Boy do I dislike

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rainrain1, Oct 8, 6:16pm
carrot cake, chocolate brownie, and banoffee pie

lx4000, Oct 8, 6:32pm
meat, fish, chicken and any other meat

glenn-ellyn, Oct 8, 6:52pm
Dislike:Cake, lollies, tripe, most fish, apples, ice cream. bread, butter, sugar.
Like:Fillet steak, chicken, pork , salads,most fruit, feta cheese, and all thai foods. Turbut fish.

rainrain1, Oct 8, 7:07pm
love all that

maggie197, Oct 8, 7:17pm
It's a mental 'thing',,,,kina. I can't get pass the smell!

pollax, Oct 8, 7:18pm
um everything everyone has mentioned is awesome!

worst thing ever invented is cucumber!

rainrain1, Oct 8, 7:24pm
Rotten liquorice is how I have had the taste described to me, I have never been game enough to try it either

lilyfield, Oct 8, 7:49pm
anything with the hated word of calorie in it

cgvl, Oct 8, 9:13pm
brussel sprouts here. DH loves 'em, hate cooking them and to eat I smotther mine in cheese sauce . oh so not good

beaker59, Oct 8, 10:09pm
Jack spratt could eat no fat,
His wife could eat no lean,
between them they picked the plate clean.

lyingnun, Oct 9, 1:50am
milk, custard, tapioca , white sauce, gherkins, squid, mussels, pate, jellied meats, skin and bones in tinned salmon,

southerngurl, Oct 9, 3:21am
mmmmm add some lettuce, and capers and a bit of olive oil, i feel a delish salad coming on there. then the pate on crackers for dessert

uli, Oct 9, 3:49am
The only thing I dislike is fish eyes (delicacy supposedly) and tripe :)

sarahb5, Oct 9, 3:51am
Tinned salmon

There are probably other things I don't like either but these are the ones that spring to mind

davidt4, Oct 9, 4:05am
Snails, Meyer lemons.

uli, Oct 9, 4:39am
I love Meyer lemons - once they are made into a lovely syrup with grapefruit and oranges. The spoils of which I cut very finely and it gives me a years supply of "mixed peel" to include into those cakes I don't eat :)

I freeze them in tiny ziplock bags and get them out when needed in a cake - I have 3 left and have already asked the current "boss" and his wwoofers that this week with its 5 days of proposed rain will be the time to make more syrup for the summer and more "mixed peel" too:)

frances1266, Oct 9, 5:08am
Meat and dairy, ugh

buzzy110, Oct 9, 5:34am
Tea. eeeewww. Dairy and sugar in coffee - double blerk.

buzzy110, Oct 9, 5:35am
So do you just cut up the peel and freeze it!

mehrtsmagic, Oct 9, 5:47am
Coffee, Rice, Seafood, Nuts

nfh1, Oct 9, 5:51am
Milk, butter, fat on meat, avocado, fennel, tea, Milo, Marmite, Vegemite

rrrg, Oct 9, 6:27am
offal, peas, tea especially herbal, snails, sausages

quarterpasttwo, Oct 9, 7:16am
offal esp heart and brain

scarlettnz, Oct 9, 7:26am
I cannot believe that nobody has mentioned celery *shudders*. I refer to it as spawn of the devil. I can't stand the stuff.

craig04, Oct 9, 7:32am
Any over-processed rubbish such as muesli bars, shop biscuits, any of the snacks you can get for kids like fruit roll-ups etc. Bluuurrrkk! Also not a fan of offal meat (apart from chicken livers which I quite like), brussel sprouts, boiled cabbage or paua