Your favourite kitchenware store in Auckland!

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craig04, Dec 15, 1:19am
Which kitchenware stores have the best range and prices in Auckland in your opinion!

pogram0, Dec 15, 7:15am
Probably find that Smith & Caugheys new cooking section has the widest variety but wouldn't put them in the 'good price' bracket.Applewoods in Queens Arcade is also pretty good.

lythande1, Dec 15, 7:25am

kate777, Dec 15, 11:55pm
Ah crumbs, the good ones (Milly's, The one in the Rialto centre in Newmarket and the one in Milford mall) are great for really good kitchenware but have equivalent prices. The other ones you can probably get cheap stuff but it won't be heirloom stuff.
What is it you're wanting!

purplegoanna, Dec 16, 12:33am
THE HOSPICE SHOP! LOL i got a BRAND NEW beautiful large black pottery casserole dish with lid the other day for $8.00 anywhere else it would of been over $80! im so stoked.ive also got all my old fashioned kitchen utensils there that you can no longer find in most shops.

uli, Dec 16, 4:13am
Not cookessentials by any means :)

shop-a-holic, Dec 16, 5:04am
In the spirit of an open forum; and friendliness to all; coupled with the stress of Christmas for some - I do so wish Uli that you would stop swallowing vinegar and sucking on lemons for breakfast. tI may also pay to keep away from the Gin bottle so early in the day.

You are outrageous, and I wished you would not display your unladylike manners.

uli, Dec 16, 5:17am
Haha - did you know that a very common detox is to drink lime juice instead of breakfast! No! I thought so!

You most likely go for "cereal" sugar and low fat milk :)

While I had a morrow bone for breakfast today . followed by blueberries and raspberries with homemade Greek Yoghurt at 11am :)

The gin - well I do not even have any . but if it fills a gap for you - then go for it - and Merry Xmas to you too :)

P.S.: And contrary to popular belief I do not mind whatever you eat or drink - BUT I might just point out (in my "unladylike manner") what I think of the long-term consequences of your sugar/gin/etc .laden food :)

P.P.S.: Best ever compliment I got on here: ".You are outrageous, and I wish you would not display your unladylike manners." So very very lovely of you :) Thanks a lot!

icequeen2, Dec 16, 7:43am
Stevens, esp when they have a sale, or the home store.

charlieb2, Dec 16, 9:08am
opps, I see I managed to delete the whole post for some reason. the jist was:

Uli. that wasnt necessary, I think most of us know you dont 'get on' with cooks. but no need to sabotage her business.Have you dealt with her on a commercial basis to be able to make that comment!

deus701, Dec 16, 12:46pm
I have no preference, but these are the shops I go to from time to time; Millys, Chef Shop @ Newmarket, House of Knives, DnBmall, Applewood Kitchen Shop, Homestore & Southern Hospitality.

buzzy110, Dec 16, 4:46pm
And why is it, do you think that it should be able to use this forum to advertise its business when no one else it permitted to do that!

cookessentials, Dec 16, 7:36pm
Really! Show us an advertisement.

shop-a-holic, Dec 16, 7:47pm
Uli wasn't advertising cookessentials business, but defaming her. There are laws in New Zealand to protect cookessentials from people like Uli. It even covers online defamation as well.

cookessentials, Dec 16, 7:56pm
haters only hate the things that they can’t get and the people they can’t be. I dont have a cookware store in Auckland folks and as for Waltrauds comment.I would expect nothing less, she does it so well. As for buzzy110.well, what can I say.nothing new in that department, she just has a nasty personality and envy is just SO ugly. I dont need to advertise either.

purplegoanna, Dec 17, 12:53am
cooks be honest you dont advertise but you do alude to the fact that you sell certain items.!

cookessentials, Dec 17, 12:59am
I am always honest purplegoanna, it is no secret that I sell can see that by the username and the profile, it is not rocket science. If someone asks about a particular product, I am actually allowed to give advice just as anyone else is. If it is a product that I use personally, I am also allowed to give my opinion ( and I do have one of these myself) I guess if you want to go down that track, there are plenty of people who "allude" to alot of things.kind f like alluding to the fact that you have a low carb site, or alluding to the fact that you sell vanilla, or alluding to the fact that youm ake wedding cakes. I do not advertise on here, I have no need to as I am kept busy enough with a shop and a very busy online store and the odd Trademe sale from time to time. I come here to give help and advice if and when asked for.

hestia, Dec 17, 1:06am
And recipes as well. When I asked for a recipe for gnocchi, it was Cookessentials who supplied it. Thanks again Cookessentials!

cookessentials, Dec 17, 1:07am
You are welcome hestia.

elliehen, Dec 17, 1:40am
I allude to the fact that I sell books.This is an online trading website.The messageboard is the insignificant entertainment chat show side of it.

This doesn't mean that I am advertising books, although I often source a particular book on someone else's listings on Trade Me for a poster who cannot find it.I have seen cookessentials do the same regularly when posters ask about a particular item of kitchen equipment.

gram, Dec 17, 1:58am
Cookessentials I think you have to acknowledge that your marketing is very clever. I have been reading these threads for a while and you consistently interject brandnames which you sell, into recipes, cooking suggestions etc. I don't have a clue what other posters do but I certainly am aware you sell cooking supplies, cookware etc. Rather disingenuous of you to insist you don't 'advertise' here.!

elliehen, Dec 17, 2:18am
Perhaps it's rather naive of anybody to think that there is not subliminal advertising everywhere on a trading site.

My attention was recently caught by a cherry recipe in a thread that included a link to cherries online.I followed it up and ordered some for a Christmas gift.I suspect,judging by the location, that the poster has a connection to the company, but what harm was done!

cookessentials, Dec 17, 2:18am
I dont think I have ever put a brand name of cookware that I sell into a recipe! if so, please show me. So, I guess you are saying that if i suggest cooking something in a "stainless steel pudding basin" that i am advertising the fact I sell one! how ridiculous is that!

elliehen, Dec 17, 2:25am
Incidentally, gram, I wonder if the person you bought your bamboo steamer from has their contact number disingenuously disguised in their user name ;)

shop-a-holic, Dec 17, 2:33am
I just want to allude to the fact, I'm landing in Masterton on Friday, in Thunderbird 2 and commence a very large shop up at Cook's Store. I can't wait. I don't want you selling those items I'm after.