Nooo...I saw it and couldn't stop laughing. The mind boggles LOL
Apr 15, 3:36pm
I was given one of these, one with the string and it's probably one of the most used things in the kitchen as we grow all our own lettuce throughout the year (I haven't had to buy lettuce for nearly two years now). Have replaced the string at least twice and the string has left grooves in the plastic as it's used that much!
Apr 15, 3:38pm
I saw it too, but was being polite and not drawing it to anyones attention.
Apr 15, 4:12pm
LOL - it would not do for us all to be the same!There would be hardly anything listed on TM!
Apr 15, 6:30pm
That's why TM gives you fifteen minutes for editing a post.This one could be described as going off at half-cock ;)
Apr 15, 6:33pm
So rude goldgurl.
Apr 15, 6:34pm
rice cooker, i avoid gadgets now
Apr 15, 6:35pm
Not true kay. You got quite personal about a post I'd made about lingerie well over a year ago, only 2 or 3 days ago.
Apr 15, 6:58pm
My George Forman grill - large family size. I used it heaps for the first three years, now just cant be bothered.
I do use my crockpot a lot and my large size electric frypan. Blender comes out occasionally.
Other than that I dont have much - I recently bought a lovely coffee machine and grinder and they have pride of place on the bench and are used several times a day.
I've never owned a food processor though often wanted one.
Does anyone who doesnt want their popcorn maker want to sell it to me? Mine broke after 8 years of use and we really miss it. Lots of kids, cheap healthy snack and I refuse to buy that nasty chemical covered buttery stuff.
Apr 15, 7:07pm
I have never owned a popcorn maker but the family got hooked on popcorn while living in the USA.
I put 1/4 cup of canola oil in a large saucepan, heat it to medium and put 1/2 cup popping corn in to sizzle gently for one minute.Then I turn it up to high and put the lid on.As soon as it starts popping, I turn the element OFF.Give it a little shake (or poke a wooden spoon down under the lid to stir up the 'old maids' on the bottom) and as soon as it stops popping, salt it or add the other ingredients you might want.
I don't add butter, but I like tossing in parmesan cheese.
Apr 15, 7:12pm
Its much quicker and easier with a machine. We used ours about 8 times a month for years. With 7 kids its quicker to do 3 loads in the machine than the pot thing - did that for years as a kid.
I just thought if so many people have them and dont use them, someone might want to make a few bucks selling me one.
Apr 15, 7:13pm
Masterchef had some good popcorn ideas - tossing in smoked paprika etc. Popcorn for grownups!
Apr 15, 7:20pm
Thanks. I have bid on a couple. I also have a lot of flybuys and thought I could buy one through that. Just figured if anyone here wanted to offload some space and make some money...
Apr 15, 7:22pm
I'm mean. I make them eat it completely plain. No salt, no butter, no icing sugar. They love it.
Apr 15, 7:27pm
They looked quite nice dazz........ I enjoyed watching the 'curry' class last night too!
Apr 15, 7:35pm
I wanted one for years and kept putting it off. Finished up by one of a friend's old aunt. An early model but only used twice. She was scared of it and didn't use it. I have a microwave popcon maker. Interesting plastic thing. Fascinates the grandchildren as they watch it going round and round with the corn popping.
Apr 15, 7:56pm
I saw preschool children having great fun watching corn being popped from an open electric frypan placed in the middle of a large clean sheet.They sat around in a safe circle as it popped all over the place - and then they ate it!
Apr 15, 8:00pm
I'll bet great fun was had by all. Popping corn is good entertainment for young ones.
Apr 15, 8:16pm
prob all of the above, including breadmaker x2.
Apr 15, 8:19pm
Which is your preferred brand of breadmaker, vintagekitty?I am sometimes tempted to get one...
Apr 15, 8:39pm
Some people say it's lovely to wake up to the smell of freshly baked bread from a bread maker...I do like making it myself though, it's very theraputic kneading bread.
Apr 15, 8:43pm
What brand (and size) is your breadmaker, Pam?
Apr 15, 8:49pm
I think it is the one attached to her body. She did say she fnds kneading therapeutic.
Apr 15, 8:53pm
I took it to mean she did both but preferred to use her hands ;)
Apr 15, 9:24pm
It was a Sunbeam smart bake from memory. I sold it on tradme. It was brand new in the box.
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