Indian recipe,are these ingredients easily

eastie3, Aug 9, 12:08am
available in NZ! I subscribe to an Indian recipe site and like the look of this:

Diet Bhakari

2 cups quinoa flour
1 cup oats flour
1/2 cup amarnath flour
1/2 cup buckwheat flour
1/2 cup finely chopped onion greens
1/2 cup finely chopped fresh fenugreek leaves
1/2 cup low fat yogurt
2-3 finely chopped green chillies / as per taste
Salt as per taste
Crushed pepper as per taste
fresh bottle gourd juice as required
olive oil as needed

In particular the gourd juice which I have never heard of.If not what are suitable substitutes! TIA

davidt4, Aug 9, 12:14am
Gourd juice is a medicinal thing as far as I know: one of the bitter juices included in Ayurvedictreatments.Maybe find an Ayurvedicpractitioner who might stock it.

The other ingredients should be easy enough to find - the flours at a health food shop and the fenugreek leaves at an Indian food market.

eastie3, Aug 9, 1:46am
I will probably omit the gourd juice in that case. Thanks for your help.