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rainrain1, Nov 19, 11:29pm
Ahhh, but would you eat it!

mazzy1, Nov 19, 11:33pm
Ahhh - that would be a no - trying to give them up at the moment.

elliehen, Nov 28, 4:25am
Bumped for a couple of posters who are still feeling ongoing angst in another thread about who 'owns' a recipe ;)

pickles7, Nov 28, 5:13am
mmmm this was hard to swallow,

elliehen, Nov 28, 5:49am
You might have had a light bulb moment at exactly the same time as one of her many researchers, pickles ;)

pickles7, Nov 29, 1:27am
lol, goes to show how, no one can lay claim to a recipe.