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wron, Aug 28, 4:18am
Saving as on last page bump

buzzy110, Aug 28, 4:56am
The simpleist tamarilla recipe around. Dunk your whole fresh tamarillos in boiling water for a few minutes, take out and pull skins off. Slice into quarters (just as many as you think you can eat). Put into a non-reactive (not metal) bowl. Sprinkle with a bout 2 tablspns sherry for every 6 tamarillo and the same with brown sugar. Leave in fridge for a few hours. the juices will dissolve the sugar and a rich, sweet sauce will be created. Eat tamarillos and sauce over ice cream or make palin sponge cake and create a dessert with that.

buzzy110, Aug 28, 4:57am
p.s. Also goes nice with choccy cake. .

buzzy110, Aug 28, 4:59am
Ugg just read my second to last post. Hope you can make sense of it with all the spellys and typos.

uli, Aug 28, 5:28am
I wondered a bit buzzy especially about the "palin sponge cake" which sounded rather dodgy. You getting high on the sauerkraut juice!

buzzy110, Aug 28, 5:33am
Nah. Just in a hurry. Have to rush my husband off to work and was really supposed to be cooking his dinner, not chatting on here. Also I think, from memory that I diced up the tamarillo not just quartered and only used about 2 tspns of sugar per 6 tamarillos not 2 tablspns. I reckon, that it is a recipe that would do well by preserving using the waterbath method as the sauce that it creates more than covers the fruit after a couple of hours.

beaumonde, Aug 28, 11:02am
Tamarillo and Apple Crumble .easy comfort food Mum makes this one, quick and easy
Stew apples with peeled Tamarillo add honey or sugar, pop it in a baking dish with butter flour rubbed together with a bit of brown sugar for a topping.
Serve with cream or ice cream.
Very nice cold as well.
You can make this with rhubarb and apple too.

wheelz, Sep 4, 11:32am
you can always cook them and peel and put into bags/ containers in the freezer for out of season use.

glenleigh, Sep 5, 7:03am
#30 just ttried your recipe this evening - loved it.Thank you very much for a valued addition to the recipe book.

debudder, Sep 5, 7:26am
I love tamarillos on hot toast sprinkled with sugar, so do my kids and have now got my 18 year old daughter into them, she had never tried them and thought I was weird, now she beats me to buy them when they come into shops. Oh yummy

lookingfor, Sep 11, 11:52am
I can't stand eating raw tamarillos My mum eats them on top of ice cream, yuck! I like tamarillio chutneyl though, I must track down a jar, or make some

uli, Sep 18, 8:07am
lookingfor most tamarillos you buy are not ripe! I always let them drop rather than pick them. They are very very nice with just a little bit of brown sugar on top.

evenmore, Sep 24, 10:29am
my favourite food is chopped tamarillos brown sugar and plain yoghurt topped with fresh wheatgerm

uli, Oct 1, 1:06am
must try that evenmore :)

uli, Oct 7, 6:55pm
one last bump for the last tamarillos

anabelles, Jun 7, 2:38am
Recipes for cake or dessert to use up my tamarillos please!

dorothy_vdh, Jun 7, 2:42am
there is a tamarillo and gingernut thread further down the page

ace10, Jun 7, 3:44am
Tamarilo chutneyl Ingredients:

* 30-50 tamarillos, cleaned and trimmed.
* 1kilogram of brown sugar.
* 1 cup of malt vinegar.
* 4 cloves of garlic (my modified recipe).
* 4 Granny Smith apples.
* 3 brown onions.
* Cayenne pepper.
* Salt and freshly cracked black pepper.

ace10, Jun 7, 3:45am

1. Soak tams in a boiling water, then peel (when the water is quite safe for your hands). Put them in the food processor and blend until smooth. Pour into a large saucepan. Chopped the brown onions and apples in large chunks and process them in the food processor until smooth. Pour into the saucepan. Mix all the rest of ingredients, stir well and cook in a medium heat until bubbly and thicken. Correct the seasoning. Pour into hot sterilized jars and sealed. Makes 11-13 various jars.

245sam, Jun 7, 3:48am
anabelles, try doing a search for 'tamarillo' at http://trademecooks.net.nz/search.php - you'll find a recipe for an Upside Down Tamarillo Cake, Shortcake, and recipes for Desserts and Muffins.:-))

anabelles, Jun 7, 6:56pm
Thanks 245sam I had a look. The gingernut recipe is also interesting and we had chopped sweetened tamerillos mixed with broken gingernuts for dessert last night. Hubby had Icecream with it,yummy.

indy95, Jun 8, 12:15am
Individual Baked Tamarillo Alaskas For each person cut a square of sponge cake, sprinkle over a little port or sherry or cherry brandy if liked. Place a poached tamarillo on each square and add a little sugar and I like a spoonful of the cooking liquid over as well to moisten. Cover each with meringue, brown under a very hot grill and serve immediately. You can put a scoop of ice cream on top of tamarillo if wanted, either way they are yummy.

tehenga288, Jun 8, 12:49am
TAMARILLO TART TATIN- peel tamarillos (pour boiling water over) slice in half lengthways and arrange cut side down over melted butter & brown sugar mixture in a cake tin or pan. Cut pre rolled (or make your own)flaky pastry to fit tin & tuck down the sides between the fruit & the tin. Bake in oven till brown & pastry is crisp. Loosen sides carefully & flip over onto serving plate . Serve with ice cream or unsweetened yoghurt.

tehenga288, Jun 8, 12:53am
Tamarillos are also yummy cooked in your casserole with lamb or beef just scoop straight in or put whole peeled around your roast for the last 15-20 mins.

marte, Jun 8, 6:45am
Can people buy Tamarillios overseas! I allways wondered. Seems such a beautiful fruit for us Kiwi's to have all to ourselves. Could be the next 'Kiwifruit', ah, I mean next 'Kiwi'.