'Lost' mums receipe that I used to make often! From memory had a pkt of biscuits (wine!) crushed and a grated apple in the usual mixture. With a pkt of pastry, have mine thawing at the moment, made a full tray full. Has anyone please got a receipe similar as trying to make items for Xmas plates for neighbours. Many thanks.
Dec 14, 6:48am
Oh that brings back memories. I remember mum made a sweet pastry and mixed fruit in the middle, which she added stewed apple to and then the same pastry on top. I know us kids use to think it did have flies in it.
Dec 14, 9:49am
Edmonds Fruit Square 175gr pastry 50gr butter 1 grated apple 50gr seeded raisins, sultanas, currants & br sugar rind & juice of 1 lemon 1tsp cinnamon & spice Essence of almond Melt butter, add remainderof ingredients, leave until quite cold. Roll 1/2 pastry, place on tray, spread fruit mixture over. Roll other 1/2 & place on top. Pinch edges together & prick pastry well Bake 30 - 40 mins @ 200 Cut into pieces while hot & sprinkle with icing sugar when cold.
Dec 14, 8:05pm
Oh god I hated that when I was at boarding school 40 years ago!
Dec 14, 8:35pm
Must have been where the school cook's 'not so popular baking' went;)
Dec 14, 8:58pm
its called fly cemetery because bakeries and coffee shops used their leftover stale stuff and recycled it as filling, they used yesterdays cakes that sat exposedfor flies on the shelves for hours.
we have better health requirements now.
Dec 14, 9:08pm
Interesting.I'd never made that connection before.I thought it was because it simply looked so unappetising.
Dec 14, 9:15pm
Nowadays they make rum balls- I never touch those
Dec 14, 11:33pm
I confess to leaving untouched truffles made by mother's little helpers.The thought of all that hand rolling and tasting and scratching - even with clean hands at the beginning - puts me right off.
Dec 15, 9:36am
LOL! Sorry lilyfield not my memory, or mylate mum's receipe! Wonder if adverse comments are for the one made with a biscuit type outer rather than pastry! Played round today with various receipes, used malt biscuits,no wine on hand, added dried apricots,grated apples, orange juice to to up water, brandy added to flavouring! Result I am delighted with!LOL
Dec 15, 10:07am
You must be a bit grubby.
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