Boy do I dislike

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berkiegirl, Oct 13, 2:55am
Dried figs *gag*

elliehen, Oct 13, 3:14am
Dead animal parts * BIG GAG*

rainrain1, Oct 13, 5:21am
do you eat them alive!

elliehen, Oct 13, 6:04am
Some do, judging by the things that bleed onto the plates in Masterchef ;)

antoniab, Oct 13, 6:20am
Dehydrated banana chips and melon, Ill eat both if they are served to me - cant think of anything I would actually refuse to eat.

tania58, Oct 14, 5:44am
Have tried ostrich kind of like a steak texture to me. But speaking of texture . I can't stand the texture of mushrooms - I put them in recipes for the flavour because I've found that missing them out changes the taste of the whole dish.
But I just can't eat them. All rubbery and slimey at the same time ewwww

eastie3, Oct 14, 6:24am
I find my palate has changed over the years,but I really dislike:
anything flavoured with almond essence
Tuna,fresh or canned
Chardonnay,whisky and rum

I will eat and drink just about anything else.I love whitebait(probably my all time favourite) avocados,lamb,braeburn apples,red capsicums (which I eat like apples),bananas,mandarins,chic-
ken,pomegranates in all its forms esp with balsamic vinegar,tomatoes,vegetable samosas,sushi,bacon and eggs.I adore runny,parmesan and blue cheeses but not as keen on cheddar and esp not cooked.

lillol, Oct 14, 6:25am

ant_sonja, Oct 14, 7:43am
kidneys/brains/eye balls.that kind of thing - most things I used to dislike I quite enjoy these days, mussels, kumara, capers & eggplant for example but can't eat offaly things. liver is ok tho, I really love most foods :-)