Who else is opting out

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iman007, Dec 17, 6:38am
i live in the fast lane, the eagles ,lol
thanx for pic

james_smith, May 5, 4:09am
K-Y jelly was the first lube created in 1919. It eases the discomfort of dryness during sex and feel natural. Buy KY at Condom World


james_smith, May 5, 4:11am
K-Y jelly was the first lube created in 1919. It eases the discomfort of dryness during sex and feel natural. Buy KY at Condom World


pickles7, Nov 25, 8:52am
There must be others that have had enough of the commercial side of Christmas.
.purplegoanna .We made the break away from going "home" for Christmas many years ago. The first year is the hardest, once over that it is very easy. Our family excepted it just fine. After all my Family did the same thing, many years earlier.

beaker59, Nov 25, 10:09pm
Maybe you could just consider not doing the commercial but still do the stuff you like. When I stopped presents in my family there was resistence the first year but when they had handed out presents and then noticed that me and a couple of others had not opened our presents and had not handed any out, the messagegot through, that you can have a nice family christmas without having to spend thousands of dollars. I now only buy presents for my 5 granddaughters but even then only spend a fraction of what I used to(well the wife does as she does the shopping).

vintagekitty, Nov 26, 12:53am
well I love Christmas, love decorating the tree, love eating masses of nice food, love wrapping presents, LOVE spending money and going all out. love getting gifts, love spending the day with family and friends dropping in laughing and having fun. Love, love, love it.

uli, Nov 26, 5:40am
The first year I had "my own Xmas" away from my parents I still had a tree with all the stuff - then I sat there and looked at it for several days and wondered - "and why did I do this"! I do not even subscribe to the myth - so really this is very ridiculous. From then on - I didn't have Xmas anymore.

Sure - I DO get together with friends, we visit each other, have pizza nights and BBQ's and generally a very pleasant and relaxed 10 days or 3 weeks.

However I do not call it Christmas - as I have nothing to do with the myth of Christ et al. I call it "holidays" - and so I wish people a "happy holiday" - which is what most people have anyway, rather than worship Christ and all the ideas that come with it.

So opting out of the hype is very easy. Just don't write any Xmas cards this year (if you write then write a nice letter), don't do Xmas stuff or presents, have parties and BBQ's and music nights or whatever else you like doing instead. And cook whatever you feel like rather than what is "Xmassy".

kay141, Nov 26, 6:33am
Good for you. You help balance the Ebenezer Scrooges in here. I have a budget for food and presents, and stick to it. Gifts are only for the grandchildren but the number grows. Not by birth but by getting partners. Great-grandchildren could be next but I hope not too soon. Being the mother of a grandmother is just so old.

elliehen, Nov 26, 6:54am
You're a cool cat vintagekitty :)

uli, Nov 26, 9:12am
Do you know what an "Ebenezer Scrooge" is kay141!

knowsley, Nov 26, 5:50pm
I think we all know WHO the "Ebenezer Scrooge" is.

toadfish, Nov 26, 6:08pm
I put the Christmas Tree up last night, usually wait till the 1st of Dec but this weekend is so busy.It FEELS Good, I have tree ornaments from all over the world that I have collected over the years and just looking at them brings backs floods of memories. add those to the ones the girls have made over the years. JUST LOVE IT.
I don't however get into the christmas hype, we are a small family - being an immigrant (albeit 1974) so we don't have hoards of Aunties & Uncles and other family members, so it will be 6 of us around the table on Christmas Day, not unlike many other fabulous family dinners we have during the year.I make the Breakfast at my place and Mum makes the dinner at hers - a traditional English Dinner with all the trimmings. so in a way the only difference is we have 2 meals together that day.
Boxing Day we host the "Waifs &Strays" BBQ started for my Kiwi Husband - who had endured my English Family Christmas for years, anyone not doing anything brings something to share and a good time is had by all.
I don't break the bank, we don't buy to much, I buy very few presents - the only up side of a smal l family.
Like Beaker I grasp any opportunity to hang out with family or friends. add that to good food and good wine. Living the dream :)
But I don't restrict it to Christmas - aim to Live the Dream all year.

toadfish, Nov 26, 6:08pm
I put the Christmas Tree up last night, usually wait till the 1st of Dec but this weekend is so busy.It FEELS Good, I have tree ornaments from all over the world that I have collected over the years and just looking at them brings backs floods of memories. add those to the ones the girls have made over the years. JUST LOVE IT.
I don't however get into the christmas hype, we are a small family - being an immigrant (albeit 1974) so we don't have hoards of Aunties & Uncles and other family members, so it will be 6 of us around the table on Christmas Day, not unlike many other fabulous family dinners we have during the year.I make the Breakfast at my place and Mum makes the dinner at hers - a traditional English Dinner with all the trimmings. so in a way the only difference is we have 2 meals together that day.
Boxing Day we host the "Waifs &Strays" BBQ started for my Kiwi Husband - who had endured my English Family Christmas for years, anyone not doing anything brings something to share and a good time is had by all.
I don't break the bank, we don't buy to much, I buy very few presents - the only up side of a smallfamily i guess.
Like Beaker I grasp any opportunity to hang out with family or friends. add that to good food and good wine. Living the dream :)
But I don't restrict it to Christmas - aim to Live the Dream all year.

toadfish, Nov 26, 6:08pm
I put the Christmas Tree up last night, usually wait till the 1st of Dec but this weekend is so busy.It FEELS Good, I have tree ornaments from all over the world that I have collected over the years and just looking at them brings backs floods of memories. add those to the ones the girls have made over the years. JUST LOVE IT.
I don't however get into the christmas hype, we are a small family - being an immigrant (albeit in the 1970's) we don't have hoards of Aunties & Uncles and other family members, so it will be 6 of us around the table on Christmas Day, not unlike many other fabulous family dinners we have during the year.I make the Breakfast at my place and Mum makes the dinner at hers - a traditional English Dinner with all the trimmings. so in a way the only difference is we have 2 meals together that day.
Boxing Day is a whole different ball game - we host the "Waifs &Strays" BBQ started for my Kiwi Husband - who had endured my English Family Christmas for years, anyone not doing anything brings something to share and a good time is had by all lol.
I don't break the bank, we don't buy too much, I buy very few presents - the only up side of a smallfamily i guess.
Like Beaker I grasp any opportunity to hang out with family or friends. add that to good food and good wine. Living the dream :)
But I don't restrict it to Christmas - I aim to Live the Dream all year.

pickles7, Nov 26, 7:03pm
"Ebenezer Scrooge". Just goes to show how many more should "opt out" of the farce.

kay141, Nov 26, 7:35pm
Why should people opt out if they enjoy the "commercial crap" as you call it! Each to their own. For some a time of big spending, for others, a religious celebration, for others, a mixture of both. The "Bah Humbug" attitude of some is, I think, a waste of time but IRL, can be a depressant. If that is the way people feel about the whole thing, they should keep their thoughts to themselves. Always reminds me of the spoilsports who have to tell children there is no Santa, Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy.

pickles7, Nov 26, 7:52pm
"commercial crap"say it how it is.kay141. read your words

kay141, Nov 26, 7:56pm
Some agree, some don't. That is life. I don't agree with the stuff on sale before Labour weekend or the continuous carols. If I hear Felice Navidad one more time, I may have a melt-down but I do love some of the excitement and food that goes with it.

vintagekitty, Nov 26, 9:02pm
Toadfish, love it. You are "living the dream"!. I am going to select my christmas trees from the christmas tree farm this weekend, cant wait. I am going to do 3 tree's this year and each with their own "theme" lol. Have dragged out the fairy lights to string everywhere and decorate the veranda and my std holly tree's either side of the front door. It will look like christmas has vomited all over my house after the weekend. WHHOOOHOOO.

vintagekitty, Nov 26, 9:03pm
haha yeah I can understand that!

kay141, Nov 26, 9:24pm
That is some description. I would love to see the end result.

pheebs1, Nov 26, 11:12pm
theres not always alot to celebrate during the year
we need this! and you dont have to break the bank
remember forget the bling! Do the whanau thing!
friends family and food! fabulous!

nfh1, Nov 26, 11:41pm
Sounds fantastic.

I have not got used to Christmas here yet.Christmas to me is about family, giving presents (often silly stuff), eating too much, dark evenings with the Christmas tree lights showing so pretty at 4.00 pm.Just sharing time and food with loved ones.

music_note, Nov 27, 10:22am
. and seeing the Christmas lights around town, eating McD's icecreams as we drive to each house, the kids in their pj's. laughter and fun :-)

toadfish, Nov 27, 5:30pm
50c icecream and time with your family - laughter and fun. Hardly call that rampant consumerism but absolutely what I think Christmas is all about.
Creating memories.
The reason why we do breakfast at our house as from when the children were really little they would wake up, open the stocking presents on our bed (still did last year - so funny having a 17 & 19 yr old doing that lol) then they have to wait to the grandparents arrive to do the tree presents, which is the bigger presents between the 6 of us.My parents were fantastic and we just rung them when the children woke and they were poised to go and by the time they were at our place we had done the stockings and were dressed and ready for breakfast and then to the tree for pressies. could go on for hours lol.