Anyone on optifast

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dorothy_vdh, Apr 28, 7:31pm
mike set yourself achievable goals, then reward yourself, NOT with food.
This is what I did, at first it was when I lost 5 kilos amounts then it became 10 kilo rewards.
When I lost 60 kilos I bought myself a ceylonese sapphire and diamond ring,

I would still like to lose another 7 kilos, nothing I'm doing at the moment is working. I knowI need to exercise but with having double knee replacements I'm very limited in what I can do.
Swimming is out in winter as our local pool is closed plus it always too cold in there. And yes I know there is walking I just have to motivate myself.I can't rotate one knee enough to ride a bike.
My problem now is I can buy fashionable clothing and lingerie so I'm happy with that

dorothy_vdh, Apr 28, 7:32pm
kiwikid thats a fantastic weight loss, before your surgery was your weight loss all due to optifast !

mike547, Apr 29, 6:12am
Hi Dorothy, my ultimate goal is to have lost the weight before the wedding and of course keep it off.Oh I love jewellery, but really don't need anymore, no fingers for it to fit on, my son bought me a beautiful white gold and diamond ring for my 50th birthday, I also have my own rings and all my Mum's, so not much room left.I have to really save hard because the wedding is in South Africa.We are going to have a great time away as a holiday as well as the wedding.If thats not incentive enough for me I don't think anything will be, I have to do it for me and my son

mike547, Apr 29, 6:15am
Today I did feel hungry but had been out walking earlier so not sure if that was why.Treated myself to a zero coke and that fixed it, didn't eat.Have now had my soup and veges and feel great, off to work again tonight so that will keep me occupied until midnight, ha not much time for eating when I get home either, which is great.

rhad, Apr 29, 6:24am
hi guys! well I'm down to my last 47 days to loose weight--still not motivated=HELP!

silverwolf, Apr 29, 6:37am
Ok Rhad. how shall we get you motivated! How much water are you drinking! 2 to 3 litres a day! if not up the water intake.skipping is also a great exercise for dropping the kilos quickly. And some weight training will help burn up the calories as well. Need some more ideas for Rhad.

kiwikid3801, Apr 29, 7:08am
Yes Dorothy most of my weight came off with the help of Optifast. Now I've had the op I'm Setting myself some new goals. By the time Rounds the Bays comes next year I intend fit and take part. The Doctors want me down to 85kg by then.

whiskey13, Apr 29, 12:26pm
Don't look at the big picture Instead of looking at "47 days to go", just make it through one day at a time.Its always discouraging looking at how far you have to go instead concentrate on taking little baby steps. And the best of luck

gardie, Apr 29, 8:31pm
Wow!!I've been away for a few days and have come back to read some great posts.Just what I need to get me back on track.We did lots of walking while away and whilst food wasn't exactly healthy, the walking obviously compensated.I just wish I had more motivation to walk at home on the treadmill.I'm thinking about turning it around more so that it faces TV.Its so big, we are limited with where it goes so that is a problem.Its only 8 weeks on Monday till our big trip for my 50th and that is a great motivator as well.Well done to all you big losers - you are fabulous winners.

dorothy_vdh, Apr 29, 9:03pm
whiskey or anyone for that matter there is a support thread in general for us trying to lose weight

truckie36, Apr 29, 9:57pm
Hi all cograts to all the kilos that are/have come off. Well i am starting my opti tomorrow, so hope i can join in on your thread and keep you posted on my success. I have a fair bit to lose, so what i will do is tell myself, i need to lose 5kg, and when ive lost that 5kg, go for another etc.

dorothy_vdh, Apr 30, 1:18am
thats exactly what I did and still am doing.Then i would look a 5kilo bag of something and say YEA thats what I've lost Good luck with your weight loss journey

gardie, Apr 30, 8:31pm
Wow!I've been away for a few days and have come back to read some great posts.Just what I need to get me back on track.We did lots of walking while away and whilst food wasn't exactly healthy, the walking obviously compensated.I just wish I had more motivation to walk at home on the treadmill.I'm thinking about turning it around more so that it faces TV.Its so big, we are limited with where it goes so that is a problem.Its only 8 weeks on Monday till our big trip for my 50th and that is a great motivator as well.Well done to all you big losers - you are fabulous winners.

mike547, Apr 30, 9:03pm
Hi Gardie, where are you off to for your holiday.?Just keep thinking of that and get out walking, while walking just be thinking of your holiday and what you will do while away.I know how hard it is to get into the right mind set thats for sure.How much weight have you lost so far, 8 weeks and you could lose more.Good luck for a good week ahead

gardie, May 1, 3:22am
We are off on a32 night cruise mike.I've had a couple of very good days, I seem to be back on track and currently have no intention of eating what I shouldn't!Long may it last.Back to work tomorrow - that makes it easier.I love cooking and baking and school holidays give me lots of opportunities to do that, and eat it too. So easy to just grab a soup or a bar at school - its the evenings when I struggle a little (before tea). I brought a new dress and top today - L instead of XL at city chic so I'm stoked.I've lost just over 20 kgs since I started. I stopped before Christmas and have had the odd good day since then, but that's about it.It is so good to be able to go and buy some nice clothes; helps motivate me.Yep I figure 8 weeks will give me a good boost - the one I need to get that feel good feeling again.

mike547, May 1, 8:41am
hi again gardie, wow 32 day cruise sounds great, which ship are you going on.My son is a photographer on a cruise ship and is at home at the moment between contracts.It is his wedding I am saving for and trying to lose weight for, he will be getting married in South africa.
Like you it is at home and the weekends that are hard, as you say easy when at work, no temptaions, just got to stay focused ah.It is great when smaller size clothes fit again, good on you

mike547, May 1, 9:03pm
Hi Gardie, where are you off to for your holiday.!Just keep thinking of that and get out walking, while walking just be thinking of your holiday and what you will do while away.I know how hard it is to get into the right mind set thats for sure.How much weight have you lost so far, 8 weeks and you could lose more.Good luck for a good week ahead

loopymiss, May 2, 1:06am
hi yas :) Have finally gone through my stash of opti fast. I have got 3 berry bars, 33 choc shakes, 29 vanilla shakes that need to go to another home that will be put to good use!

whiskey13, May 2, 1:13am
Great to see all the posts from "new" people haven't been in for a while.
Welcome onboard
Have fun on your cruise gardie

whiskey13, May 2, 1:47am
I'd be very interested Loopy if you set up an auction consider them sold

loopymiss, May 2, 1:59am
Hi Whiskey How does $155 sound incl postage!

whiskey13, May 2, 2:01am
It's a deal, thank-you very much :)

twinky, May 2, 2:41am
hey sticky.I am in the same boat you were in heaps of vanilla sitting here and no way of getting rid of it.

gardie, May 2, 3:22am
We are off on a32 night cruise mike.I've had a couple of very good days, I seem to be back on track and currently have no intention of eating what I shouldn't!Long may it last.Back to work tomorrow - that makes it easier.I love cooking and baking and school holidays give me lots of opportunities to do that, and eat it too. So easy to just grab a soup or a bar at school - its the evenings when I struggle a little (before tea). I brought a new dress and top today - L instead of XL at city chic so I'm stoked.I've lost just over 20 kgs since I started. I stopped before Christmas and have had the odd good day since then, but that's about it.It is so good to be able to go and buy some nice clothes; helps motivate me.Yep I figure 8 weeks will give me a good boost - the one I need to get that feel good feeling again.

loopymiss, May 2, 4:03am
Great. just click buy now on this auction 153141378 so you can get my payment details.
Thanks :)