster sugar. Let it melt, then remove from heat, add butter and stir well. Place peeled and cut apples cut side up into the dish,then sprinkle with caster sugar and dot with butter. Pastry on top and then ito the oven. Once cooked, remove from oven and let it rest for ten minutes. Place the serving dish ( which comes with the set) over the top and turn upsode down and you're done. You can watch how it works here!v=tTCVLNAtWqc There are two sizes. I have the larger one and they are around $170


cookessentials (1186 )7:35 pm, Wed 14 Dec #2
No advertising what so ever.a recipe was given as was a link to youtube showing how to make it and me mentioning that i have one.I do have one and I am perfectly entitiled to mention that fact.

elliehen, Dec 17, 3:37am
That's high praise.Someone in retail these days has to have marketing nous or they will fail.

elliehen, Dec 17, 3:40am
Has anyone else noticed that the inflammatory post at #6 does not actually answer the question about a 'favourite kitchenware store in Auckland'!

I am in the top of the south, but my basic NZ geography tells me that Masterton is a very long way from Auckland.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:47am
I often mention MANY brands.I dont necessarily sell them, so yes, very laughable. You make an awful lot of assumptions.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:49am
Yes, and did you notice that Kaitaia is VERY near Whangarei!

shop-a-holic, Dec 17, 3:49am
I noticed the lack of geography knowledge too. But I was too interested in the defamation context.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 3:51am
Sure is.the nasty poster at #6obviously has no skills in geography, along with the lack of social skills.

shop-a-holic, Dec 17, 3:52am
Shall I bring the bubbles on Friday, Cooks!

cookessentials, Dec 17, 4:12am
That would be lovely.always nice to see some of the lovely posters from the recipe section in the shop ( Ooops,best be careful, it might be construed as "advertising")

willyow, Dec 17, 4:40am
Come on Cookessentials-whenpeople ask what vanilla they like best you always plug Neilson Massey - the one you just happento sell on your on-line store ( if it's online - it's in Auckland)

I am just as guilty as I often plug mine - but at least I own up to it !

willyow, Dec 17, 4:41am
And to answer the question- Milly's is great

cookessentials, Dec 17, 4:49am
How often have I "plugged" neilsen massey! probably twice from memory. I happen to use it myself and whether I sell it is irrelevant. If someone asks what you use, then I will offer what i use. If I used your vanilla and loved it I would have no problem saying so either. I sell alot of things, however, in cookware terms I dont sell eerything. I also use alot of different products that i DONT sell too and if I use them and find them useful I will say so. Not quite sure why this has got so off has nothing to do with the OP question. Milly's has some great stuff, however, I find it very over priced. Stevens, I would not bother with as alot of their stuff is a copy of great product that they get cheaply made in China and a high percentage of their staff have no clue about cookware. Although Milly's is expensive, it is a specialty cookware store and the know their stuff unlike the larger chain stores. As for Briscoes! wouldn't waste my time.

elliehen, Dec 17, 4:59am
Mystery solved!Is that why I keep seeing the name willyow pop in advocating vanilla with everything :)

uli, Dec 17, 5:04am
Interesting that the poster from #6 has never said anything about cooks shop but simply stated that it wouldn't be her "favourite kitchenware store in Auckland!" (which was #1's question .

. and look how that spawned about 40 nasty posts LOL :)

Life is fun isn't it! Except if you fill it with stuff like: ".Although Milly's is expensive, it is a specialty cookware store and the know their stuff unlike the larger chain stores. As for Briscoes! wouldn't waste my time."

Whatever it might mean - there might be some typing (or thinking) errors in that sentence.

elliehen, Dec 17, 5:11am
One mean-spirited post is like a virus - it spreads rampantly to bring forth a rash of strong emotions.

toadfish, Dec 17, 5:18am
You can always tell. if its late at night or a rainy day. Uli gets bored. and then posts something controversial to see what she can stir up.

Please everyone . Don't buy into it.

toadfish, Dec 17, 5:22am
I love op shops and garage sales as well, have found some real treasures.I am not a big enough foodie to justify spending huge amounts of money.I love my temuka casserole dish. $5 at a garage sale.

cookessentials, Dec 17, 5:26am
no typing or thinking errors at all. Can you not read or understand the English language! Try putting ones brain in gear before opening ones mouth. I dont have a kitchenware store.I dont sell kitchens and i dont have a "cookware store" in Auckland either.You are such a smart a**e that I bet you could sit on a tub of ice-cream and tell us what flavour it is.

elliehen, Dec 17, 5:27am
I've got some of my favourite kitchen things at recycling centres, although I did pay a small fortune for a new Japanese Benriner mandolin slicer.